THE proposed wind farm at Slieve Callan will have a number of “slight” impacts on the elements of the sur- round environment, according to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) lodged with planner at Clare County Council last week.
Along with some short term dif- ficulties during the construction phase the EIS has flagged some
longer term environmental concern in relation to the project.
These concerns are in relation to the noise generated by the windfarms and traffic flow in the Baer.
In addition to this the proposal ar- gues that the windfarm will have a significant positive impact on tour- ism in Clare.
According to the EIS, noise pol- lution from windfarms can come
both from the internal workings of the wind farm as well as the noise of the blades cutting through the wind.
‘Advances in turbine technology and design have resulted in reduced noise emissions. Above wind speeds of eight to twelve metres per second, background noise begins to exceed turbine noise.
“Therefore it is within wind speeds range of four to eight metres per sec-
ond that turbine noise is typically most audible,” read the EIS.
“At wind speeds greater than eight metres per second, noise generated by wind has the effect of largely masking wind turbine noise.”
The document also states that there is a slight possibility of injury to humans as a result of frozen ice building up on the turbines.
“The guidelines state that there is a very remote possibility of injury
to people from flying fragments of ice or from a damaged blade,” read the EIS.
“However, most blades are com- posite structures with no bolts or separate components and the danger is therefore minimised.”
Each windfarm will also be fitted with a special anti-vibration sen- sors, which is designed to detect any imbalance caused by icing on the blades.