THE inclement weather put a dampener on the fun in Kilrush at the weekend as almost all of the Féile Sona festival had to be postponed.
Organisers decided on Thursday night to call off all the outdoor family events as the weather forecast pointed to a complete wash out.
The brainchild of Cllr Ian Lynch (FG) and Christine Murphy, the successful family fun weekend was in its third year.
“We hope to run the Saturday and Sunday events again later in the summer when the weather improves,” said Cllr Lynch.
Describing the weather so far this summer as a disaster, he said a heavy rainfall would make family entertainment such as the bouncy castle very dangerous.
As well as a health and safety risk, running the event under such circumstances was causing a headache for the event’s insurers.
It was therefore decided on Thursday evening to call off most of the events.
Cllr Lynch said it was very disappointing to have to make the decision especially as the weekend had grown so much in the last year with the FAI coming on board this year.
Not all was lost however as two of the indoor evening events went ahead.
The seven-aside soccer competition took place as did the singing pubs competition.
The competition involved all of the local pubs putting on a 30-minute act, with four pubs taking part in the final on Sunday night.