FEAKLE claimed the top spot in Group two as they held off previous- ly unbeaten Clarecastle with a bat- tling second half fightback. In truth, they were full value for the win and would have been kicking themselves had they not secured all the points after a bucketful of poor wides over the hour.
For forty minutes, in similar mis- firing fashion to their Junior B side earlier that afternoon, Feakle were woeful in front of the posts. Miss
after miss frustrated the east Clare side and with the Magpies dogged throughout the field, they grabbed a crucial goal after 20 minutes when full-forward Eoin Brennan collected a pass from Dean Power and soloed at the heart of the Feakle defence be- fore offloading to John Reidy to hit to the net on their way to a 1-5 to 0-4 half-time advantage.
Feakle shuffled the pack at the break bringing on Colm Naughton to full-forward and it was to prove an inspired change as Feakle began to turn the screw. The wides continued
to mount up but they finally found their range to slice the lead to the minimum before Naughton blocked down a Kieran Lynch clearance, gathered possession and slammed to the net to give Feakle a 1-7 to 1-5 advantage.
Gathering momentum and with Henry Hayes in inspired form at centre-back, Feakle pummeled the Clarecastle rearguard in search of further scores and they were re- warded in the 50th minute when Stevie Moloney kicked their second goal to push five points clear. Clare-
castle tried valliantly to pull back a goal but their efforts were in vain as Feakle held out for all the points and more importantly maintained their unbeaten record ahead of this week- end’s quarter-finals.