IF IRELAND’S political parties have a genuine commitment to democracy they would not be seeking to abolish the Seanad.
This was the view of west of Ireland Independent MEP Marian Harkin when she insisted that a reformed Seanad would be a vital protection for citizens in a situation where democracy was being increasingly eroded at Dáil level.
She said, “It is disquieting to say the least that the main political parties are trying to outdo each other in populist advocacy of Seanad abolition.
“A reformed Seanad will be essential to the preservation of an effective democratic system in Ireland and as a protection for citizens against a system which has clearly failed to protect their interests.”
Ms Harkin said that in a reformed Seanad the voluntary sector should have a valid and necessary role.
“The Seanad, as originally envisaged and constituted was a valuable brake on government arrogance or ineptitude and, having regard to the huge role and effectiveness of the voluntary sector, there would be highly qualified and highly motivated people available to perform effective roles in a reformed Seanad.”
“The Seanad could also have an essential role in considering draft EU legislation in depth and subsequently monitoring its implementation. We have had too many instances of inadequate input into new legislation.”