
€500k on wheelchairs

THE HSE spent more than half a million euro on wheelchairs for Clare, Limerick and North Tipperary last year.

It was unable to say how much it spent on other aids such as walking frames and crutches last year stating they were included in “a generic cost centre of either beds and hoist or medical surgical equipment”.

In 2008 the HSE spent € 1,121,193 on aids and appliances in Clare.

However the cost of wheelchairs in the former mid-west area was recorded at € 511,260.84 in 2011 and € 491,231.07 in 2010.

Green Party councillor Brian Meaney raised concerns that aids such as crutches and wheelchairs were not being recycled by the HSE.

He asked if it was still the policy of the HSE not to return such mobility aids.

In its reply the HSE said it has recently signed a contract with the company Homecare Medical.

“This contract award supports and supplements existing recycling services and will ensure high standards in infection control and appliance service and maintenance. This contract will also support the movement of aid and appliances to ensure equity of service for clients in the community,” said Philip Browne from the HSE’s Procurement Department.

“It will increase current recycling levels and reduce the need for purchase of new appliances,” he said.

It is still unclear what equipment and aids will be recycled and how much will be saved each year under the project.


Employment service rebranded

A NEW organisation dedicated to providing employment services for people with illness, injury or disability has been established in Clare. The launch of EmployAbility Clare represents a rebranding of the former Clare Supported Employment Service.

The new identity was unveiled by Caroline Casey, a well-known campaigner for people with disabilities, while addressing an audience of almost 190 people at Dromoland Castle last Wednesday.

Speaking to a theme, ‘Impossible is an Opinion’, Ms Casey said the new name, which “puts the focus on a person’s ability to work, rather than their innate or acquired disability, describes what supported employment is about”.

“While our service centres on supporting people with an illness, injury or disability to secure employment, we’re also concerned with assisting employers,” said EmployAbility Clare team leader, Alice O’Carroll.

“People are living longer, and as the population rises, more and more people acquire disabilities. People in the older age groups hold most of the wealth in society and naturally have more purchasing power. It makes sense for businesses to attract as broad a range of customers as possible. They can learn how best to be accessible to people with disabilities by finding out, first hand, from people with disabilities how to make their products and services attractive and accessible,” she added.

EmployAbility Clare, which offers a range of supports, including workplace adaptation grants, wage subsidies and on-site employment facilitators, is key in supporting people with an injury, illness or disability overcome the challenges of adapting to employment and to being accepted in the workplace. It also works with employers to ensure new recruits make a meaningful contribution to the business’s bottom line.

“We strive to reassure employers and give them the confidence to see the benefits of working with us. The new identity, which focuses on the positive benefits of ‘employing ability’, rather than ‘supporting employment’, will help to address any existing misconceptions,” aid Ms O’Carroll.

The launch was organised by EmployAbility Clare in conjunction with Shannon, Ennis and Limerick Chambers, IBEC, and co-sponsored by UCB Manufacturing Ireland Limited, Shannon Development, Vitalograph, Dromoland Castle Hotel, ZAGG International, and the Cregg Group.


Olympic torch lights up Shannon

THE SHANNON region was touted as being ideally located to cash in on traffic and business associated with the 2012 London Olympics, but it never happened.

Until last Saturday that is, when Shannon Airport that famously welcomed home Ronnie Delany from Melbourne with his Olympic gold in 1956 and saw off Cassius Clay with his Olympic gold that he won in Rome in 1960 was finally touched by London 2012.

It was all thanks to the surprise pit-stop made in Shannon by the Olympic torch on Friday, over a month ahead of schedule when it will be carried from Belfast to Dublin en route to London by among others, Paul McGrath, Michael Carruth and Rory McIlroy.

But, in ahead of all these famous names was Airport Duty Manager Natasha Naughton-O’Keeffe after the British Airways flight BA2036 was forced to divert to Shannon for re-fuelling.

“I certainly wasn’t expecting to be holding the Olympic torch when I came into work this afternoon but it’s certainly made the evening shift a lot easier,” she said.

