
Flannan’s F1 project is a sure fire hit

HARD work and dedication are pushing one group of science enthu- siasts towards a place on the podium at the annual Fl in School’s competi- tion.

Team Firedragons are one of two entrants from St Flannan’s College, Ennis, who will take part in the re- gional finals of the competition in Cork on March 2.

This is the fifth year for the com- petition to run in Ireland under the guidance of the Irish Computer So- ciety (ICS) in partnership with Dis- cover Science & Engineering.

The Fl in Schools challenge is an international competition, which now attracts more than 90,000 stu- dents from across the world.

The competition 1s open to sec- ondary schools to design and manu- facture model racing cars. Student teams will compete against each other in a national championship to determine the best-engineered and fastest car in Ireland.

Team members Tim Janssan, Nor- bert Rosik, Eric Mullaly, Christo- pher Ogbonna and Jack O’Dea are hoping the months of hard work and preparation they have devoted to the project will pay off in Cork.

Team Manager, Norbert Rosik de- scribed the work the students have done to get to this stage in the com- petition. “The team has been very consistent and very committed to the project even with the increasing amount of school work due to three of the team members preparing for the Junior Certificate. The qualitfy- ing stage consisted of submitting a five-page plan on how the Firedrag- ons intended to create their project of a 25cm balsa wood Formula One car by showing their research, proposed

budgets, designs etc. In this compe- tition our team will be using com- pressed air canisters to power their model car to achieve scale speeds in excess of 350kmph.”

Artistic Manager, Christopher Og- bonna said the team decided to de- sign a logo in order to set their de- sign apart from competitors. “The Firedragons came up with this logo because it defines us from other

teams as we have a fiery passion for what we do. Apart from this our logo is very unique as it 1s extremely in- tricate.”

Norbert believes the team deserves to get through to the national finals and win because of the amount of ef- fort put in and the results so far ob- tained. He also thanked the group’s science teacher, Michael Horgan, who has encouraged both teams

from St Flannan’s throughout the de- sign process.

The Fl in Schools National Finals will be take place in April. Visit www. for details.


Back to business – The Results

IF the names of Brid and Roger Fahy are familiar to you it’s probably be- cause youve heard them _ before. Located on the Flaggy Shore of Fin- varra, at the very northern tip of the Burren, the pair set up Linnalla Ice Cream back in 2006.

As we all know farming is a tough gig. Besides the hard work and unso- cial hours – dairy farmers also have to live with the prospect of selling milk to Co-Ops for less than it costs to produce it.

Brid and Roger may just have found a solution to this problem. There new idea, a milk vending machine, could soon allow farmers to sell their milk directly to the customers in a hygi- enic, safe and ultimately profitable EN

By cutting out the middlemen and constructing a machine which allows farmers to sell directly to consumers, the pair might just have cracked one of the biggest problems facing dairy farmers today.

Although largely unknown in Ire- land, the Latteria of milk dispenser has become popular in mainland Eu-

rope and in Italy, where it 1s made.

Besides providing consumers with the freshest possible product, the Latteria also gives farmers a chance of getting a fair price for their milk and cut down in transport costs and emissions and cuts down drastically on packaging.

The local shop owner would receive a “fair” price for hosting the Latteria but the overheads of unnecessary transport and other cost associated with the large Co-Op would be re- moved.

The Fahy’s have received €3,000, sponsored by Clare Ireland recycling, for taking first prize in the Clare Farm Idea Awards Competition and will now go forward to represent the county at the national competition.

Linnalla ice cream started produc- tion in 2006 and the specialty ice- cream is now available in shops and restaurants in the Clare and Galway eer he

In 2005 they met Pat Shannon from the Clare Enterprise Board who en- couraged them to develop their idea.

Over the next two years they had planning approved, secured LEAD- ER funds, worked with officials from the Department of Agriculture and soon were on the way to starting a new and innovative business.


Further education in high demand

FORTY-FIVE people last night reaped the rewards of their studies as they received FETAC awards at St Patrick’s Comprehensive School in Shannon.

The group took PLC (Post Leaving Certificate) courses in_ childcare, business studies and sports and rec- reation.

The childcare course included a focus on special needs; the business studies course also included secre- tarial and IT skills, while the sports and recreation course featured a wide-ranging programme.

“Tt will allow people to work in a gym, leisure centre or sports com- plex or in primary schools coaching young people. There is a swimming module and water safely and also IT. We feel they need it for running a leisure centre,’ said Bernie Ruane, who is the co-ordinator of the PLC programme at the school.

She explained the idea behind choosing those particular courses. ‘I do a bit of market research to see what people in the locality want and See what our students want,’ she said.

“Some students use these courses to progress to third-level courses. Some of the institutes of technology have reserved places for FETAC ap- plicants,” said Ms Ruane.

