THE Clare Crusaders Clinic is calling budding barbeque party hosts to dust off the barbeque and hold an event to remember in aid of the children’s charity.
The event to be held on Sunday, May 26, and supported by Munster Rugby and Clare FM is encouraging families, friends and local communities to come together across Clare and fire up their barbeques to help raise funds for the Clare Crusaders Clinic.
As part of the event, those wishing to host a barbeque for the clinic will be asked to pay a registration fee of € 10 to the charity. In return, hosts will be entered into a draw for a number of prizes with an overall winner’s prize of Munster Rugby player appearances at their barbeque.
Each barbecue organiser will be supplied with a promotional pack containing clinic tee shirts, posters, flyers and a donation bucket together with a discount coupon, which can be used to purchase a specially prepared barbeque pack at cost price from their local Centra store.
Manager of the children’s clinic Ann Norton said, “Many homes around the county often enjoy having a barbeque on a summer’s afternoon. This year we are asking families and groups to organise a barbeque for Sunday, May 26, with their guests donating to the clinic. Who knows who might arrive at your door?
“The initiative forms part of our continuing season-long relationship with Munster Rugby which has seen players visit the clinic, support with our cook book and the charities match day experience, providing essential funds and greatly boosting our profile.”
The Clare Crusaders charity was formed in 2005 through the ambition of a small group of parents to overcome a lack of publicly available therapy for children with cerebral palsy and autism in County Clare.
The clinic has expanded from one therapist to four full-time and four part-time therapists expanding the range of services provided to over 200 children. Services are provided at no charge to parents and include speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, special teaching and reflexology together with regular group therapy activities. The clinic is available to children of all ages from infants to young adults, ensuring early intervention at a young age or supporting a child’s progression through school life whether in the mainstream or special school environment.