THERE is “no suggestion of any transfer of ownership” in a proposal to transfer responsibility for maintenance of Place St Paul de Fenouillet from Ennis Town Counci l to the Temple Gate Hotel, a meeting has heard.
Town clerk Eddie Power made the comment as council lors discussed a repor t on the cour tyard which is located between t he Hotel and the tourist office / Count y Museum Building.
Speaking yesterday, Paul Madden, Managing Di rector of the Temple Gate Hotel, confir med that preliminar y discussions had taken place with the Council regarding maintenance of the cour tyard.
Mr Madden said he did not wish to comment fur t her on t he matter.
In a repor t to counci llors, Mr Power stated, “Preliminar y discussions have taken place with the Temple Gate Hotel. From the hotel management perspective t he appearance of Place St Paul de Fenouillet has the potential to enhance t he appearance of the hotel and have a positive i mpact on business and customers.”
He continued, “It is proposed to enter into fur ther discussions with Temple Gate Hotel to conclude an ar rangement whereby the maintenance of Place St Paul de Fenouillet is car ried out by the hotel to complement the hotel, museum and tourist office.”
Mr Power st ated that work on removing a number of t rees and shr ubber y along with other “minor upgrading” would be car ried out prior to any proposed agreement.
Cll r Tommy Brennan (Ind) told the September meeting of Ennis Town Council that he was “totally against the proposal”. He said that the maintenance of the area had never been neglected by the staff of Ennis Town Council and as such, should remain the responsibil it y of t he Council. Mr Power said there was “no question of job losses” arising from the proposed t ransfer.
Town manager Ger Dollard said t he Council have not worked out any proposed ter ms with t he hotel. He described the proposal as “purely a management and maintenance agreement ”.
Cll r Brian Meaney (GP) urged the Council executive to carefully consider t he proposal, saying cer t ain “public access rights and issues” could arise.
Cll r Brennan said he would li ke to see what is proposed from the Council and t he hotel before any decision is taken.