
Gerard’s dream goes sky-high

A CLARE student, with dreams of reaching for the stars, is over the moon this week having seen his research launched aboard the last flight of the space shuttle.

Third-level student Gerard Newsham (24), a post-graduate student at Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT), is currently working at the Space Life Science Lab in Florida. On Friday, he was on countdown at the NASA Kennedy Space Centre for lift-off of the final space shuttle mission which has his science project onboard.

Speaking from the Space Centre, the Corbally student said, “I can’t describe how I feel; amazing is just not a strong enough word. Most of the time it just seems so unreal. I have to keep pinching myself.”

Gerard is working on a project entitled, ‘Symbiotic Nodulation in a Reduced Gravity Environment (SyNRGE)’, which set out to learn how plants and bacteria work together in space.

In an interview with The Clare People , Gerard revealed that his sights have always been on the heavens.

“Ever since I was younger, I always wanted to be involved in the space program but never thought it would happen. I had always told myself if I could just see the Kennedy Space Centre and see a shuttle launch, I’d be more than happy. Today and every day since October 2008, it’s to my delight I get to go there, do research and watch the shuttle launch.”

Gerard has been in Florida at the Kennedy Space Centre since October 2008, courtesy of an internship at the FÁS Science Challenge. His project was selected for flight in 2010, as his research at Limerick Institute of Technology at the Controlled Environment Lab for Life Science (CELLS) is directly linked to SyNRGE.

Staff and fellow post-graduate stu- dents from LIT watched live feeds from the Kennedy Space Centre, where the final mission for the 30year-program took off. The space shuttle Atlantis is destined for the International Space Station.

The Clare student says that he hopes to continue his exploration where no man has gone before.

“I hope to be here for the rest of my career. The staff and the facilities at the Kennedy Space Centre are worldclass and second to none,” he told The Clare People .


Ennis gets the green light for €12.8m flood defence work

A € 12.8M FLOOD defence scheme along the River Fergus from Ennis town centre to Doora Bridge has received the green light from the Government.

The Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan TD, last week signed off on funding for Phase 2 of the Ennis Drainage Scheme.

Welcoming the news, Chairman of the Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Clare TD Pat Breen said that “Phase 1 has already being completed very successfully and the works in Phase 2, which will be carried out under the auspices of the OPW, will alleviate the problems which were caused by flooding in Ennis in December 2009. The area covered will be from Bank Place in the town right down to Doora Bridge.

“It is very good news for the town of Ennis. When this work is completed it should prevent further flooding which has caused a lot of hardship in December 2009,” he added.

The scheme is expected to be officially launched by Minister for State Brian Hayes in Ennis on Friday.

Part of the scheme, which involves the construction of a walkway and handrail along the left riverbank in Fergus Park to Knox’s bridge, has been opposed by local residents.

Members of the Fergus Park Residents Association are concerned that the proposed handrail will encourage anti-social behaviour and the ease of access to the back of 20 houses in the area.

In a report to Ennis Town Council on the Ennis Flood Relief Scheme, Town Engineer Eamon O’Dea said the OPW anticipates work will begin on phase two in September.

He explained that the tender assessment procedure for the Lough Girroga Flood Relief Scheme (Gort Road Industrial Estate) has been completed and work should start in August.

He stated that final design details for flood relief works at Fioruisce have to be confirmed with the OPW. The Council is also proceeding with the part 8 planning procedure at Watery Road / Elm Park Flood Relief Scheme. Mr O’Dea said the matter should be before the Council at the September meeting. He added that detailed design has commenced at St Flannan’s Tobertascáin – Ballybeg flood relief works.


Fun in the sun at Tubber Show

THE sun shone on Tubber over the weekend as hundreds descended on north Clare for the annual Tubber Agricultural Show. One of the main attractions of Saturday were the show-jumping classes, where a large entry ensured a high standard in all competitions.

The pony classes saw a notable double win for Noelle Barry who took the overall first place 1.1 and 1.2 metre classes on Cottage Flight. Other winners in the pony classes were Amy Johnston on Amber Leaf, Kevin McCabe on Cradle Oberdash, Olga Burke on Little Bob and John Murray on Heather Molly.

The main competition in the horse section was dominated by Gabriel Slattery, who took an unprecedented treble in the Connacht Grand Prix. He took first place on Castlelawn Kannan, second on Captain’s Magic Touch and third place on Ballintoghr Bud. Fourth place in the competition went to Stephen Egan on Le One with John McManus on Dino coming in in fifth place.