Those who take the courses range in age from 18 to 60 and they engage in their studies between September and May (daytime). “If you haven’t done the Leaving Certificate and are aged over 23, you can come into the course,’ she said.

There is a significant level of in- terest in the courses, which also give participants the opportunity to engage in work experience. “There seems to be huge demand for the childcare one since the Health Serv- ice Executive (HSE) got more in- volved in créches and pre-schools.

There is always the need in Shannon for the business course. They have very good data entry skills and very good typing skills,’ said Ms Ruane.

“The courses are very accessible for local people and also for people with families who want to get back into education,’ she said.

Such has been the demand for the courses that there are not always

enough spaces available. “We have had to refuse people. Last year there was a big long waiting list for the sport and leisure,’ she said.

The courses are government-fund- ed and the cost is just €100 for the year. Anyone interested in taking any of the courses for the coming year should phone St Patrick’s Com- prehensive School on 061 361428.


Farmers benefit from waste scheme

FOLLOWING last week’s revelation that almost 400 Clare farmers are yet to receive their payment for 2009 under the Rural Environmental Pro- tection Scheme (REPS), the Depart- ment of Agriculture has highlighted the €5 million which has been is- sued to 356 Clare farmers under the Farm Waste Management Scheme to date this year.

The scheme, which was set up to part fund farmers to construct the necessary infrastructure to comply with the EU directive on nitrates, has resulted in more than €45 million

being issued to Clare farmers in the last five years.

According to Clare TD and Junior Agriculture Minister, Tony Killeen (FF), a total of 2,092 Clare farm- ers have benefited under the scheme since 2006.

“The substantial payment of grant- aid under the scheme represents a vote of confidence in a vital indig- enous industry with a huge export presence,” he said.

“Successive Fianna Fail-led Gov- ernments have provided funding of over €1.2 billion to some 34,000 farmers nationwide, which is a clear indication of our commitment to Irish

agriculture and the rural economy.

“The scheme represents essential infrastructural investment in the Irish rural economy and ensures the protection of the single farm payment and other EU funding worth 1.6 bil- lion euro annually to Irish farmers.

‘Following the payment this month of €190 million in respect of the second tranche of grant payments of 40 per cent, over €1 billion has now been paid out since the scheme’s in- ception in 2006. This represents 90 per cent of the total funding of the scheme.

“When the final tranche of 20 per cent is paid out under the Farm

Waste Management Scheme in Jan- uary 2011, total expenditure will exceed €1.2 billion, all of which will have come from exchequer an etebnetcaue

Minister Killeen also reminded Clare farmers seeking payments un- der the Suckler Welfare Scheme to complete and return their applica- tions without delay.

Applicants for the scheme must continue to complete and return their forms as quickly as possible and within 12 months of the birth of the animals at the very latest. Farmers seeking clarification regarding this should ring 1890 252707.


Blazing a trail for childcare charity

A CHILDCARE facility in Sixmile- bridge is to benefit financially from a mammoth marathon challenge being undertaken by a local resident.

Tom Enright has set himself the task of running nine marathons this year in Ireland and the proceeds will go to Bridge Kidz. Bridge Kidz is a subsidiary of Sixmilebridge and Dis- trict Community Complex and pro- vides a childcare service for children in the area.

Tom (36) has seen the excellent service provided by Bridge Kidz as his youngest son Dylan (2) attends on a regular basis. He was so im- pressed with the facility that he de- cided to raise money for the group and hopes to accumulate €10,000 over the year.

He has set his sights on running marathons in Connemara (April), Limerick, Belfast Burren and Newry (May), Cork (June), Longford (Au- gust), Dingle (September), Dublin (October) and Sixmilebridge (De- cember).

It will be a tough challenge, not least running three marathons in May. Two of those will be run in as many days as the Limerick run on May 2 will be followed by the Bel- fast marathon just 24 hours later. The challenge will get off to a tricky start in Connemara as he has signed up to do the ultra marathon, which is 39 miles, on a tough course.

As part of the challenge, Tom is hoping to encourage 10 people to take part in the Cork marathon and he will provide training for those in- terested in this.

Tom, who 1s a native of Charleville, has ran 17 marathons over the past four years and last year took part in a Clare Crusaders cycle from Malin

Head to Mizen Head.

He explained his decision to run nine marathons this year.

“It started off as a new year’s reso- lution, but it has got a bit more seri- ous than that,’ he said.

He is hoping to encourage people to join him in running part of or all the Cork marathon in June either in- dividually or as part of a relay team. “We are hoping to get 10 people to

sing up and full support will be given to them. All that is required is a will- ingness to do it and a wish to raise some funds for Bridge Kidz,’ said ‘Tom.

