
Mixed fortunes for noteliers

THE SCRAMBLE by hotel operators to build and extend new hotels in Clare’s tourist desti- nations, in order to take advantage of tax 1n- centives, is meeting with mixed results.

Clare County Council has granted planning permission for the fourth hotel along Lahinch Main Street, but plans to extend the Liscan- nor Bay Hotel have been thrown out by the Council.

In giving the go-ahead for the Lahinch pro- posal, the Council granted planning to Wil- liam Stackpoole to demolish a cottage on Main Street and construct a small hotel.

Permission was granted despite an objec- tion from businessman, Donal Kenny, who owns the nearby Kenny Woollenmills and the Avondale apartments.

Mr Kenny argued that if the Council was

to allow the development proceed, it would greatly reduce the amenity and value of his property.

As for the proposal for a significant exten- sion to the Liscannor Bay Hotel by Brian J O’ Higgins, the Council ruled that the propos- al would be contrary to the proper planning and development of the area.

The two applications formed part of what the Council’s Head of Planning, Ger Dollard described as “25 years of development” ear- lier this year. In order for the developments to avail of the tax incentives, they must be com- pleted by July of next year.

In all, the Council has received planning ap- plications for 588 holiday homes, 133 apart- ments, 9 new hotels, extensions to 6 existing hotels, a cinema, department store, leisure centre and 2 marinas.


Council takes measures to protect norseshoe bats

AN Ennis businessman will not be able to start work on ambitious plans to convert the well-known Edenvale House residence into a luxury guesthouse until April of next year.

This is due to the presence of rare protected bats on the 18th TACT YAS Ikon

Clare County Council has at- tached a number of measures to ensure the continued conserva- tion of the Lesser Horseshoe Bat, to its decision to grant planning permission to Martin Cullinan c/o Club Dangan, Ennis to trans- form the historic house into a guesthouse.

The site is of international 1m-

portance to the conservation of the Lesser Horseshoe Bat and Edenvale House is part of a Spe- cial Area of Conservation (SAC), due to having a large number of the protected bats at three dif- ferent locations in the area at Edenvale cave, Newhall cave and Edenvale house farm buildings.

According to an expert report, the two cave systems in winter contain more than 5% of the na- tional population in winter, while the number of Lesser Horseshoe bats found in the SAC during the most recent survey last January was 388.

In his plan, Mr Cullinan is also seeking to extend the main house, which is a protected structure.

In granting Mr Cullinan per-

mission, the Council has ruled that he cannot carry out any de- velopment works between Octo- ber and March inclusive to avoid any impacts on the bat popula- tion or on their breeding season.

With receipt of the Council’s decision, Mr Cullinan must now wait four weeks before the final grant of permission allowing time for any appeals to An Bord Pleanala to be lodged.

This ensures that no works can commence until next April at the earliest if there is no appeal to An Bord Pleanala.

Mr Cullinan also has to submit to the Council prior to the com- mencement of development full details of all conservation meas- ures.


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A BOOK of evidence has been served on a Kilrush man, accused of producing a knife and damaging a car in the town.

Leslie Kenny of Elm Drive, Kilrush, is facing two charges arising out of an alleged incident at Convent Road, Kilrush, on June toe ENe

Inspector Michael Gallagher said the ac-

cused had been in custody for a considerable amount of time. The inspector said Kenny could be remanded in custody with consent to bail, pending a number of conditions.

An independent surety was fixed at €2,500 and his own bond set at €500, neither of which were to be lodged.

He has been returned for trial to the next sitting of Ennis Circuit Court in October.



THE Irish Rural Dwellers Association has called for an urgent meeting in Clare with Environment Minister Dick Roche.

The Kilbaha-based lobby group, which is made up of 26 members nationally, wants to discuss its concerns over the New Housing Guidelines published by the Minister.

In a submission, the IRDA

argued that individual plan- ners have “extraordinary powers of decision-mak- ing” when it comes to visual amenity, seeking personal details, and establishing housing need.

It also outlined concerns at “planners’ powers to over- turn reports by consultant engineers and other profes- sionals on matters as funda- mental as, public health and NCA ae

“The fact that the Gov- ernment felt it necessary to publish these guidelines is recognition of the planning turmoil relating to single ru- ral housing in all areas,” said acting secretary of IRDA, Clare-based Jim Connolly.

PUY Oi romm ethos menie vited to address an IRDA conference “Rural Housing – A Rural Right” at the Kilkee Bay Hotel, on Wednesday August 31.


UT a TT Me ee

A CLARE village which has undergone a population explosion has three fewer gardai than it had when just 150 people Tere dats) Ken

There is now just one garda on duty in Quin and he can be called to Shannon to assist there if the need arises.

A car burned out in the middle of the village on Sunday night is just one ex- ample of why more gardai are needed to protect and patrol the village, which has grown from 150 inhabitants to more than 1,000, locals say.

“When I was young, this village had four gardai. Now we have just one and he is regularly called away to duties elsewhere.

“The garda we have does a very good job, but he can’t be two places at once,” said Sonny Scanlan, Fine Gael Council- lor for Quin and Deputy Mayor.

‘This is one of the fastest growing ar- eas in Clare and we need more gardai.

“We would also like to see any extra garda brought-in, living in the area,” said the councillor.

