THE economic downturn has brought about an increased number of unfair dismissals cases in the county, one of the county’s leading business organizations has claimed this week.
The Shannon Chamber of Commerce has sounded out its concerns over the growth in the amount of cases in the county being referred to the Employment Appeals Tribunal over the past two years.
In a statement issued to The Cla re People this week, Shannon Chamber chief executive, Helen Downes said that, “2009 witnessed a 73 per cent increase in the number of cases re ferred to the Employment Appeals Tribunal and the volume of cases referred to the Tribunal in 2010 was equally worrying”.
And, because of this trend the chamber of commerce has been prompted to organise an event to address unfair dismissal obligations and redundancy management.
The event, which is sponsored and supported by Career Decisions Ireland and Zimmer, will be held at Zimmer’s facility in Shannon on Thursday, May 17, from 8am to 10am.
“It’s critically important therefore for companies to be fully aware of the implications of the Unfair Dismissals Acts and their requirements under the Redundancy Payments Acts,” said Ms Downes.
“This seminar will provide information on what constitutes a fair or a constructive dismissal, the steps a company can take to minimise exposure to an unfair dismissal claim, trends in dismissals, a company’s requirements under the Redundancy Payments Acts 1967-2007 and how to effectively manage a redundancy process.”
The event will be of interest to HR practitioners, managers and busi- ness owners. It’s part of a series of workshops being organised this year by Shannon Chamber to address human resources and employment law. It also fits in with the Chamber’s new HR Forum, which involves senior HR professionals from across sectors in the Shannon Region.
The Forum was set up to share best practice research and thinking in HR and Employment Law, develop a network amongst HR professionals in the Shannon Region.