Thousands of Clare farmers and ploughing enthusiasts are on their way to Mogeely in County Cork today (Tuesday) for the opening of the National Ploughing Cham- pionships. The championships, which will be officially opened by President Mary McAleese, will see some 300 ploughmen and plough- women take part over the three days of competition.
Interestingly, Tuamgraney aid worker Fiona McLysaght will be at the championships helping to promote the work of Concern in Africa. An African village will be recreated at the Cork venue with each of its four huts showcasing an aspect of the work done by the charity agency.
“Over the years, the people of rural Ireland have shown excep- tional generosity to our organisa- tion, with the IFA for example, giving €100,000 to Concern and other agencies after the Tsunami,” said Ms McLysaght who was most recently stationed in Liberia. In all there will be 700 stands at the championships. These stands will represent every aspect of farming life from the serious work of the farming organisations like the IFA and Teagasc to more unusual ven- eb Keny
No less than 14 stands will be occupied by third level institutions showing how the role of education is becoming more important in the
modern farming world. Six stands will deal with health issues includ- ing the Pfizer stand which will of- fer free cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose checks.
For the motor enthusiast the will
be 13 stands, each containing dif- ferent ranges of tractor models on show. And for those farmers keen on capitalising on the natural beau- ty of the of the Irish countryside, there we be 17 stands occupied by representatives of the tourist
industry. Of course it wont be all seriousness at the championships and Ireland most famous gaelgoir, Hector O’hEochagain will be at the ‘Go Racing’ marquee looming to raise a smile.