The Amateur Leddy League and HSI Qualifier was won by Peter Brady on Hollymount Cruise Hill, while Jacinta Fahy won the Amateur Speed on Chicken Wall.

Other winners in the horse section were Amanda Fahy who won the 1.1 metre competition on Lackyle Limited Edition, and Niamh Quinn on Cloon Cappain who won the 1.2 metre competition.

Meanwhile, on Friday, the Rosengrave Perpetual Cup for the Best Pin of Lambs went to Frank Donoghue from Tubber. There was also a huge interest in the dog show on Saturday and the festivities continued on Sunday with a fun day with food and craic in and around Finnerty’s Pub.


Business traffic rises at airport

COMMERCIAL traffic through Shannon Airport rose by 22.5 per cent last month, according to figures released by the Irish Aviation Authority.

It compares with a 3.5 per cent increase in Cork and numbers remaining static in Dublin Airport during the month of June.

There were 1,905 overflights and airport commercial movements at Shannon in June, compared with 1, 555 in June of last year.

The figures are a significant improvement on poor figures at the mid-west airport in recent months. Figures for 2010 showed that commercial traffic fell by 32.2 per cent and overall traffic at Shannon fell by 21.7 per cent.

En-route flights, which are flights transiting between Europe and North America – the majority of which do not land in Ireland – increased by 2.1 per cent, when compared to June 2010.

Spokesperson for the IAA, Lilian Cassin, said the figures are positive. “We are delighted with it. What’s more significant is the overhead flights between Europe and North America are up. That tends to be a barometer of international traffic, a barometer of how the global economy is,” she said.

She said she is hopeful that terminal traffic will increase as a followon from this.

“When the recession hit the first impact was on the en-route traffic and the terminal was after that. Hopefully this will be followed by an increase in terminal traffic,” said Ms Cassin.

According to the IAA, traffic figures for the first six months of the year are subject to distortion when compared to the first half of last year, due to the impact of the Icelandic volcanic ash crisis in April and May 2010. However, when adjustments are made to compensate for this, the en-route traffic movements for the first six months of this year show an increase of around five per cent over the same period in 2010.


Councillors ‘pro-development’ of a retail park

COUNCILLORS in Ennis have expressed support for the development of large retail parks on the outskirts of Ennis.

At a special meeting of Ennis Town Council yesterday, members discussed a proposed second variation to the Ennis and Environs Development Plan 2008-2014.

Thirty-one submissions were received in relation to the variation, which was drawn up in response to concerns raised by the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

The Department had expressed concern over the amount of land zoned for residential purposes in the Ennis area.

Yesterday, councillors presented a number of modifications to the proposed variation. They included an amendment proposed by Cllr Frankie Neylon (Ind), stating, “It is the policy of the Council that, subject to assessment of retail impact PS7 (site at Limerick Road and Clonroadmore) would be a suitable location for a district centre scheme or new large food store.”

He said he was proposing the amendment “in the interest of balanced retail development”.

Cllr Neylon told the meeting that councillors should positively consider developments that have the capacity to create jobs and encourage young people to stay in Clare rather than emigrate.

He said Ennis had lost shoppers from Kilrush and Miltown Malbay to large retail developments in West Clare. He told the meeting that the only new businesses setting up in Ennis town centre are “€ 2 shops, phone shops and betting shops”. He claimed that shoppers are refusing to come to Ennis because of the cost of parking charges.

The proposal was backed by the Mayor of Ennis, Cllr Michael Guilfoyle (Ind), who told the meeting that he was “pro-development” provided it was on sustainable basis.

Cllr Brian Meaney (GP) expressed concern over the amendment. He warned that it could lead to a “doughnut effect” whereby jobs would be lost in the town centre. “You would lose a certain amount of vitality from the town centre,” he added.

The amendment, along with others proposed by councillors, will now go back on public display.

Planning permission has been sought by Michael Lynch Ltd for the development of a retail park at five hectares of land at Limerick Road and Tobertascáin.

It is projected that as many as 500 jobs could be created if the development gets the go-ahead. According to planning consultants DPP (Development Planning Partnership), 300 temporary jobs will be created in construction while with a further 200 full-time jobs in retail on completion.


