
Save energy, Save money

TOP energy experts at the TOP Ideal Home Show in the RDS in Dublin proved that going green re- ally doesn’t cost the earth for Clare households by highlighting the mas- sive savings to be made by becoming more energy efficient in the home.

Detached properties, the most frequent home type across County Clare, have the potential to be much more energy efficient and owners of this housing category could knock more than €1,000 of their home heating bills. With over 22,000 such property types in the county, Clare households could be missing out on substantial savings.

While detached properties offer the greatest saving potential, ‘greener’ energy behaviour can also offer sig- nificant reward for other home types,

such as one or two bed apartment cir- ca 750 sq foot – €742; 2 bedroom ter- raced house circa 950 sq foot – €898; 3 bedroom semi detached house cir- ca 1,250 sq foot – £1,070

TOP Tips reflecting the company’s mantra, ‘going green doesn’t cost the earth’ were given to visitors at the TOP Ideal Home Show this year and expert staff were on hand at the TOP Biodome to suggest specific recom- mendations on how people can make some small inexpensive changes and save up to €1,180 per year, depend- ing on their house type. TOP is high- lighting to the people of Clare that they are literally burning money by not making their homes more energy efficient, as well as the environmen- tal implications.

TOP is Ireland’s leading fuel im- porter and distributor and this is the second year the company has been

the title sponsor of the Ideal Home Show.

Speaking at the opening of the TOP Ideal Home Exhibition, Gener- al Manager of TOP, Gerard Boylan, said, “Changing people’s attitude to going green is hard but the environ- mental experts at the TOP biodome will be making it clear in financial terms, that being environmentally Savvy is a sensible choice.”

Mr. Boylan continued, “Unfortu- nately, having a home that is energy efficient has always been viewed as the expensive option but we’re trying to educate people that the opposite is true by showing the actual savings they could be making. We’re trying to put the savings in perspective for people – going green in 2010 could be the difference between going on holiday and not. It’s that simple,’ he concluded.


Jail term for Kilrush man who assaulted gardai

A 13-MONTH jail term has been imposed on a Kilrush man who as- saulted two gardai in separate inci- OLAS

Martin Burke (27), of St Senan’s Terrace, Kilrush, admitted assault- ing Sergeant Lavin; assaulting Garda Greg Gander; and criminal damage, arising out of various inci- eae

Garda Conor Flaherty told Kilrush District Court that the accused was arrested for public order offences on O’Curry Street, Kilkee, on Novem-

ber 30, 2008.

He was taken to the garda station. Handcuffs were removed from him at the public office.

He said that Burke refused to stand up to be searched. He was then re- strained and handcuffed and brought to a cell.

Gda Flaherty said that Burke was very abusive to gardai.

He became very violent and punched Sgt Lavin on the left shoul- Cloe

Defending solicitor | Eugene O’Kelly said his client was “so drunk he was unable to sign his own


‘He didn’t know what he was do- ing.

“No intention to assault Sgt Lavin had formed in his mind. He was completely out of it.”, Mr O’kelly explained

Garda Greg Gander told the court that the accused was highly abusive at Market Square, Kilrush, on June BEEN e

He was taken to the garda station, where he punched the garda to the stone

Garda Keith Hughes told the court that Burke broke windows on Crot-

ty’s pub and Central Sports in Kil- rush on March 27 last.

The total cost of the damage amounted to €2,250.

Mr O’Kelly, referring to that inci- dent, said his client told gardai, “My head isn’t right. I need to get help.”

Mr O’Kelly said that Burke’s grandmother had just died and he was very troubled as a result.

“He had no reason in the world for breaking these windows. It was some cry for help.

“Mr Burke needs help. He’s unfor- tunately far too regular a visitor to this court,’ he said.

Mr O’Kelly said his client would be willing to move out of Kilrush.

“He 1S sincere when he 1s sober, but unfortunately when he is drunk, matters get the better of him,’ he STH em

The court heard that Burke has 56 previous convictions.

One of those was for arson, for which a three-year sentence was imposed at Ennis Circuit Court in 2006.

Judge Joseph Mangan imposed sentences totalling 13 months and fixed a bond in the event of an ap- peal.


Developers contest planning decision

A CLARE businessman, who along with his partners is paying ©20,000 in interest on a planned retail park in Shannon, has made a last ditch at- tempt to save the development.

