Business People section recently, has 118 fulltime employees plus contractors.
Building on its past success and local ex- pertise, Tecnomen announced that it will
invest heavily in the future development of its Charging Business Unit products and this means further growth in its Shannon operation.
“This commitment to significant invest- ment in the Shannon operation further un- derlines the confidence that Tecnomen has in it’s Shannon staff and in the local region to provide the quality of personnel and in- frastructure we require.
“IT have every confidence that this expan- sion will be a success and that the plans will further secure the future of Tecnomen” said Kari Penttilaé, Director of the Charg- ing Business Unit.
Tecnomen has been operating in Shannon since 1991. The company first started as a manufacturing base to service the needs of Tecnomen’s paging and messaging custom- ers. The Irish operation has now grown to
be a central part of Tecnomen’s global op- erations and the headquarters of its’ Charg- ing Business Unit.
The Charging Product Development which is supported from Shannon is used by telecommunication operators to man- age their interface with pre-paid end-users. This is a significant growth area for Tec- nomen especially in the Latin and Central American markets.
Tecnomen develops and supplies mes- saging and charging solutions for telecom operators and service providers worldwide. Founded in Finland in 1978 the Company has over 25 years of experience in the tele- communications sector with many industry firsts including first to deliver voice mail, first to deliver unified messaging and first commercial MMS interconnection using different vendors’ systems.
Tecnomen systems are in use by over 60 operators in 40 countries worldwide.
This innovative multinational regards Shannon as a very advantageous global R & D production and logistics base, having Skilled labour, tax incentives and business infrastructure coupled with a strategic lo- cation beside an international airport are among the chief reasons why the company located in Shannon.
Most of the company’s R & D staff are third-level graduates from colleges in Lim- erick, Cork and Galway.
Shannon is the sole manufacturing and global distribution operation within the group and product is shipped by air to Tel- ecoms operators throughout the world.
All open positions in Shannon can be viewed at