

A BALLYVAUGHAN grandmother who says she was ‘butchered’ by doctors when giving birth to her first son in 1965, is appealing to the Health Service Executive (HSE) to locate records of the birth.

Elizabeth “Ellen” Moore says that she has wanted to die on a number of occasions over the past 48 years following her symphysiotomy – which has left her in near constant pain and completely incontinent.

This procedure, which involved breaking a woman’s pelvic bone during labour, was conducted without her knowledge or permission in September of 1965.

Mrs Moore has recently obtained all her medical records from the HSE under Freedom of Information – but records of the birth of her first son and the controvertial symphysiotomy have been lost.

Ellen, who has five grown up children now living in Shannon and East Clare, says she wants the records so she can finally explain to her children why their mother was the way she was.

“My family are so supportive – they always have been. Sometimes I just curl up on the bed and hope that the pain will go away. It is difficult, [but] I had to get up every morning. I had five children, I had to keep going,” she said.

“There were time when I wanted to die, I wanted to get into bed and never get out of it – after I’d had an accident down the town of something.

“Nobody can give me back the years of my life. I should have had a good life, I should have been able to go places and do things – but I’ve been tied to pain. I think if I felt sorry for myself, I’d start to crack up.”


Farmers to seek change to SFP rules

A GROUP of Clare farmers have proposed radical changing to the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), which they believe could prevent as disastrous fodder shortage, like the one seen over the past month, from happening again.

The United Farmers Association (UFA) have gained much support in Clare since they formed a number of months ago.

The organisation supports a redistribution of the money paid to Irish farmers under CAP with smaller farmers, such as those in Clare, ben- efiting more, while larger farmers, more common in the eastern counties, would get proportionately less.

Clare spokesperson for the UFA, Joe Corbett, has proposed a change to CAP regulations which he feels would unlock large landbanks of good farmland which are currently not being used to its potential.

The scheme involves allowing inactive landowners to lease their land with their Single Farm Payment (SFP) being split between the landowner and the leasing farmers.

Currently landowners will lose their SFP if they lease their land making leasing unattractive for both parties.

This system, according to Joe, would allow both parties to share the benefits of increased production on the land as well as sharing the SFP associated with the land, a system which he believes would lead to an increased production on Clare farms.

“Farmers who want to retire or maybe want to get employment off the farm need to be incentifised to lease their land. They can’t be expected to lease their land for less than they would get if they had the minimum stock levels as set out under the SFP,” said Joe.

“A person in this position will get 50 per cent of his SFP and get more than the remaining 50 per cent from the farmer who is leasing the land. The leasing farmers will then get 45 per cent of the SFP for the land, which will subsidise the cost of leasing, but he will be able to more than make this up from increased productivity on the land.

“This idea will unlock the production potential that is in this land and it will see the land owner and the active farmer sharing that potential.”

The UFA scheme would also see the remaining five per cent of the SFP used for an emergency hardship fund to be created to help farmers in times of extreme hardship, such as the recent fodder crisis.


Ennis looks to Venice for inspiration

GONDOLA type boats and greater use of the Rover Fergus could see Ennis become Ireland’s answer Venice. That’s according to one local councillor who wants to see Clare become the romance capital of the mid-west.

Ennis councillor Johnny Flynn (FG) is urging Ennis Town Council to draft new byelaws that would al low gondola boat journeys through the town centre.

Speaking earlier this month, Cllr Flynn explained that gondolas are boats that were traditional to the River Shannon and Fergus Estuary.

He said, “These were common to the River Fergus and what I would want to see is Ennis become Ireland’s answer to Venice.”

Cllr Flynn’s proposals are due to be discussed at today’s monthly meeting of Ennis Town Council.

In a motion, Cllr Flynn states that Clare needs to develop a unique selling point to capitalize on the Wild Atlantic Way tourism initiative.

He says that the town’s waterways could be utilized more. According to Cllr Flynn boat tours could run from Knox’s Bridge to Steele’s Rock.

He states, “In order for Ennis and Clare to benefit in terms of jobs etc from the development and the promotion of the ‘Wild Atlantic Way’ tourist trail from Donegal to West Cork there is a need to develop a Unique Selling Point, a USP, for the county and its capital town to attract stayovers in the county. Clare is home to the month-long world famous Matchmaking Festival at Lisdoonvarna.

“Ennis due to foundation on an island and its history of flooded streets has been known over the decades as ‘Ireland’s Venice’.”

