MORE than a third of all road traffic cases brought to the district court last year were struck out – for the second year running.
Last year, 6,175 cases were brought to court; 2,358 of which were struck out. An additional 268 cases were dismissed, while 99 defendants had jail or detention sentences imposed.
According to figures just published by the Courts Service, prison or de- tention terms were imposed in less than one eighth of all assault and public order cases.
The figures show that 843 assault and public order cases were dealt
with in the district court throughout the county last year.
Just 104 of those cases resulted in jail being handed down. 175 of them were struck out, while fines were im- posed in another 175 of the cases.
55 drugs cases were brought to the district court last year. Just nine of those resulted in prison sentences being imposed.
Most of the drugs cases were either struck out or taken into consideration ALN O MON elo Me Et: DEohe
287 cases of larceny were dealt with; 49 of which resulted in defend- ants going to jail.
The overwhelming majority of sex- ual offences were either struck out or
taken into consideration by the judge. 13 cases were taken. Six were taken into account, five were struck out, while a jail term was imposed in one and another defendant was fined.
The figures also show that 36 cases were dealt with in the Circuit Crim1- nal Court in Clare last year, while 154 District Court appeals were heard in the Circuit Court, during 2007.
104 cases of sexual offences came before the Circuit Court in Clare last year. There were 10 assault cases, nine drugs matters, eight firearm of- fences, seven larceny/robbery cases, two road traffic cases and one man- slaughter case.
Sentences imposed in the Circuit
Court ranged from community serv- ice and sentences of up to 10 years. 15 defendants received sentences be- tween two and five years, eight were jailed for between two and five years, while one individual received a sen- tence of between five and 10 years. Nine were given suspended sen- tences, two people were fined, while community service was applied in three cases. One case was struck out in the Circuit Court last year.
819 new cases were initiative at En- nis Civil Court last year, which was a substantial increase of 509 in 2006. 65 civil trials, 326 motions and 36 district court civil appeals were dealt with last year.