
Ennis Fleadh Cheoil team lodges bid

ENNIS’ bid to host the 2012 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann was formally lodged with Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireannn on Friday, with the working group behind the submission confident that the submission to bring the traditional music festival back to Clare after an interval of 35 years will be successful.

Securing the Fleadh for the first time since 1977 would be worth an estimated € 30 million to the county capital – a financial windfall that has seen a coalition of forces emerge behind the Ennis bid.

“We are supremely confident that we would make a great job of hosting Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann in 2012,” the chairman of the Fleadh Cheoil Working Group, Micheál Ó Riabhaigh told The Clare People this week.

“We are also confident that we have made a very strong case to bring the Fleadh to Ennis, the best case that we could have made. Everything that we have done in making the submission was based on the premise that we would have the Fleadh coming to Ennis. That’s not to pre-judge the deliberations of the Ard Comhairle of Comhaltas either,” Mr Ó Raib- haigh added.

The Ennis bid to host the 2012 Fleadh, was launched in April when the local committee that draws together the local branch of Clare Comhaltas, Clare County Council, Clare GAA, Ennis Town Council and Shannon Development met with Comhaltas Ceoiltóirí Éireann chiefs.

Ennis is one of three competing towns to host the 2012 Fleadh – the others are Cavan, which in August will host the festival for the second successive year, and Sligo, which last hosted the event in 1991.

The Fleadh proposal has identified 25 venues in Ennis that would facilitate the 2012 event, catering for up to 200,000 music lovers from across the world, with new Clare County Council headquarters on New Road designated as the hub of operations. Ennis previously hosted Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann in 1956 and 1977.

“The big work was identifying suitable venues and getting support from the hoteliers, vintners and local authorities in Clare,” revealed Mr Ó Raibhaigh.

“We are happy that everyone in Clare is very supportive of the application and everything has been done,” he added.


Shannon Airport at risk of flooding

PARTS of Shannon Airport are at risk of being totally submerged underwater in the event of a major flooding event taking place in County Clare.

That is according to a special report on flooding in the Shannon area which formed a central part of the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment in the Clare County Development Plan which was officially published yesterday.

The report predicts that a one in 200 year flooding incident, made worse by the effect of rising sea levels, could result in overtopping or a breach in the Shannon flood defenses. In this event the report predict that two separate areas close to the international airport could become seriously flooded. A large section of land between Carrigerry and Ballycally would be flooded in the event of a major flooding event as would an area around Rinnanna South – which includes part of the airport and there Shannon Golf Club.

The flooding in the Rinnanna South area would also threaten the Oil Storage Depot at the airport. The Shannon area was chosen as a site for special study in the development plan because of the danger that rising sea level poses to the area and because of the strategic importance of Shannon Airport.

Shannon Airport was granted “gateway status” in the National Spatial Strategy and the importance of Shannon International Airport as a driver of regional growth was also highlighted in the development plan.

The development plan also makes provision for a € 900 million pumped-storage hydroelectricity plant to be located somewhere in Clare. It is hoped that by taking a pro-active approach, the local authority might attract private sector investment in such a project.

Plans for a pumped-storage hydroelectricity plant were rejected by the local people in the Ballyvaughan and Fanore area last year because of fears that the facility might negatively impact on the local environment.

Pumped storage works by using wind power to pump water up a hill into a storage tank during the nighttime and this water will be released through electricity generating turbines during the day when the demand for electricity.

The plans also suggests that Clare should aim to become Ireland’s first clean-tech county with the likes of the Shannon Free Zone, Shannon Airport and the County Council Offices being powered by renewable energy.


Demands on Clare Haven doubles

THE number of families seeking help from Clare Haven for the first time has doubled, compared with last year, according to the group which provides support to female victims of domestic abuse and their families.

81 families presented to the outreach clinics – which run in Ennis, Ennistymon, Scariff, Kilrush and Killaloe – for the first time during the first five months of the year, which is double the figure for the same period last year. Financial stress is a contributing factor in the increase.

Yet, despite the increase in demand, Clare Haven is forced to contend with funding cuts.

Up to the end of May, 60 families attended the refuge operated by Clare Haven in Ennis. Among those who attended were 104 children. Those figures are on a par with last year’s. 136 families stayed at the refuge during the whole of 2010. However, the demand for the outreach clinics has soared.

The increase in numbers of victims coming forward has led to some of them being referred on to centres in Limerick and Galway – to ensure they have places to stay and are not left waiting.

Services Manager with Clare Haven Denise Dunne said the service is stretched.

“The refuge is full the whole time and has been for the past two years. We have seen a bigger increase in the number of new families coming to the outreach service. This year alone we have had 81 new clients to the outreach service. That’s a huge amount in five months. We had about 40 last year so the figures have doubled,” she said.