“The whole world will be looking at the Olympic torch on the opening night of the games in July and I’ll be able to say I carried it too,” said Ms Naughton-O’Keeffe who hails from Gort.

“It’s a great honour to have been the first place in Ireland to have the Olympic torch this year. I know it’s scheduled to come to Ireland in June and there’s a lot of effort going into organising its visit but we can always say we had it first in Shannon.

“We have had many firsts here since the airport was established and this is definitely right up there,” she added.

The BA flight was one of two forced to divert to Shannon to take on extra fuel after air traffic control issues in Canada forced them to take longer routes than anticipated. The torch was being brought to England by Mr Piers Skinner, director of customer management for Coca-Cola.

The arrival of the Olympic Torch today is in keeping with a long history of firsts at Shannon Airport, including being the birthplace of ‘duty free’ airport retailing, Irish coffee and, more recently, the first airport outside the Americas to get US preclearance services in 2009.

The torch was transferred from the BA flight to complete it journey to London on a scheduled ShannonHeathrow flight on Friday evening.


‘Mayday’ appeal for lifejackets

RNLI branches from Ennis and along the county’s Atlantic coast will come together later today to launch the ‘Mayday Mayday’ campaign for new lifejackets in the stations.

The Ennis and Kilrush branches of the RNLI have decided to pool their resources and produce a combined programme of fundraising events for the rest of the year. This programme includes events established events such as the Burren Ramble and the July Moonlit walk in the Burren, but also includes new events such as the hills of Aylroe in Kildysert.

The Mayday Mayday programme launch will take place at the Sanctuary in the Queens Hotel, this evening, May 1, from 8.30pm. It is hoped that a large number of locals and RNLI members will support the launch and the different fundraising events.

“This appeal centres on the new lifejacket initiative for the crews of all our lifeboat stations around the country. It also gives the Clare community to come out and support their local lifeboat stations,” said Jennifer Ryan of the Ennis RNLI.

“Our countries lifeboat branches are always looking for ways of improving and maintaining their equipment. This however is a costly business. The new lifejackets that have been in development for some time now are the way forward.”

Details of these events will be available this evening but it is understood that the new fundraising event in the hills of Aylroe will take place during May. The annual Midnight Walk will take place as usual in July while this year’s Burren Ramble will take place in September.


Tourist trade gets familiar with Clare

SOUTH Clare’s tourist attractions will be put under the spotlight this Wednesday when tourism operators from throughout the county take part in the third of four ‘Familiarisation Tours’.

The tours are the brainchild of the Clare Tourism Forum, thanks to their ongoing campaign aimed at increasing tourism business referrals within Clare.

As part of the initiative two tours have already been held in North and West Clare, while the final tour in the series will take place in East Clare later on in May.

This Wednesday’s excursion to South Clare will feature guided tours of Quin Abbey, Craggaunowen, Bunratty Castle and Folk Park, Bunratty Castle Hotel Angsana Spa, and Durty Nelly’s perfect Guinness workshop. Participants also will attend a cookery demonstration at Bunratty Cookery School and an Irish coffee making demonstration and tasting session at the Shannon Oakwood Arms Hotel. John O’Brien, Shannon Archaeological and Historical Society will accompany the tour.

“The familiarisation tours have been hugely successful to date with dozens of Clare tourism providers pledging their support to help to build referral business within the local sector,” says Clare Tourism Forum chairperson, Barbara Faulkner.

“By broadening their knowledge and experience of other tourism attractions within County Clare, individual operators will be better positioned to promote the wider tourism sector and in doing so accrue the benefits of fellow operators doing likewise,” she adds.

Tourism operators interested in joining a tour should contact the Clare Tourism Forum office on 0656846537 or email


Clare patients among 40,000

CLARE people waiting for out patient appointments in Galway are among 40,517 hoping to get a call, with many waiting years for that coveted appointment.

Galway has the longest waiting lists in the country, but the CEO of the Galway/Roscommon Hospitals Group, Bill Maher, said he was more concerned with the duration people were waiting rather than the length of the list.

He also said the 40,000 plus figure was “a worse case scenario” as it had not yet been validated and once it was he expects the figure to fall significantly.

