WHILE Kilrush Town Council may have invested € 350,000 in the future of the Kilrush Sports Complex during its dying days, Clare County Council must now get permission from the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government to spend the money.
Weeks before it was disbanded, the town council ring fenced funding for the next development phase of the project.
Phase one, which includes the best astro turf surface in the county and meets FIFA standards, is to be officially opened in the coming weeks and the local community is anxious that the next phase begins soon.
Before Kilrush Town Council was abolished the members adopted a resolution in April, 2014 to ring fence funding of € 200,000 for the development of future phases of Kilrush Sports Complex and in May, 2014, a further € 150,000 was set aside as part of the adoption of the 2013 Annual Financial Statement.
It was also agreed that Clare County Council would co-finance any development of Kilrush Sports Complex.
It is now understood that, in accordance with a Department circular (03/2009), it is necessary to obtain its approval for any capital expenditure.
John Corry, Meetings Administrator, West Clare Municipal District and former Kilrush Town Clerk, explained; “It would therefore be necessary for Clare County Council to seek such approval from the department in order to spend capital resources on any future phases of development at Kilrush Sports Complex. It would also be necessary for Clare County Council to plan for any capital resources which it would be investing in Kilrush Sports Complex and same would need to be discussed in the context of Budget preparations for 2015.”
In the last months a state of the art 75 metre by 38 metre astro turf pitch together with fencing, flood lighting and CCTV has been constructed as part of phase one of the facility on the Cooraclare Road.
The pitch was constructed at a cost of € 309,000. Kilrush Town Council provided € 190,000 towards the cost of this pitch.
Clare County Council is providing € 60,000 with € 59,000 being funded by a Sport Nation grant secured from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and Irish Public Bodies. Kilrush Town Council also funded the cost of the purchase of goals for the facility, the cost of professional fees incurred in designing the complex and the cost of upgrade works to the running track at Gallery Park. It has also recently been agreed by the Management Committee of Kilrush Sports Complex to carry out improvement works to Gallery Park Pitch at a cost of € 20,000 plus VAT.
The next phase of development proposed is the upgrading of the grass pitch on lands leased from the Department of Education.