“The total number of support visits to the end of May was 482. Every time someone comes to our outreach clinics, we have a support visit with them and do safety planning, outline their options and provide emotional support,” said Ms Dunne.

“A lot of people coming to us we refer on to St Vincent de Paul and MABS (the Money and Budgeting Advice Service),” she said.

She said that an increased level of public awareness and the media highlighting the services has played a role in more victims of domestic abuse coming forward.

“This year we have been cut [in funding] again. We have been cut every year since 2008, with a cut of between two and three per cent this year on top of previous cuts. We are striving to maintain the same service. Our service is very, very stretched at the moment. We have cut the ancillary services like talks to schools. We have put a volunteer programme in place for the past two years for things like fundarising and accompaniments which is a great help,” she said.


There’s room for improvement for Ennis retailers

THE centre of Ennis town should be developed as much as possible, in an effort to attract shoppers.

That’s according to the local Chamber of Commerce, in the wake of the County Development Plan’s publication yesterday.

As part of the retail strategy, which is incorporated into the Development Plan, the challenge for Ennis is to improve its retail representation, particularly through the provision of large modern shop units in the town centre, without harming its attractive historic character.

The strategy also states that there is scope for improvement in the range of non-bulky and bulky comparison goods offered in Shannon.

It states that the growth of retail floor space should be encouraged so that the town centre can improve its quality of service in Shannon.

Among the groups to make submissions was Ennis Chamber of Commerce. CEO Rita McInerney said there are several positive parts of the plan.

“The big message is to develop a strategy that keeps a core in the town. We would be in favour of that; developing the core of the town as much as possible. There are a lot of new places opening up and we want to make sure they stay and we have to foster that,” she said.

“The one thing I picked out of it [the plan] is the commitment to develop town centre improvement strategies to make town centres more attractive for shoppers,” said Ms McInerney.

She believes that the content of the plan is achievable, but everyone must work together to ensure it happens.

“It’s implementing the elements of the plan within the timeframe that is important. A lot of work has gone into it. It’s a vision. Now we need to make it a reality. Otherwise we are going to have more businesses closing,” she said.

“It’s a combination of efforts; the local authorities in conjunction with local businesses and ourselves. We all have a job to do. We all need to get on board and work progressively,” she said.

“It is very much a balancing act. We have a unique town centre. You need to provide customer choice and diversity. We are located between two cities that have high street stores. We have to think very carefully about what type of companies we want in terms of retail. Is it viable to compete with those? There is a lot of interest in Ennis from retailers but they find it difficult to get town centre locations of the right size. We need to look at combining units in the town centre whilst keeping the character of the town centre. Everything is achievable,” he said.

“Overall the vision of the plan is very good in terms of retail. We just have to follow through on them,” said Ms McInerney.


Council Offices may house Dev’s Dodge

THE headquarters of Clare County Council has been put forward as the new home for former President Eamon de Valera’s recently restored 1947 Dodge Plymouth.

The Dodge served as the state car for first, President Sean T Ó Ceallaigh and then de Valera.

The car had been stored at the de Valera Library in Ennis since 1998 until it was damaged by floods in 2009.

It was transported to a workshop in Sixmilebridge where it was fully restored.

The project was overseen by vintage car enthusiast and independent member of Clare County Council, PJ Ryan.

Yesterday, the Mayor of Clare, Cllr Christy Curtin (Ind), paid tribute to Cllr Ryan’s work.

He told the adjourned June meeting of Clare County Council that Cllr Ryan had restored the car at a 40th of the normal cost.

He said Cllr Ryan had done the county a “unique honour” by restoring the car, a comment that prompted councillors to deliver a round of applause.

Cllr Brian Meaney (GP) said there had been a number of important vehicles in the ownership of Clare County Council that could benefit from Cllr Ryan’s expertise.

He told the meeting that a 1930s fire tender is located in the Ennis Fire Station. Cllr Meaney asked if Cllr Ryan “could take a look at it”.

Cllr Patricia McCarthy (Ind) suggested that the car be located in the foyer of Clare County Council or in a proposed new library building.

Cllr Gerry Flynn (Ind) objected, saying that the car should remain at its present location in the de Valera Library. He said the Council could not afford to waste resources in finding a new home for a vintage car.

Cllr Meaney said the car could be threatened by floods if it remained at the library. Cllr Curtin said the Council would prepare a report on the cost of re-locating the car.

In a motion submitted to the meeting, Cllr Curtin requested that the “manager inform the Council of the arrangements for the re-location of the Motor Taxation Office and the restored De Valera’s car within Áras Contae an Chláir.”

The meeting heard that the Motor Tax Office will be re-located to the Council’s main offices on New Road within the year.


Providing gardaí with an address is ‘work in progress’ ‘Court should not condone bullying’

A DUBLIN man has appeared in court in connection with an alleged burglary that took place in Sixmilebridge last year.

