AN ERSI report published yesterday predicted that the jobless rate is to rise to 14.9 per cent this year before settling at around 14.7 per cent.
One organisation that is not letting such predictions dampen its spirits, however, is EmployAbility Clare, formerly Clare Supported Employment Service, which is defying the odds by keeping its job-seeking success at an all-time high.
It is good news for the local people with an illness, injury or disability who continue to take up employment with the support of the service.
“We are delighted to report that our placement figures continue to remain steady despite the current climate,” said Alice O’Carroll, team leader with the service.
“I think local businesses have gained a confidence in our uncompromising commitment to match them with the right person to meet their needs over the last decade.”
The service, which is funded by the Department of Social Protection, is also committed to meeting the recruitment needs of local employers.
In some cases, businesses may be eligible to avail of a subsidy of € 5.30 per hour to assist them with wage costs when they employ a candidate through the service. Her e, Cla ir e Ga lla gher t a lks t o fou r ind ividu a ls who have ga ined employment – a nd a con fidence b oost – wit h t he help of Cla r e Sup p or t ed Employment Ser vice.