THE ban on cutting turf on two east Clare bogs has been lifted following the publication of a new National Peatlands Strategy – but the much contested ban on cutting at the Tullaher Lough and Bog in West Clare still remains.
Restriction turf cutting will now be allowed on a total of 45 bogs, including two in east Clare, which had been deemed to be Natural Heritage Areas by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
The situation at the Tullaher Lough and Bog in less clear however, as it is classified as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a bad on turf cutting will remain in force – for the time being at least.
The National Peatlands Strategy also included a biodiversity for the Doonbeg Bog. The bog received poor ranks in term of its Habitat Quality and Ecological Diversity, receiving an D and E grade respectively.
These negative marks could work in local turf cutters favour as the bog could now be seen as a site of lesser ecological importance and less become less important to protect.
The new National Peatlands Strategy plan is pending European approval, but local turf cutting campaigners are hopeful that it may herald the beginning of a u-turn in government policy towards raised bogs and lead to the lifting of restriction at Tullaher.