Simon Gentles (26) with a previous address at 23 Casement Grove, Finglas, Dublin, appeared at Ennis Circuit Court on Thursday.

However, the court was told that the accused no longer lives at this address. It is alleged that Mr Gentles committed a burglary at Ardkyle, Sixmilebridge on January 7 (2010). Mr Gentles is also charged with possession of a firearm, to wit a medallist over and under shotgun.

Counsel for Gentles, Michael Collins BL, told the court that his client had been forced to leave his home in Dublin because he had “received a threat on his life.” As a result, Mr Collins explained, his client had since been on the move from “place to place”.

Mr Collins described his client’s ongoing attempts to supply Gardaí with an address as a “work in progress” due to his present situation.

He told the court that Gardaí are satisfied that the threat against Mr Gentles is serious.

Detective Garda, Kevin O’Hagan, told the court that he agreed with Mr Collins’ summation of events. He said the only outstanding matter was for the accused to provide gardaí with an address and for that address to be deemed acceptable by gardaí.

Referring to the accused’s current situation, Judge Donagh McDonagh said: “Not to put too fine a point on it, he’s going into hiding”.

Judge McDonagh added that gardai had advised against Mr Gentles signing on at a local garda station.

Mr Gentles supplied a written ad- dress to Detective O’Hagan and Judge McDonagh. Detective O’Hagan said he accepted the address.

Judge McDonagh re-admitted the accused to bail on the condition that he resides at the given address. He also ordered that if Mr Gentles intends to change address, he must inform Detective O’Hagan of the change in address, in writing, prior to moving. The accused is due to appear in court again at a later date.


‘Bridge power lifter scoops world prize

A WORLD title is to make its way to Sixmilebridge this week, after Tom Cusack secured honours in powerlifting in the US at the weekend.

The 36-year-old, from Ballyliddane, Sixmilebridge, won the title at the World Drug-Free Powerlifting Championships in Chicago, in the 82.5 kilo dead weight lift. He defeated opponents from 14 other countries in winning the title.

Tom secured entry to the finals after he won a European title in Malta last October, having previously won the national title.

Tom, who runs Hillview Nurseries, set up his own gym and trains daily by himself.

His proud mother, Ita, told


Quin woman scoops Leap business award

A QUIN woman has won an award for her new business, which develops learning support computer games for children with reading difficulties.

Linda O’Sullivan’s company Footbridge Interactive won first prize at the LEAP Business Awards at the Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) last week and earned a prize of a € 50,000 investment from AIB’s Seed Capital Fund.

Footbridge Interactive games are aimed at improving reading fluency and comprehension for children with dyslexia. It is integrated into fun stories, which makes it appealing for children. It is aimed at seven to 12-year-olds, initially in Ireland the UK and possibly further afield at a later stage. The games are designed for children to play independently, at home or at school.

Linda established her company in 2010, as she felt there was an opening in this area. She won the award after she did a 12-month (LEAP) Enterprise Acceleration programme at LIT.

“I set it up last year. Jennifer Keane joined the company in January of this year. Jennifer has a background in animation and design. My background is in developing content for kids TV. I worked with a number of companies in Galway (including the Galway Film Centre),” said Linda.

“There wasn’t a huge choice of products. We have worked very closely with dyslexic experts and educational experts in all of this. We have worked closely with Limerick Dyslexia Support Centre as well,” said Linda, whose 14-year-old son Oisin Mac Criostail is dyslexic.

She explained how the new game works. “The child logs in and plays with the game. The game progresses the child. The child’s strengths and weaknesses are tracked. It is very good for learning resource teachers in schools. It is for the child when relaxed at home. In a computer game environment, they are quite happy to repeat things which they need. It compliments the work they do in school,” she said.

Linda has enjoyed the path to setting up her own company.

“My first step was I got a feasibility grant from Clare County Enterprise Board. It allowed me to look into the feasibility of it. I got an innovation voucher from Enterprise Ireland. We got further Enterprise Ireland funding from there,” she added.

“Everybody was very enthusiastic about it. It will be available from September. It will be a subscriptionbased production,” she said.

In advance of the final touches being put on the games, Linda will have a few very busy months ahead. “We are going to be working very hard over the summer to get the product released for the start of September. We will have a big launch in the UK and here,” she said.


Guilfoyle wins chain on 5-4 vote

INDEPENDENT councillor Michael Guilfoyle was last night elected as the new Mayor of Ennis.

Cllr Guilfoyle secured the backing of a majority of councillors at yesterday’s annual meeting of Ennis Town Council to beat off the challenge of Fine Gael councillor, Johnny Flynn by five votes to four. Cllr Guilfoyle replaces outgoing Mayor, Cllr Tommy Brennan (Ind).