It will be a tough challenge, but he is looking forward to it. “I enjoy it because I get a buzz out of it. | am doing something that I enjoy,” he PHO

His ultimate aim would be to raise

€10,000 over the year and is hopeful that he will get the support of the lo- cal community in Sixmilebridge and across the county. “It’s hard to call how much we will raise. It depends on how many people sign up for the marathon in Cork,’ he said.


Falls Hotel lands on its feet

DESPITE difficult trading condi- tions, one of the county’s best known hotels still managed to report an op- erating profit of €282,076 last year.

According to accounts recently re- turned to the companies’ office for the year to the end of June 2009, the Falls Hotel in Ennistymon recorded a pre-tax profit of €14,003.While this represents a 40 per cent drop on the €23,437 pre-tax profits recorded in 2008, the significant difference between operating and pre-tax profit was a €268,073 bank loan interest charge last year.

The hotel’s gross profit last year dropped by 3 per cent from €3.7m to €3.6m with its cost base dropping by 2 per cent from €3.4m to €3.3m The pre-tax profit recorded last year resulted in the company having ac- cumulated profits of €960,595.

The accounts show that the com- pany has fixed assets valued at €7.8 pebdeeLOee

The directors are listed as Daniel McCarthy and Eileen McCarthy and the accounts show that the company had a €5.2m loan from the Bank of Scotland.

The McCarthys purchased the busi- ness in 1986 when it comprised of a small 20 bedroom hotel. Now, after a significant expansion programme, the hotel has 150 bedrooms and nine duplex apartments; weddings and

banqueting facilities for up to 350 people; conference facilities for 350 people; an aqua and fitness club and a river spa which incorporates 12 treatment rooms and a thermal suite.

More recently, the Falls Hotel se- cured planning permission for a hy- dro scheme in a bid to reduce energy costs at the hotel.

The second generation of the Mc- Carthy’s are now working in The Falls Hotel. Eldest son Michael Mc- Carthy is the General Manager and his brother John is the Deputy Man-


The hotel has arich history. Towards to end of the 1930’s, it was leased for five years to the late Brendan O’Regan, who later pioneered cater- ing and sales services at Shannon International Airport. O’Regan ran the hotel during the years of World War Two, and one of his innovations was to supply hot meals in hayboxes to the golfers in Lahinch.

The next owner was a retired Welshman Gerard Henry Williams- Owen who operated the business

during the summer months only.

In 1955 John F. Wood and his wife Bridget acquired the hotel. They added the hydro-electric plant which for many years provided power to the building and the ‘plant’ can still be seen a short distance upstream, just below the cascades.


Things can only get better for Le Chéile

A GROUP which caters for newcom- ers in Shannon is hoping to expand its horizons this year.

The Le Chéile International Club is holding its first get together of 2010 tonight and is hoping to encourage more people to join. The group was set up a few years ago and its aim is to encourage non-nationals moving to Shannon to mingle with each oth- er in a welcoming environment.

According to co-ordinator, Trish

Fallon-Barry, the committee is hop- ing to build on last year’s successes and focus on themes and activities for the year ahead. Although some people have left Shannon and re- turned to their native shores, never- theless there are still people from a wide variety of countries living in the town.

“The main aim of Le Chéile in 2010 will be to expand and be used by and for even more individuals and families from various different na- tionalities and diverse backgrounds

represented currently in Shannon,’ she said.

“An integrated multicultural social club whose catchphrase is ‘Unity in Diversity’ provides, I feel, a welcome and much needed social outlet in the town,’ she added.

“We look forward to involving new members in running the club with whatever talents and contributions they have to offer, whether it be sim- ply by turning up on the night, by taking a lead in organising events, outings or sporting activities, by

sharing cultures and customs, mus!- cal talent or even IT skills. No matter what level of activity or involvement, all participation is gratefully appre- ciated, needed and very welcome.” The meetings take place on the first Tuesday of the month at the Shannon Family Resource Centre, starting at 8.30pm. Ms Fallon-Barry paid trib- ute to the staff at the resource centre who make the venue available every month. Anyone interested in joining the group should turn up tonight or call 061 707600 during office hours.


Mentor Graphics learn the hard way

A SHANNON holding company for US-owned, Mentor Graphics (Hold- ings) Ltd last year sustained a 64 per cent drop in pre-tax profits to $22.6 million.

Accounts just lodged with the Companies’ Office, show that the holding company’s turnover to the end of January last dropped from $455.9million to $363.7million.

The company is headquartered in Oregon and employs 4,450 world- wide and is engaged in electronic

design automation.

The Shannon operation is the in- ternational services and distribution centre for information technology, order fulfillment, finance, purchas- ing, facilities, consulting, customer support, legal and human resources for the European, Middle Eastern and Asian business.

