
Nobel Prize winner Oe plore lem avert:



Pubs warn of more closures over new drink law

Local FF TDs will vote with the Government


Bishop: ‘Clerical abuse should be exposed’

THE Bishop of Killaloe, Dr Willie Walsh has expressed “a great sense of pain and shame” about clerical abuse and said, “I do believe it is right that it should be exposed”’.

The outspoken Catholic bishop of more than 15 years was awarded with the Reality Lifetime Achieve- ment Award on Friday last ahead of his retirement next year.

As the Redemptorist Community paid tribute to the man they described as a “Bishop and social justice cam- paigner”’, the Bishop of Killaloe, Dr Willie Walsh was only too aware that “these are the best of times and the worst of times” for the Catholic Church in Ireland.

As the Church braces itself for the release of the report into clerical child sex abuse allegations involving a sample of 46 priests in the Archdi- oces of Dublin, and in the wake of the Ryan Report, Bishop Walsh said these were part of a process that was

badly needed in the Church.

“I think that this is a whole proc- ess which the Church needed – and needed badly. We had gone through a period where we were overconfident. We thought that we were the best Catholics in the world – the island of saints and scholars.

“I thought when I was growing up that we were reliving that and I think that sadly it has taken something like this to bring a bit of reality to the Church.

“It makes us humble and reminds us of our fragility. I think that our position will be much closer to what Christ was about – weak, humble and a servant. And if the Church is about anything, it is about serving people. It is not about dominating people’s lives. So while it is tough going and it is painful for those of us, certainly for the clergy and bishops – I know that I certainly have a great sense of pain and shame about the whole thing, I do believe it is right that it should be exposed.”

He added that the “forthcoming report isn’t just about Dublin. It is called the Dublin Report but it is a report about all of us and our Church about how far in some areas we moved away from gospel values.

“Of course the Ryan Report has been devastating and the Dublin Re- port will be devastating,’ he said.

‘Having been a bishop for over the past 15 years, in some sense I have talked to a lot of victims and indeed I’ve talked to some abusers as well. There is no doubt, it is a devastating story. Yet I’ve always felt privileged when someone who is broken and has been abused tells their story. It is a privilege to listen to them, even when it is heart-breaking.”

But all is not lost, according to Bishop Walsh.

“These are the best of times and the worst of times. I think there are lots of wonderful things like Sha- ron Commins and the concern that has been shown for Columban Fr Michael Sinnott. And they simply

represent a fraction of the wonderful work being done all over the world by missionaries, priests, religious and lay and the wonderful work that people are doing every day of their lives – parents raising their children in love,” he said.

“T think sometimes we divide and talk about the secular and spiritual. Whatever is good is spiritual, that’s the reality of life and it is unwise to make these sorts of distinctions.”

Bishop Walsh was presented with the reality Lifetime Achievement Award for “his outstanding service and contribution to the Diocese of Killaloe and the Irish Church as a bishop and a pastor.”

There were six awards in total pre- sented in a number of different cat- egories in recognition of “individual and collective contributions to the Church and Irish society”.

The other winners of the Reality awards were Fr Peter McVerry who was named Person of the Year for his “consistently insightful analysis of the

Celtic Tiger and the impact the reces- sion has had on Irish society as well as his championing of the rights of the most disadvantaged in society”, and the Catholic Guides of Ireland re- ceived the Youth Organisation of the Year on this, its 80th anniversary.

Rev Ruth Patterson, OBE, was hon- oured for her book


Book of evidence in case not ready

THE BOOK of evidence in the case of a man accused of murder in Kil- rush during the summer is expected to be served in a month, a court has been told.

Kilrush District Court has been told that 87 statements are included in a file on the case which was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

In response to a query from the defence solicitor Eugene O’Kelly as to why the book of evidence was not ready last week, Superintendent Michael Comyns, who is leading the

investigation, pointed out that the accused was charged on July 31. He said that a file was prepared and sent to the DPP on August 5. “That file contained 87 statements,” he said in court, last Wednesday.

He said that the state pathologist’s report was not received until October 12 and the ballistic report on the gun was not received until October 15.

‘These matters were all then sent to the DPP and the DPP has directed to proceed with the charge. The matter is now with the state solicitor, who is preparing the book of evidence,” said Slee] moves hsrtse

He said the matter was dealt with

by gardai “expeditiously.”

