A LEADING teacher in Alexander Technique will visit Clare later this month to present an introductory course in what has become a huge phenomenon in the county.
Richard Brennan, who lives in Galway, will be in the Kilmaley Day Care Centre on September 24 and 25.
The event is organised by Andrea Martin a lawyer living in Inch, who herself has found the technique very helpful.
The course will be of particular interest to anyone who suffers from back pain as well as people who have sustained injuries through sport, mu- sic, acting or various other interests.
Alexander Technique has been credited for playing a key role in assisting several people recovering from various ailments.
Penelope Easten, is an Alexander Technique teacher living in Ogonnelloe, said it is ideal for everyone.
She explained the idea behind the Technique. “If you have a tight back, it is because your brain has the muscles set too short. No matter how much yoga or gym you do, you won’t change that. You can do yoga to strengthen the muscles but you have to work at it. None of them change the default settings, which is what we are doing,” she said.
“It is suitable for anybody. It is for people who want to look after themselves. If somebody’s back hurts, a pill is a quick fix, but it doesn’t get to the root of the problem. Although Alexander is expensive, it is long term,” she said.
“The youngest I have been working with is eight years old and the oldest is 86. Most people come along because they have a bad back or neck or hip or shoulder, or neck or elbow,” said Penelope.
“I work a lot with musicians. They learn to use their body in a better way. I also prepare people for public speaking. We have been taught to think of the body and mind as separate, but in reality they are linked. The body and mind work together.
“Poor computer use can lead to neck strain or headache.
“Most of my work is one to one sessions with individual pupils,” she said.
She said that the Technique is catching on in Ireland. “Any classical musician will know about it. Any actor will know about it. More and more doctors will know about it,” she said.
Anyone interested in attending the course should contact Andrea on 087 2233835 or email andrea_ martin@ireland.com.