Last month, Clare County Council refused planning permission to Sean Halpin and Greenband Investments for the neighbourood component of a €60m retail park planned for Smith- stown in Shannon.

Mr Halpin confirmed that he and his business partners purchased the 17.5 acre site zoned for commercial development for €8 million in 2005 and have since paid ©2 million in interest.

Confirming that interest payments are costing ©20,000 per month, Mr Halpin said, “The interest is some- where north of €2 million. This is not some cosy arrangement with the bank where we have interest rolled up.”

In all, Mr Halpin estimates that the exposure to date is €10.5m.

Now, in a last ditch bid to save the development, they have lodged an ap- peal with An Bord Pleanala against the council’s decision to refuse plan- ning to the neighbourhood compo- nent of the scheme.

The council stated that the centre would have an adverse impact on the vitality and viability of Shannon town and contravene Department of the Environment retail guidelines

relating to the location of neighbour- hood centres.

The Greenband development was due to create 250 direct jobs, 200 in- direct jobs and 180 jobs during the construction phase.

In their appeal, the developers “se- riously contest the reason for refusal of the neighbourhood centre of the proposed scheme.

‘The proposed development would in fact not detract from the town cen- tre but serve the remainder of the proposed development and immedi- ate surrounding areas.

“The reasons for refusal cited by the council do not accord with the retail planning guidelines, which specifically recognises the local role

neighbourhood centre’s play in the retail hierarchy.”

However, the plan faces outright rejection, with the McAllen family lodging an appeal against the coun- cil decision to grant planning to any aspect of the development.

The local family state that their health and safety is of paramount importance and “any detrimental environmental impacts in the area, that put our health and safety under threat, will be subject to full legal ac- tion on our behalf.”

‘There 1s an over-intensification of commercial use on the site; loss of privacy and the design is of poor ar- chitectural quality.”

A decision is due in 2010.


Man dropped 595 ecstacy pills in Garda station

A MAN who dropped a packet of ec- stacy tablets to the ground at Ennis Garda Station almost nine years ago was yesterday jailed for 18 months.

Peter Burke (30), with an address at Glenanail Drive, Riverside, Galway, was convicted of possession of ecs- tacy for the purpose of sale or supply, in February 2001.

Sergeant John Brennan told Ennis Circuit Court that a car was stopped in Clarecastle on the evening of Feb- ruary 1, 2001 and the two occupants

were taken to Ennis Garda Station.

As the two were being taken from a car at the station, the accused dropped a package to the ground.

This was retrieved by gardai and it was found to contain 595 ecstacy tablets.

The market value of the tablets at the time was £5,940 (€7,500). Burke was arrested and detained overnight at Ennis Garda Station. He was charged the following morning.

However, he subsequently left the jurisdiction and went to the US. He returned in 2008 and on his return to

Ireland, he contacted gardai. He was then re-charged with the original of- oe

Sgt Brennan explained to Judge Carroll Moran that Burke had been returned for trial to the circuit court when he left the country.

Defence counsel Michael Collins, BL, put it to Sgt Brennan that his cli- ent was “not the main man in the op- eration.” Sgt Brennan replied, “That was our information at the time.”

Mr Collins said that the accused was “facing the music for these of- fences at this stage.’ He said there

were unusual features in the case “such as the accused absconding and going to the States and when he re- turns he immediately goes to gardai because he wants to face up to his responsibilities.”

Judge Moran said it was an aggra- vating factor that the accused ab- sconded, having been returned for trial to the circuit court. He said the accused was carrying a sizable quan- tity of ecstacy tablets.

However, he noted that the accused had pleaded guilty, was not the main player and has succeeded in kicking

his drug habit.

The judge said that a 10-year sen- tence could be imposed for posses- sion of drugs for the purpose of sale or supply, where the value exceeds Ja men OeL OF

“He had over half that threshold,’ he said.

“This could not be considered a minimalist case,” said the judge.

“Even having regard to all the fa- vourable matters, I’m compelled to impose an immediate custodial sen- tence,’ he said and jailed Burke for 18 months.


Stars get inaugural awards

AS the close of the Clare camogie season comes in, Clare Camogie Board in conjunction with the Clare Camogie Suporters Club are hosting an awards night this Satur- day, November 21, at the Auburn Lodge Hotel, Ennis.

Medals will be presented to the Munster U16 Camogie Champions on the night, along with the U14 In- ter-County Blitz winners from the Galway Blitz.