Drivers ‘mystified’ by lack of road markings

RESIDENTS along the old N18 road between Barefield and Crusheen are “mystified” by the removal of road markings in the area, a meeting has heard.

The issue was highlighted at yesterday’s meeting of councillors in the Ennis East Electoral Area. In a motion, Cllr Brian Meaney (GP) requested that “that no road markings be removed from what was the N18 road without the consultation of elected members”.

Cllr Meaney told the meeting that residents in the area are “mystified” by the removal of a “ghost traffic island” at Ballymacona Cross. He said the removal of the traffic island was understandable given its proximity to a bend of road leading to a fly-over on the M18 Ennis / Galway road.

However he added that it “appears curious” that a traffic calming measure installed at a cost and that helped motorists when the road was busy, was removed at a cost.

Cllr Meaney acknowledged that there is an issue in relation to the speed of cars coming off the flyover.

He said that he was concerned that decisions to remove road markings were being taken on a “unilateral basis” without the knowledge of the public or elected representatives.

In his reply to Cllr Meaney’s motion, Senior Executive Engineer Eamon O’Dea stated, “The existing line marking at Ballymacona Cross on the R458 (old N18) was put in place at the end of the Ennis bypass project. The design build contractor of the Ennis bypass and their road safety auditor (and checked by the supervising engineer) required that a ghost island was installed at the Ballymacona Junction, as the dual carriageway was reducing to a single carriageway way on the N18.

Mr O’Dea added, “The N18 is now the R458 and the traffic levels has reduced on the road, the design build contractor for the Gort Crusheen project and their road safety auditor (and checked by the supervising engineer) consider that a ghost island is not required and that the lining provided complies with the required standards.”

Mr O’Dea told the meeting that he is “not happy” with the road surface or the bends leading to the fly-over.


Calls for Clarecastle land to join Ennis Environs plan

COUNCILLORS in Ennis have recommended that large tracts of development land in the Clarecastle be included in Ennis and Environs Development Plan.

At a special meeting of Ennis Town Council, councillors proposed a number of amendments to the proposed variation.

Senior planner Gordon Daly told the meeting that phase one of the plan could only include 88 hectares of land zoned for residential purposes.

In total, across a number of amendments, councillors are seeking the inclusion of 38 hectares of land in the Ennis area, which the manager’s report said should be excluded from phase one of the variation. To balance their proposals, councillors are proposing that 38 hectares of land in the Roslevan area be excluded from phase one of the variation. Members are seeking the inclusion in phase one of the variation, lands in the Clarecastle area.

In their submission, councillors Tommy Brennan, Frankie Neylon, Brian Meaney and Michael Guilfoyle state, “It is important to the implementation of this plan and to generate a sufficient population base in these areas to justify the upgrading of the Clarecastle treatment plant and other community facilities along with road networks that residential development is promoted in these areas in a balanced way.

The amendment supports submis- sions made by: Therese McCarthy on lands at Ballybeg, which were zoned residential in 2003 and 2008; James Malone, on lands at Kildysart Road, Clarecastle and Ballybeg. (In his submission Mr Malone states “developers with lands in Clarecastle are looking at the possibility of working in partnership with the Council in order to bring these lands to planning by resolving the existing services issue. These discussions are now put in jeopardy if the current phasing as proposed proceeds); McCarthy Bros, on lands at Ballybeg; M Fitzgibbon (Builders) Ltd, on lands at Ballybeg Clarecastle.

Councillors are also seeking the inclusion of land at Ballycorey as set out in submissions by Luxury Homes and land at Ballymaley, as set out in a submission by Michael Keating on behalf of Paddy and Mary O’Donoghue.

Councillor Tommy Brennan proposed the amendment “to introduce a more balanced zoning in order to optomise land use in the overall plan area”. Other amendments proposed the inclusion of lands at Tulla Road as set out in a submission by Drumquinn Construction Ltd.

Mr Daly said the manager’s report recommended the inclusion of lands at Roslevan as they are in a better location and have access to better facilities.

The variation will now go back on public display and will be subject to a further manager’s report. The variation process is expected to be completed by October.


Public opinion sought on Quin Bridge work

MEMBERS of the public are being urged to have their say on a proposed footpath for the Quin Bridge.

Concerns have been raised over plans by Clare County Council to install a footpath on Quin Bridge.