Ma LOCE WMC EW MOPAR EN COMO NRO ST DEonm | spoke to the state solicitor this morn- ing. He has confidence the book of evidence will be ready in four weeks,’ said Supt Comyns.

Asked by Mr O’Kelly was he confident it would be ready in four weeks, the garda superintendent re- plied, “I’m not preparing the book. The state solicitor 1s preparing the book.”

Mr O’Kelly said that the time limit for preparation of a book of evidence is 42 days.

“It’s 82 days. It’s double the time. The state knew that this applied as

much to a murder charge as to a public order charge. The legislation should not be ignored,” he said.

He said that while the matter was “complex,” it was not “unduly com- jy ts.aae

“We are being hampered by not having the photographs,” he said.

However, Supt Comyns said the legislation was not being ignored. ‘There 1s no murder charge that is not complex,” he said and asked for an adjournment. This was granted by Judge Mangan, who granted an ex- tension of time to produce the book of evidence. The accused will re-ap- pear in court in a month.


Defence concern over murder pics

THE solicitor representing a man ac- cused of murder in Kilrush in July has expressed concern that photo- graphs taken by the state patholo- gist at the scene have not been made available to the defence.

Father-of-two Brendan O’Sullivan (25), of 10 O’Gorman Street, Kil- rush, is accused of murdering Leslie Kenny at O’Gorman Street, Kilrush, on July 29 last.

Mr Kenny was shot dead at around 10.30am on Wednesday, July 29, in

the front garden of 10 O’Gorman Sistem

Mr O’Sullivan appeared before Kilrush District Court last Wednes- day, where the book of evidence was due to be served.

Superintendent Michael Comyns told the court that the book of evi- dence was not ready and applied to the court for the accused to be remanded on continuing bail for a month.

Defence solicitor Eugene O’Kelly said he was objecting to that applica- tion. He said that the permitted time

for preparing a book of evidence is 42 days and this was being treated by the state as “aspirational” more than “obligatory.”

He said he was not objecting for the sake of being awkward, but there were practical difficulties.

He pointed out that the deputy state pathologist in Northern Ireland, Dr Alistair Bentley, carried out an inde- pendent autopsy.

Mr O’Kelly said Dr Bentley re- quired sight of photographs taken by the state pathologist, when the body was in situ.

“The state, for whatever reason, won’t accede to Dr Bentley’s request. He is most surprised to hear that gardai refused to release the photo- graphs,” said the solicitor.

He said he did not see how releas- ing the photographs would hamper the garda investigation and said the PSNI is very helpful in investigations it carries out.

However, Judge Joseph Mangan said, ““That’s a matter for the trial.”

Mr O’Kelly then said, “The book of evidence is not ready and we are not being told why.”


Diesel model just as good as the original

THE Ford Focus continues to lead the way in new car sales in what is a declining Irish car market. Yet it’s the Managing Director of Ford Ire- land who is always first in to bat for a new scrappage scheme.

While other car bosses may com- plain in private, Ford’s Irish MD Eddie Murphy is regularly issuing press releases urging the Govern- ment to save the car industry from melt down.

Apart from helping the struggling car industry Eddie always points out that a new scrappage scheme would bring millions of euro in much need- ed VAT to the exchequer, provided you can get a loan from your bank.

Earlier this year to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their best-selling Focus, Ford introduced a special edi- tion Style 1.6 diesel. This new model emits only 118g¢/km of CO2 and that equates to only £104 per year road tax. Already Ford has sold over 400 diesel models and the feedback from Ford dealers is that the 1.6 diesel is definitely the car of choice for new ey Kelsay

Back in 1999 a Focus with what are now standard features such as ESP and ABS, would have cost you over €24,000. Now the price has now been reduced to €20,715 which is definitely good value in these reces- sionary times.

It was only when I sat behind the wheel of this sturdy, comfortable mo- tor that I realised just how good a car it is. I owned two different Focus but sadly traded in my last model prema- turely when my daughter wanted a smaller car so that she could pass her driving test.

Thankfully she passed first time, but I think by now we are all sorry to have switched from a Focus to a Nissan Micra. But then the things fa- thers do for their daughters knows no boundaries.

I love the smell of new cars and this one was no different when I picked it up the Focus from Rialto Motors on Herberton Road, Dublin.