As this is the 75th Year of Clare Camogie, the board have intro- duced the inaugural Club Star Awards. “These are a small to- ken of the appreciation which the board has for those who work so hard at club level but may never reach county teams, but without whom clubs would not survive,’ explained a spokesperson.

The medal and award recipients have been asked to be in the Au- burn Lodge for 7.30pm for a photo call, and presentation to begin at 8pm with buffet and disco after- SE K6 he


IO Ger MTcrlel iments rel (olurualae@ eer mYerte

THE CASE OF a 29-year-old man who admitted sexually assaulting four of his cousins over 10 years ago will not be finalised for a year, as he continues to receive treatment.

The accused, who cannot be named in order to protect the identity of the victims, pleaded guilty to 14 charges at Ennis District Court.

He admitted eight charges in rela- tion to one cousin; three charges in relation to another; two charges in relation to another and one charge in relation to another cousin.

The incidents occurred between 1995 and 1996 when the girls were aged between eight and 10.

The accused was a teenager at the nb eelon

The case initially came before the district court a year ago and was ad- journed to last Friday.

Counsel for the accused, Mark N1- cholas, BL, told Ennis District Court on Friday, that his client had pleaded ean iA

He said that a preliminary report from the Grenada Institute had been presented in court a year ago and an updated report was now available.

He said that while there was no

minimising what had happened, the report was “very positive.”

He said there had not been any in- cidents prior to or after the offences before the court.

Mr Nicholas told Judge Leo Malone that the issue of compensation had been addressed and €26,000 had been accumulated.

“The real tragedy in this 1s that it has divided a close family and that 1s irreparable,” he said.

Judge Malone said he sympathised with the victims and said he had read the reports from the Grenada Insti- tute and the probation service.

He said it was in the accused’s fa- vour that he was very young when the offences were committed and said it appeared that he 1s addressing his difficulties.

‘Because of the content of the Gre- nada Institute report, I am not going to finalise the case today. I need to be satisfied he has carried out all the treatment available to him and that he is not a danger to others,” said the judge.

He adjourned the case for a year and ordered that the accused con- tinue to attend the Grenada Institute and remain under the supervision of the probation service.


Circle the football wagons

THE appointment of Micheal Mc- Dermott as new Clare senior football manager might just be a rallying call for an upsurge in the fortunes of the flagship football team in the county — that was the message delivered to the county board meeting on Tuesday by chairman Michael O’Neill as he con- firmed that the Cavan man has been given a one-year term in the post.

“It’s an indication of the interest we had in the post that there were four in the running,’ said O’Neill “and it went right down to the wire. We made a mighty trawl. We had Aidan Moloney, Michael Lillis, Micheal McDermott and Ger Lawlor. Aidan informed me last Friday he was pull- ing out of the contest. Micheal Mc- Dermott will manage the team with Liam McHale and James Foran, while one other person will be added to the team.

“T would appeal to football people. Every effort was made with this ap- pointment and we want anyone who has any ambitions to wear the coun- ty jersey to come forward,” added O’Neill.

Meanwhile, Munster Council del- egate PJ McGuane, who was part of

the committee that selected the new manager, said Clare must aim high in 2010. “The carrot is there,’ said McGuane, “because we are in Divi- sion 4 with Waterford and Limerick, while we play Waterford in the first round of the championship and if we beat them we have Limerick in the semi-final.

“The league will be a great barom- eter of our progress. Our first game

is against Wicklow. That will be a barometer. I would ask everyone to throw their weight behind the team for the next year.

“We are a Small county with a small pick but there’s an old saying that if you don’t aim high, you won’t strike high,’ added McGuane.


37 vacancies for psychiatric staff in Clare

THE closure of Orchard Lodge and Gort Glass has nothing to do with pa- tient care, and everything to do with a nursing Crisis.

That is according to the Psychiatric Nurses Association representative Denis Meehan who maintains that nursing staff predicted this crisis six months ago.

“We saw this coming last May and brought it to the Labour Relation Commission,’ said Mr Meehan.

There are currently vacancies for 37 nursing staff in the Clare mental health service, he said.

‘A further five nurses are to leave the service before the end of the year.”

‘The service 1s run as much as pos- sible on overtime,’ he said.

Mr Meehan said that even with the closure of the rehab units in Ennis and Kilrush there will still be a shortage of nursing staff in the Clare mental health services.