The accounts for Mentor Graphics (Holding) Ltd – which is the holding company for the group’s operations in Europe, Middle East and Af- rica and Asia/Pacific region – show that operating profits dropped from

$55.7million to $22.6 million.

A directors’ report attached to the accounts state that they are satisfied with the performance and that the group intends to further develop its activities over the coming year.

The company had accumulated profits of $58.5 million at the end of January. Cost of sales dropped from $100 million to $35million, while operating expenses increased marginally from $299.9 million to OSLUR Row rttletone

The company’s largest operating expenses in 2008 was ‘research and

development’ where $136 million was spent. This represented a drop of $19 million on the R&D spend in 2008.

The company employs 2,030 people with 1,215 engaged in production/re- search and development, 369 in sales and marketing, 343 in administration and 103 in management. Staff num- bers increased in 2008 from $144 million to $154 million. The com- pany paid no dividend to the end of January in 2008.


It pays to be a Seedsavers volunteer

VOLUNTEERING, it’s said, brings it’s own rewards. But an east Clare organisation which is looking for volunteers is happy to give some- thing back to the people who are willing to help out.

Irish Seedsavers, based in Capparoe, Scariff are looking for volunteers and in return will provide free places on their very popular courses.

“We’re looking for people who would volunteer for two hours each week. It doesn’t matter if they have no experience in gardening, what age they are and they don’t have to be super fit or super strong – there are all kinds of jobs to be done and something that will suit everyone,” said Seedsavers spokeswoman, Ger- aldine Tobin.

For every 20 hours the volunteers put in, they will be entitled to a free place on one of the many courses which the registered charity runs.

Seedsavers aim is to preserve native species of trees, grains, vegetables and fruit and to promote sustainable erowing methods.

They also run courses in a range of subjects from cheese making to or- ganic growing and natural brewing.

“Quite apart from the free courses, the volunteers will pick up a lot of knowledge about growing by being here. There will be different levels of knowledge among people in the two groups as well, so people will learn a lot,’ said Geraldine.

One of the projects planned – if enough people show an interest in volunteering – 1s making the gardens at Seedsavers more visitor friendly,

planting native seed and generally beautifying the place.

So that volunteers will know what to expect, there will be an infor- mation and volunteer training day on February 5 from 2pm to 5pm at Seedsavers.

Prospective volunteers will be able to meet staff and see what is involved

in the work as well as getting a tour of the gardens and learning more about the Seedsavers mission.

Volunteer days will be on Tuesday between 2pm and 4pm and Thursday from llam to lpm.

Volunteers can choose either – or both – days and as well as two hours of enjoyable work in a good cause

and can look forward to a place on the very interesting courses. For fur- ther information, contact Seedsavers on 061 921856.


Devitt hat-trick seals three points

NEWMARKET continued _ their forward progression on Sunday af- ternoon when they easily accounted for Bridge United in a game that was originally scheduled for Sixmilebri- dge, but was switched to Newmar- om

The alternative surrounds did the eventual winners no harm and they settled in as early as the opening minute.

Last time out, the twin attacking threat of Kieran Devitt and Eoin Hayes bagged two goals, they contin- ued that form on Sunday and indeed, maximised it as the game wore on.

But back to that opening minute of the game. Devitt picked up pos- session just outside the box, made sweet contact with the ball, looping his shot over Paul Tuohy and the first thing the Bridge goalkeeper had to do all afternoon was to pick the ball out of the net.

Immediately Newmarket settled. They grew in composure and confi- dence and it’s easy to see why most in Clare soccer circles regard them as the biggest threat to Avenue this season. When they doubled their lead a quarter of an hour later, it was clear that they were going to continue their unbeaten run to six games.

That second goal came courtesy of the boot of Devitt once more. This time Newmarket raided down the left wing, launching the ball into the dan-

ger area and Devitt knocked the ball into the net from close range.

By now, they had seized control of the game and for the 90 minutes, Bridge would fail to threaten Trevor O’Donnell in the Newmarket net.

It remained 2-0 at the break but 64 minutes in, Newmarket pounced again, with Devitt claiming his hat- trick. His third bore some similari- ties to his second. Once more his side attacked down the left and once more Devitt scored from close range.

But credit his strike partner Eoin Hayes who got through plenty of work all afternoon. He also added to the Newmarket haul with a couple of fine goals for himself.

His first and his side’s fourth ar- rived with 15 left in the game.

Newmarket received a free 25 yards out and in a well-worked set-piece, they controlled the ball well, setting up Hayes for a tap in.

His most sublime contribution came after 82 minutes. From 25 yards out he showed composure and skill when chipping the goalkeeper for his side’s fifth goal of the game.

It rounded a quality display from Newmarket and proved the icing on the cake for the league’s most potent strike partnership.