He told members of the Regional Health Forum West that some of the names on the list were duplicated, on other hospital lists or no longer required the service.

“Once validation is complete we would expect a reduction in this number. We know for example that a number of patients are referred routinely to the same or similar services in a number of hospitals,” he said.

Describing the list as “frightening” chairman of the HSE West Forum Cllr Padraig Conneely said he was “getting horrific stories of people waiting years” on the list.

“This is a figure I wouldn’t be happy with either. The real issue for me is not the number of people in the list but how long they are waiting. There are some specialise where people are waiting for years,” the CEO admitted. “I wouldn’t be sure if all patients are still active on the list. To validate the list properly would entail writing out to 40,000 patients and await a response,” he said.

Mr Maher added the HSE had set itself a target to shorten the list significantly within the next 12 months.

“We have set ourselves a target that no one will still be on the list in 12 months. 12 months is still too long for patients to wait for an out-patient appointment but we have to start somewhere,” he said.

“On March 23, 2012, the SDU launched an initiative to deal with the out-patient waiting list. This is similar to the initiative currently underway for in-patient waiting lists. We are currently preparing to take part in this initiative and will be addressing out-patient waiting lists across the hospital group.”

He also denied that the waiting list was as a result of a staffing issue.

The CEO told the HSE forum members that when he had exhausted all of the resources he had, and if he still needed more then he would apply for some.


Counselling should be ‘a part of the schools curriculum’

THERE have been calls for teachers in Clare to receive training to help support students who may be feeling suicidal or depressed. Services and organisations that help prevent suicide and self-harm should also be publicised through secondary schools.

The suggestions were put forward in Ennis on Friday at the launch of Pieta House’s Darkness into Light walk, which takes place at Lees Road in Ennis on Saturday, May 12.

Pieta House is a non-profit organisation providing a specialised treatment programme for people who have suicidal ideation or who participate in self-harming behaviours.

The Ennis launch was attended by local politicians including the Mayor of Clare, Councillor Pat Hayes, gardaí, clergy and teachers. The walk is also supported by Davy Fitzgerald and the Clare senior hurling panel.

John Burns, Deputy Principal of Rice College, Ennis, said it is “vital” that the availability of services such as Pieta House is promoted through schools. He added that training should also be provided to teachers.

Joan Freeman, CEO of Pieta House, said the service has refused requests to speak at schools. She said that after hearing from Pieta House, teachers were often left “to deal with the aftermath” amongst students, a situation she described as “unfair”.

Ms Freeman said Pieta House has initiated a ‘Mind Your Buddy’ programme, which encourages students to tell someone if one of their friends is in crisis.

Ms Freeman said the service would be happy to educate staff.

A recent meeting in Ennis heard that 899 children were referred to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Clare, Limerick and North Tipperary last year. In 2009, that figure stood at 419, while 710 children were referred in 2010.

Cllr James Breen (Ind) told the launch that the decision by the Minister for Education and Skills to abolish guidance counsellor posts in schools was a mistake.

“They understand the pressures pupils are under. This can avoid people committing suicide. Career guidance is a very important part of the curriculum.”

Mayor of Clare, Pat Hayes praised the work of Pieta House, who operate a centre in Limerick.

He said, “We all have a duty of care to try and help people who seek help. Thank you for the good work that you do. It is the voluntary and community organisations that are keeping this country afloat.”


Woman allegedly attacked with iron bar

A WOMAN suffered serious injuries including a fractured finger after allegedly being hit with a metal bar in her home in Ennis last month, a court has heard.

Details of the alleged assault against Bernadette Walsh at 179 Achabhaile, Ennis, were heard at Ennis District Court on Wednesday.

Alan Kilmartin (32) with an address at 14 Davitt’s Terrace, Cloughleigh, Ennis, appeared in court charged with assault causing harm to Ms Walsh on March 2 (2012).

Inspector Tom Kennedy said the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) had not yet issued directions on the case.

Garda Sarah Murphy gave an outline of the alleged facts. She told the court that it would be alleged that on the night in question, Ms Walsh was in her home at 179 Achabhaile when she heard a knock on the door between 9.15pm and 9.30pm.