He maintains that the policy being enacted by the HSE is not going to

solve the problem, but merely move it around.

Mr Meehan also refuted comments that the closure of the two units was part of the process of community liv- ing.

“There is no outreach team in west Clare or talks of one,” he said.

This week the HSE maintains that the review of mental health services in Clare is taking place against a back- ground of a 21.3 per cent decline in the number of nurses working in the Clare Mental Health services between

January 2008 and the current national moratorium on recruitment.

The closures of the two units – Or- chard Lodge and Gort Glas – are also part of “a need to respond to the com- plex requirements of specialized serv- ices to patients in accordance with best practice in modern health care”’.

“Our engagement with the staff as- sociations is further informed by a requirement to submit a management proposal to the Labour Relations Commission (LRC). The referral to the LRC was made by the staff associ-

ations following what they described as managements failure to recruit psy- chiatric nurses for the Clare Mental Health Services.

“At a meeting of the LRC held on Thursday September 24, 2009 under the chairmanship of Mr John Agnew, all parties agreed that management would come up with a proposal to ensure the continuing safe delivery of services in the context of existing resource constraints. The next LRC is scheduled for November 23, 2009,’ the HSE said.


Family up creek with no council paddle

A TULLA family, who bought their house in the belief that they were connected to the main sewer, have had to all but abandon their home because of the vile mess and stink in the back garden.

Stephen McDermott’s wife, seven- week-old baby and his two-year-old son have left the family home in Tulla village after their yard became swamped in raw sewage.

“We were told when we bought the house that we were connected. This started with a small blockage and we discovered then that we weren’t connected at all. Since then, the stuff has started coming up in the garden, the smell is all over the house and there’s no way the children can live here,” said Stephen.

Stephen contacted Clare County Council about being connected and, after a meeting with engineers, the council agreed to waive the connec- tion fee, but told him he would have to organise and pay for the digging up of the path and the road and their subsequent repair.

He believes this is a major prob- lem. “I agree that I should have to pay for the work that needs to be done in my own yard but to pay for the roadworks is going to cost much more than we can afford. I think it’s

ridiculous in this day and age – sani- tation is a basic human right. If this was somewhere in the third world, there would be a charity fundraising to put in a Sewerage system. Instead, we’re here with raw sewage in the garden and more scented candles go- ing than the Vatican – and the stink is still unbearable.”

But Clare County Council staff say that what the Tulla resident is being asked to do is no more than any householder would be asked if they wanted connection to the main sewer.

“The council will do the connection but the householder has to arrange for the digging and the other work. That’s normal practice,’ a spokes- man for the council’s engineering department said.

The spokesman said that the au- thority had taken the “unusual” step of waiving the connection fee of €1,135.

“We felt this was a unique situa- tion,’ the spokesman said.

But the local authority cannot take on the expenses involved with the connection, the spokesman said. “We’ll work with Mr McDermott and make the connection but he has to do the work – it is a matter of a couple of hours to do it. Any householder who wants connection to the services has to pay to do those works.”


Book club festival unveils headliners

will headline this year’s fes- tival alongside the likes of Joseph O’Connor, Tim Pat Coogan and Paul

Howard (aka Ross O’Carroll-Kelly).

The organising committee an- nounced a partial line-up yesterday, with more authors to be confirmed in the coming months.

The festival will also feature Ire- land’s first ever Book Club of the Year award and will also include a professional development workshop for library staff.

Supported by Clare County Library,

the three-day programme of events 1s expected to attract hundreds of book club members and book lovers from all over Europe and America.

Other authors scheduled to par- ticipate in the fourth annual festival include Diarmaid Ferriter, Fiona Looney, Claire Keegan and Thomas Lynch. Academic contributors this year will include Dr Paul Delaney, School of English at Trinity College,

Alan Titley, Head of Department at University College Cork and Niall MacMonagle, editor and English teacher at Dublin’s Wesley College.

‘The festival is a wonderful social and literary event that brings togeth- er book club members, readers and authors from all over Ireland and beyond,” said Frances O’Gorman of the organising committee.

“One of the highlights of the week-

end festival will be the Sunday symposium, during which Tim Pat Coogan and Diarmaid Ferriter will join a panel discussion on the subject of reading history.”

The festival is also inviting library staff nationwide to a free workshop on how to start, develop and chal- lenge a book club.

The Ennis Book Club Festival will take place from March 5 to 7.