The seats are so comfortable and

you will find your back fit snugly into the driver or passenger seat. There are white and grey lines on all the seats which brightens up the inte- rior décor. In the back there is ample room for three adults and the boot is a decent size.

Ford has excellent controls for radio and air conditioning. In most family cars you can store approximately six

radio stations, but in the Focus you can pre-select eight stations on each wavelength. And with two FM chan- nels you get to pre-select 16 different FM stations. You also get Am and Tete eer

I really liked the slave controls to the left of the steering wheel; they are so discreet. The front end got an upgrade in recent years and the new

headlamps are very attractive. The front end has been described as a ‘scaled down’ Mondeo look.

On the road the drive is very impres- sive and you really feel safe and in control. If you haven’t tried a Focus, it’s really worth having a test drive, especially in this diesel model.

I used to work with a man who wasn’t a big Ford fan; he preferred

Japanese cars instead. It’s hard to convince the non-believers, but in my case Ford are preaching to the converted.

Ford has sold over 90,000 units of their Focus in Ireland over the past ten years. They would have been heading for the magic 100k mark long before now but for the current slow down.


Ennis tenor to launch debut album

SINGER Vincent Di Placido fulfills a lifelong ambition this week with the release of his self-titled debut album.

The album launch takes place at the West County Hotel, Ennis tomorrow night (October 28) at 8pm. A lyric tenor, Vincent’s album sees him per- form songs that draw heavily on his Italian and Irish background.

Vincent’s mother, Nora, is origi- nally from Ennis while his father Vincenzo Snr hails from the Italian town of Cassino.

Cre abercam eno mBbemm erenDelelesncdemMAUye lots his family lived for a while, Vincent was surrounded my music.

“There was always music in the house. I remember listening to peo- ple like Frank Sinatra, Mario Lanza, really great singers,’ he says.

Vincent moved to Ennis in 1992. A keen singer from an early age, he started to perform with local singing groups like the Ennis Musical Soci- ety and the Cathedral Choir.

One of his most memorable mo- ments on stage occurred in 1994 when he performed solo at the ordi- nation of Bishop of Killaloe, Dr Wil- lie Walsh.

“IT was very lucky. I kept getting these really good parts with the musical society and the choir. I got to sing at the ordination of Willie Walsh. I was very lucky to get these opportunities,” he says.

Vincent continues, “I sang at peo- ple’s weddings as well. People were always very nice, saying that I should record that album. It’s very flattering to hear people say that, naturally I’d be a very shy kind of person. I had always wanted to record an album. It had been ongoing thing but it was

something I was always putting on the long finger. Last year I decided to bite the bullet, get some money to- gether and just do it.”

Vincent says that he also received great support for the project from his fiancé Aoife. The album was recorded in September 2008 at St Columba’s Church, Ennis and fea- tures contributions from local musi- cians including Nigel Bridge (piano), Maeve de Buitlér (harp). Vincent says the combination of the location and quality of the musicians really

enhanced the quality of the record- ing.

“The natural acoustics there were amazing. We recorded last Septem- ber. We got it done quite quickly. Initially we were just going in to test the recording but once we started we decided “why not do the whole thing’. The musicians were so good. They really cared about the process. It really shows what you can achieve with good musicians,” he says.

Vincent is also well known to peo- ple in Ennis from his job as manager

of the local branch of Xtra-Vision, Where he has worked since 1997. And though he says he’s not quite ready to give up the day job for a full time singing career, Vincent says he is proud to have finally finished the album.

“Tm proud of it. Organising the music, overseeing the production. It’s great to have done it,” says Vincent.


Ennis to get a taste of sonic madness

HALLOWEEN is coming late to En- nis this year with the largest extreme and experimental electronic music event ever to take place in County ETc

Never Stop The Madness is being organised by Lisdoonvarna based two piece Drugzilla and will feature some of the best of European under- ground and alternative music. The event, which will take place in The

Lifford on November 7, is one of the largest events of it’s type organised in Ireland this year and should attract a large following to Clare from sur- rounding counties and even further afield.

Never Stop The Madness has been raising a large amount of interest across the water with the UK inva- sion being led by DJ Pinhead, Hare- wire and Captain Chaos. Spanish band Black Starr Finale will also be making an appearance as will Irish

hard drum and bass gabber Rowan Lee Brains alongside Drugzilla.