Cllr Scanlan said that locals and their representatives have waged a long cam- paign for more policing in the town.

“The Government promised to pro- vide 2,000 extra gardai but there has been no sign of any coming here.

“I have spoken to senior officers and they tell me they believe we will not have another member sanctioned for Quin,” said Cllr Scanlan.

The councillor added that it was someone from outside the Quin area who was responsible for the arson at- tack on the car.

“But you do not know what will hap- pen from day to day and we need more gardai,” Cllr Scanlan said.


Couple trouble for nousing scheme

AN ENNIS couple who withdrew a plan- ning objection, after they were paid over €100,000 and given two free sites by a development company, may object to a €15m development by the same develop- ase

Last year, Vincent & Ann Coffey of Clonroad withdrew an objection against a €20 million housing scheme after reach- ing the deal with Luxury Homes (Gal- way) Ltd.

But, the payment did not stop the Cof- feys from successfully blocking a subse- quent application by the same developers to build a €10 million development on zoned lands in Ennis.

An Bord Pleanala upheld the Coffeys’ appeal against the decision by Clare County Council to grant planning per- mission to the company for 88 residential units on Ennis’s Quin Rd.

Now, Luxury Homes (Galway) Ltd have lodged plans with the Council for 108 two-bedroom apartments at Doora, En- eh

According to Managing Director of Luxury Homes (Galway) Ltd, Sean Cleary, the proposed new development lies “in the next field” to the development that was turned down last year, due to op- position from the Coffeys.

The deal with the Coffeys only emerged in correspondence received by An Bord Pleanala, before it rejected that develop- ment.

The Coffeys objected, arguing that their lands were used as a Knackery Yard and that if the housing was permitted, it would seriously impact on the validity of their operation.

The Coffeys were unavailable for com- ment this week. They have until Septem- ber 12 to lodge a submission with the Council.


Student lodgings plan rejected

IN RESPONSE to concerns expressed by local _ resi- dents, An Bord Pleanala this week turned down planning permission for contentious plans to provide accommo- dation for students at Drum- geely, Shannon.

Earlier this year, Anthony Fitzpatrick was refused plan- ning permission by Clare County Council for 32 accom- modation units at Drumgeely after strong opposition by lo- cal residents.

Along with the 32 units, Mr Fitzpatrick also lodged plans for a basement car parking area for 54 spaces and two tennis courts which are to be constructed over the car park area.

In response to the Coun- cil decision, Mr Fitzpatrick lodged an appeal to An Bord Pleanala, claiming that he is providing substantial com- munity facilities within the area in line with Ministerial Directives and National Strat- egy and that the scheme will serve to facilitate the College of Hotel and Catering Man- agement.

Mr Fitzpatrick also claimed

that the design of the develop- ment is respectful of the sur- rounding built form and fur- ther claimed that the Council has not given fair considera- tion of the application, nor the planned strategic development of residential and community uses in this area.

However, in submissions made to An Bord Pleanala by Drumgeely Residents Asso- ciation and Derek Barrett, it is claimed there is no comfort that the units will not be sold as private apartments. They also express concern over the disruption caused by construc- tion of the apartments.

However, in his assessment, the Board Inspector concluded that the proposal would be a material contravention of the Development Plan.

The Inspector also stated that he was “extremely con- cerned” with the proposal for access into the proposed de- velopment, and the proposal for car parking within the scheme.

In refusing planning per- mission, the appeals board ruled that proposed develop- ment constitutes overdevelop- ment of this central area of Open space within an estab-

lished residential scheme. The proposed development would result in a significant and un- acceptable loss of amenity within this residential area, and would have a significant and adverse impact on the res- idential amenity of the area. The proposed development would, therefore, be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of detour acre

It also ruled that the pro- posed development is located on lands zoned primarily to conserve and enhance land for Open space and amenity pur- poses in the South Clare Eco- nomic Corridor Local Area Plan. The proposed develop- ment would materially contra- vene this zoning objective.

The Board also found that the proposed tennis courts, having regard to their prox- imity to a number of the apartments, would seriously injure the amenities of future residents by reason of noise and general disturbance. The proposed development would, therefore, be contrary to the proper planning and_= sus- tainable development of the



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Quin hits the high notes

THE second annual Seisiun na hHireann, a festival of traditional Irish music, will take place in Quin at the end of September. Tra- ditional music events will take place in four pubs in the village over the week- end — Malachy’s, The Abbey Tavern, The Vil- lage Inn and The Monks Well Inn.

The event follows on from a hugely successful inaugural festival last year. This year’s prize fund has

increased to €8,000, while pubs taking part will also be presented with plaques.

In total, 18 groups of renowned and upcoming musicians took part last year, with O’Connor’s pub in Doolin emerging as the overall winners. Enquiries have been flowing in for this year’s festival, with entries from all over the world.

In addition to the com- petitions, there will also be open sessions in the pubs over the weekend and a ceili in the local com-

munity hall on Saturday night.

‘The festival is open to people of all ages. We have had enquiries from people as far away as New York. There will be good vari- ety, with song and dance, along with an element of humour. There will be something for everyone,’ said organiser Eileen Has- sett.

The event will be offi- cially launched on Satur- day, September 3, with an open air event at Malachy’s bar.


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to let to a per- son with references. Kilkishen area. Tel 087 6950735.