The court heard that half of the houses in Achabhaile are unoccupied. The area was described in court as a “ghost estate”.

She said that Mr Kilmartin, a security guard working in the estate, was at the door. She said that after the pair had a brief conversation, the woman went into kitchen.

Garda Murphy said that it would be alleged that when Ms Walsh turned around, Mr Kilmartin was standing in the house with a metal bar in his hand. It is alleged that he assaulted Ms Walsh with the weapon. The court heard that the woman sustained fractured fingers and to receive surgical staples for lacerations to her head. Garda Murphy said Ms Walsh and Mr Kilmartin did not know each by name.

“It was an unprovoked incident,” she said. Noting the alleged facts of the case, Judge Patrick Durcan refused jurisdiction.

He remanded the accused on continuing bail to appear at Ennis District Court on June 6 for service of a book of evidence.


‘Drunk as a skunk’

A MAN has been ordered to pay money to a local women’s refuge after being found by Gardaí in possession of a kitchen knife on the streets of Ennis earlier this year.

At Ennis District Court on Wednesday, Arunas Jankauskas (29) with an address at 11 Gus Murphy’s Apartments, Mill Road, Ennis, was charged having a 12-inch kitchen knife contrary to the firearms and offensive weapons act on Parnell Street, Ennis, on February 26.

He was also charged with a public order offence, being intoxicated to such an extent that he might endanger himself or others.

Inspector Tom Kennedy said Mr Jankauskas was “staggering” on the street when he was met by Gardaí.

His solicitor John Casey told the court that his client had been drinking in a flat on the Mill Road with a woman. He said the woman had come at him with a knife. Mr Casey explained that his client took the knife away from the woman for her own safety. He said Mr Jankauskas, a car sprayer, had been on his way to the Garda station to hand in the knife when he met gardaí. He said his client had been “as drunk as a skunk” on the night. The court heard that Mr Jankauskas has no previous convictions. Judge Patrick Durcan said there was an “element of gallantry” in Mr Jankauskas’ actions on the night. He ordered him to pay € 250 to Clare Haven, a service that provides support, and refuge accommodation to women and their children experiencing domestic violence/abuse. He struck out the charges against Mr Jankausakas.


Age-friendly’ students to meet the Taoiseach

STUDENTS from Coláiste Muire will meet Taoiseach Enda Kenny in Dublin tomorrow as part of an ongoing campaign to make Ennis the age-friendly capital of Ireland.

The group of transition-year students are hoping Mr Kenny will support their project on Positive Ageing, which aims to tackle ageism in Ennis.

They will also present the Taoiseach with an age-friendly loyalty card during their meeting at Leinster House on Wednesday.

The meeting was arranged by local Fine Gael councillor Mary Howard.

Led by their teacher, Mrs Finola Howard, the transition-year students have set out to tackle as many of the aspects of ageism as possible.

The foundation of their project is based on the areas of age discrimination and abuse, loneliness, lack of social connection and an education in technology.

The group have submitted a proposal to Ennis Town Council for new signage to caution motorists to be more aware of elderly pedestrians.

They also put forward the idea that the time period available to pedestrians at traffic lights is insufficient and should be lengthened.

The project is the school’s entry in the annual Young Social Innovators competition, the finals of which take place on May 9.

As part of the project, the students take part in paired walking with elderly members of the community, to keep them company while walking and to run errands for them.

The students are also promoting ‘New Year, New Price’, a collabora- tion with a number of cafés and taxi companies to agree on a reduced price for OAPs, which will take effect this month.

The students will also be actively involved in the consultations for Ennis’s Age Friendly Strategy on May 3. To mark this occasion, the European Day of Solidarity, the class have invited an active retirement group to visit the school on April 27 and relive their school days.

Student Muireann O’Shea said, “Ennis, as a potentially age-friendly town, needs to adapt its structures and services to be accessible to and inclusive of older people with varying needs and capacities.

“We, as a community, need to look after our elderly. Crossing the roads is a basic function and should not cause unnecessary stress or injury to any individual, least of all the vulnerable in our community.”