Councillors yesterday urged the Council to consider installing a foot- path underneath the bridge rather than on the main road.

Cllr Sonny Scanlan (FG) told the a meeting of councillors in the Ennis East Electoral Area that that he is against the current proposal. He said a footpath would make the bridge too narrow and cause problems for motorists and pedestrians alike.

Cllr Pat Daly (FF) supported the call, saying that the road is “too narrow and dangerous” for a footpath. “The footpath should be underneath the bridge,” he added.

Senior Executive Engineer Eamon O’Dea told the meeting that the part eight planning process finishes on July 15 and all public submissions about the project should be in by that date.

“The manager’s report will be drafted and brought before the coun cillors for their consideration.”

Mr O’Dea said resources will be made available for the project. Ennis town manager Ger Dollard told the meeting that plans to improve pedestrian facilities at the railway bridge on the Quin Road are “tied up with the railway safety commission”.


Daedalus Clarecastle move grounded

ICARUS will not be swooping down to settle in Clarecastle despite a late bid to have the well known piece of sculpture moved to a new home.

In a motion submitted to yesterday’s meeting of Ennis Town Council, Cllr Mary Howard (FG) called on the Council to “consider relocating the Icarus sculpture to the centre of the Clareabbey roundabout”.

Cllr Howard told the meeting that the statue would be a “lovely gateway” to Ennis if it was moved to Clareabbey.

Mayor of Ennis, Cllr Michael Guilfoyle (Ind) said he would like to see the 11-tonne statue brought back to the centre of Ennis rather than Clarecastle.

Cllr Paul O’Shea (Lab) called for a vote on the matter, urging the Council to install the statue at the Clareabbey roundabout.

However, in his response, town clerk Eddie Power stated that a site on the N85 western relief road had been chosen as a new location. He explained that design work on a new base for the statue had already started at the Rocky Road roundabout. He told the meeting that € 20,000 has already been committed to the project.

Town manager Ger Dollard said the Council was involved in three major sculpture projects – the Information Age Sculpture at Clon Road; Icarus and its replacement piece in the Market – a sculpture of two farmers and a cow.

He said it was “too late in the day” for a new location for Icarus. “The horse has already bolted in that re- spect,” he added.

The Icarus statue was designed by the renowned Irish sculptor John Behan. It was gifted to Ennis Town Council by the former Shannonbased company Guinness Peat Aviation in 1990 to mark the town’s 750 year anniversary.

Behan titled his work Daedalus though it became known locally as Icarus.

The sculpture had occupied a place on the roundabout at the heart of the market area of the town prior to its removal in December 2006.


Alzheimers fundraising kayak trip a success

IT TOOK a week longer than expected, but the heroic efforts by a Quin man to raise money for the Alzheimer Society of Ireland came to a joyful conclusion on Sunday.

52-year-old Brendan Cooney set out the aim of kayaking 124 kilometres from Athlone Weir to Two Mile Gate in Killaloe within a four-day period.

The challenge, in memory of his mother Nancy, was initially timetabled from June 23 to 26. While the first two days were a success, Brendan encountered tough conditions when he got to Meelick last Saturday week, June 25. He put the challenge on hold, but efforts to continue the following day were also hampered by the poor weather. He waited for a few days and managed to complete his challenge over the weekend, culminating on Sunday.

“I had to come out of it [last Saturday week]. The weather was just too bad, I had to walk out from the canoe on Saturday. We went back on Sunday morning but I was advised to go no further,” he told The Clare People .

He kayaked from Meelick to Rossmore in Galway to Williamstown to Mountshannon, before eventually reaching his destination, Two Mile Gate, on Sunday. He got great assistance along the way from his brother Austin who provided short support.

“I got to my destination, even if it was a week late,” he said. “If I took until Christmas, I was going to finish. With the type of canoe I had – a solo canoe – the wind has a big bearing,” he said.

Now that the kayaking is out of the way, Brendan will set his sights on collecting money for the Alzheimer Society. He hasn’t set any targets in terms of fundraising and says he doesn’t mind if he raises € 100 or € 10,000.

“That’s the next job. I have to take up the [sponsorship] cards and money. The aim is to raise awareness of the disease and also the carers. They do a great job,” he said.

He is also considering the possibility of doing a similar event next year, after a well-earned rest! “I’ll see what happens and how things progress from here. It’s a long way between here and next summer,” he said.