The night is being organised by Drugzilla front-man, The Human Jigsaw, who is hopeful that Never Stop The Madness could become an annual or even more regular event. Plans are also in place to bring some even bigger names to Ennis in the coming months and weeks.

Drugzilla formed in Lisdoonvarna in 2007 and quickly build up the largest fanbase of any extreme elec-

tronic act on the Internet. Bringing a strange mix of Buckfast fueled extreme beats and foul mouth mer- riment they played a storming set at I Hate Trance in the UK alongside some of the best acts in the European Speedcore scene.

Last year Drugzilla were named as


Ennis gym takes fitness further

A SPECIAL open day takes place on Sunday, November at the River Lodge Health and Fitness Club at the Auburn Lodge on the Gort Road.

The event takes place to celebrate the third anniversary of the centre and as part of the occasion, members and non-members alike will have an opportunity to take part in free class- es, meet the instructors and talk to an on-site nutritionist. Food will also be available and anybody who joins on the day will be able to avail of a spe- cial discounted membership rate.

“Tt’s sure to be a great day,” says Riv- er Lodge Manager Gerry O’ Halloran. ‘‘Aside from the fun factor though we want to get across that when it comes to planning your health and fitness this is one priority that should be on top of your list of things to do. We’ve taken these points, and many more into consideration, when it comes to offering our members the best facil1- ties and personal attention any where in the mid west.”

He pointed out that the facilities at the centre cater for all levels and body types.

‘Whether you’re a fitness virgin, or a seasoned athletic type, you’ll find everything to help you achieve your health and fitness goals at the River Lodge and we have one of the finest gyms in the area.”

He added that the River Lodge have gone to great lengths to ensure their members see results.

“All our instructors are fully quali- fied, and are there to give help, sup-

port and advice to all our members. We have even taken this one step further and offer a free monthly fit- ness review and programme update sO you continue to improve and get the most out of your workout. It’s just

like having your very own personal trainer.

“On top of this we also have a fully- heated pool, regular classes, sauna, Steam room and Jacuzzi as well as beauty treatment rooms.”

The open day continues throughout Sunday.


Motorist left accident scene to look after mother

A NORTH Clare motorist left the scene of an accident because he was in a rush to get home to his elderly mother, who he cares for, a court has heard.

Raymond O’Loghlen (52), of Loughrask, Ballyvaughan, was con- victed of careless driving and failing to provide appropriate information, at Ballyconnoe, Lisdoonvarna, on September 29, 2008.

Superintendent Declan Mulcahy told Ennistymon District Court that a vehicle owned by the defendant was driven on the incorrect side of the road, on a stretch of road between Lisdoonvarna and Ballyvaughan.

‘An oncoming vehicle had to take action to avoid being struck. Howev- er, at the last minute, the defendant corrected himself and moved his car to the correct side of the road. An ac- cident occurred on his correct side of the road,” said Supt Mulcahy.

He said that the defendant provid-

ed some details, before leaving the scene. He said there was no indica- tion that speed had been involved.

Supt Mulcahy told the court that the injured party sustained injuries, including a suspected fractured col- lar bone and right hand.

The driver of the other car, Sean McDonagh, told the court that he was on his way home from work that evening. He said he noticed a car approaching him and the pas- senger wheel was on the white line. He braked. “My honest opinion was this guy was asleep at the wheel. As I went to go right, he must have woken up and the two of us collided in the middle of the road,” he said.

He said he got out of the car and spoke to the driver. He could not un- derstand what he was saying.

Mr McDonagh said he has since had an operation on his right hand and has suffered from numbness in his hands. Prior to the accident, he had endured back pain, but this has worsened since the crash.

“When I get up in the morning, you would think I was a man of about 100,” he said.

Defence solicitor Jenny Fitzgibbon put it to him that her client’s insur- ance company has admitted liability and the witness accepted this.

Ms Fitzgibbon said her client ap- preciated that he shouldn’t have left the scene, but he was 1n a rush home to his mother, who he cares for.

“He did try and communicate with Mr McDonagh. He admitted it was his fault. Mr McDonagh will be compensated for his injuries,’ said Ms Fitzgibbon. She said her client had taken sleeping tablets the previ- ous night and this may have affected him. She said her client needs his car to look after his mother.

Judge Joseph Mangan imposed fines totalling ©€450 and ordered O’Loghlen to pay €200 witness ex- penses.