He was proposed for the post by Cllr Peter Considine (FF) and seconded by Cllr Frankie Neylon (Ind).

Cllr Flynn was proposed by Cllr Mary Howard (FG) and seconded by Cllr Paul O’Shea (Lab).

Nominating Cllr Flynn, Cllr Howard said her party colleague had fought three elections and had been elected on either the first or second count on each occassion.

Cllr Considine said Cllr Guilfoyle had handled the position as Chairman of the Council before and had done an “excellent job”.

Councillors Brennan, Considine, Neylon, Guilfoyle and Brian Meaney (GP) voted for Cllr Guilfoyle. Councillors Howard, O’Shea, Flynn and Mary Coote Ryan (FG) voted for Cllr Flynn.

Cllr Guilfoyle was first elected to Ennis Town Council in 1983. He served as Council chairman in 1988 and 1991 and was the town’s first Deputy Mayor when the position was introduced in 2004.

In the same year, Cllr Guilfoyle lost his seat in the local elections. He regained his Council seat in 2009 and served as Deputy Mayor in the same year.

Cllr Guilfoyle told the meeting that as a person “born and bred” in Ennis he said it was “great honour” to be Mayor.

Cllr Guilfoyle acknowledged the role of outgoing Mayor, Cllr Brennan, highlighting the opening of new playground and youth centre facilities. He said he hoped to introduce a new civic awards scheme to recognize local people.

He also paid tribute to Cllr Flynn, hailing his commitment to the town before adding, “I hope you’re turn comes”.

Cllr Guilfoyle added, “I hope I will be as fair around this table as Cllr Brennan and other councillors were”.

Cllr Considine said Cllr Guilfoyle had represented the town with “great dignity and some panache”.

Cllr Neylon said people in the Turnpike, where Cllr Guilfoyle lives, had described him as “the comeback kid”.

Cllr Flynn wished the new Mayor every success, saying he had the energy and skills for the job.

Cllr Neylon was elected Deputy Mayor ahead of Cllr Paul O’Shea. He was proposed by Cllr Brennan and seconded by Cllr Meaney. Cllr O’Shea was proposed by Cllr Flynn and seconded by Cllr Howard.

Councillors Brennan, Considine, Neylon, Meaney and Guilfoyle voted for Cllr Neylon. Councillors Howard, Flynn, O’Shea and Coote-Ryan voted for Cllr O’Shea.

Cllr Brennan thanked his family, councillors, council officials and council staff. He added, “Without the support of family you won’t do much.”


Gallagher backed in Presidential bid

MEMBERS of Clare County Council last night narrowly voted to nominate Independent candidate Seán Gallagher to contest the 2011 Presidential Election.

Despite legal advice that the Council was not entitled to nominate a candidate before the election writ is officially moved, a majority of members present voted 16/15 in favour of supporting Dragon’s Den panelist Gallagher.

A decision on the motion was delayed last week after councillors requested legal advice.

Prior to last night’s vote, County Manager Tom Coughlan said that he had to draw attention to the legal advice that stated that any challenge to the Council’s proposal to nominate Gallagher would be likely to succeed. He added that the Council would then be liable to pay costs.

The motion, put forward by Cllr Michael Begley (Ind), stated, “That we the members of Clare County Council pledge our commitment to nominate Seán Gallagher to contest the 2011 Presidential Election.” The motion was seconded by Cllr Gerry Flynn (Ind).

The motion was strongly critcised by Cllr Brian Meaney (GP) and Fine Gael councillors.

Cllr Meaney described it as “extraordinary”, adding that he felt sorry for the normal members of Fianna Fáil whom he claimed were being forced to support Mr Gallagher, “a de-facto member of Fianna Fáíl”. Mayor of Clare, Cllr Christy Curtin (Ind) reprimanded Cllr Meaney asking him not to comment the decisions of other political parties.

Cllr Meaney said that if Mr Gallagher is a “de facto Fianna Fáíl candidate” then he should be declared as the party’s official candidate.

Fianna Fáil councillors asked Cllr Meaney to withdraw his remarks. Cllr Johnny Flynn (FG) told the meeting that he would be voting against the motion.

He added, “I’m a bit concerned that this is a bit premature.” Cllr Joe Ar- kins (FG) said that the motion represented “closing the stable door before the horse even got in”. He added, “We can’t formally nominate a candidate before the writ is moved.”

Cllr Tony Mulqueen (FG) warned that the Council could be legally exposed if the motion was passed.

When a vote was taken, 16 voted for and 15 against. Fianna Fáíl councillors present voted for the motion while Fine Gael councillors present voted against. Labour councillor Pascal Fitzgerald voted in favour of the Council nominating Mr Gallagher. The Labour party has nominated former Galway TD, Michael D Higgins, as its candidate in the Presidential Election.