Cllr Flynn states that the council should seek to build “on Lisdoonvarna’s world renowned matchmaking reputation by promoting Clare and Ennis town as the premier romance county and town destinations along the ‘Wild Atlantic Way’ by immediately drafting byelaws to permit and regulate: (a) horse drawn journeys in jarveys in and around the town centre; (b) gondola boat journeys on the Fergus River from Knox’s Bridge to Steele’s Rock to Post Office Field. Steele’s Rock is so called as result of Tom Steele famously serenading across the Fergus the woman of his dreams living on the opposite riverbank.”


‘Set fire out of loyalty and love for his mother’

A MAN who set fire to property owned by a man who harassed his mother did so out of “loyalty and love for his mother”, a court has heard.

Judge Patrick Durcan said he accepted that 21-year- old Aaron Moylan had a certain “motivation” for damaging garden sheds at The Hawthorns, Limerick Road Ennis on June 27, 2012. At Ennis District Court on Wednesday, Mr Moylan, with an address at 8 Abbey Court, Ennis pleaded guilty to two charges of damaging two garden sheds by fire.

Judge Durcan this was a “very seri- ous and dangerous offence to commit.”

The court heard that Mr Moylan set fire to a garden shed owned by former Dell worker William Keane (40). In January, Mr Keane, with an address at the Hawthorns, Limerick Road, Ennis, pleaded guilty to harassment of a woman.

The incidents occurred over a 12month period on dates unknown between October 1 (2011) and September 1 (2012).

Mr Keane was ordered by Judge Durcan not to have any contact with the injured party. On Wednesday, Inspector Tom Kennedy told the court that Mr Moylan had an issue with a person living in The Hawthorns who had been involved in a relationship with his mother.

Insp Kennedy said that Mr Moylan went to the man’s property and set fire to the shed with a small bit of fuel and a lighter.

A shed in a neighbouring house was also damaged by fire as a result of the incident. Mr Moylan has no previous convictions.

Defence solicitor Tara Godfrey told the court that William Keane had harassed and stalked her client’s mother. She said the woman installed CCTV at her home because she was afraid of Mr Keane.

She said Mr Moylan had “cracked.” “He did what he felt would attack Mr Keane’s sense of security,” she added.

Inspector Kennedy said a certain amount of provocation could be attributed to Mr Moylan’s actions.

He added, “Mr Moylan was way out of order in going to set fire to this property. It was very dangerous and could have got out of control.”

Judge Patrick Durcan said, “I accept his motivation was out of loyalty and love for his mother….but I also agree this was a very serious and dangerous offence to commit.”

Judge Durcan adjourned the case until September 4 to allow time for compensation to be paid.


A fine mess for Ennis dog owners

ENNIS Town Council has warned that dog owners who do not clean up after their animals who foul in public areas will be fined and prosecuted under the Litter Pollution Act.

Environmental wardens will be renewing efforts to combat dog fouling around the town by actively targeting blackspot areas over the coming weeks, the local authority said.

The public are also being encouraged to report, in confidence, to Ennis Town Council any offences they see being committed.

“Dog fouling is an issue that has been on top of people’s mind as the worst form of litter and has been one of the top issues of complaint from members of the public in recent times,” explained environmental warden Gerry Murphy.

Mr Murphy noted that dog owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets in public areas but some are ignoring their responsibilities. He added that dog waste is not only a nuisance but can carry diseases which can be harmful to humans.

He continued, “The council is keen to promote the message that allowing your dog to foul in a public area and then not picking it up is simply unacceptable. Failing to clean up after your dog is the same as littering and is an offence under the Litter Pollution Acts. If you do not clean up after your dog you could face an on the spot fine of € 150 or up to a maximum fine of € 3,000 in court for each offence.”

“In January 2012, Ennis Town Council launched Personal Poop Scoop Dispensers which are available free of charge to dog owners from Ennis Town Council offices and the Dog Pound on the Gort Road in Ennis.

“These dispensers, which fit directly on to a dog lead so dog owners will not forget to bring them with them, are being made available so as to help dog owners to meet their civic duty not to cause a mess when exercising their pets,” Mr Murphy concluded.

To report littering contact Ennis Town Council’s Environment Section at 065 6828040. For further information contact


Commemoration to bring financial boost to Kilrush

BED and breakfasts in Kilrush have a reported a 20 per cent increase in business compared to the May bank holiday last year.

The boost in bed numbers has been attributed to the National Famine Commemoration 2013, with event beginning on Friday night last.

Accommodation providers in West Clare from Lissycasey to the tip of the peninsula are also preparing for an upcoming busy week and weekend, as events building up to the National Famine Commemoration in the area’s biggest town attract new visitors to the west of the county.

The Kilrush marketing and development officer Síobhan Garvey said early estimates suggest that the 10 days of events and Sunday’s ceremony will give the town an economic boost of approximately € 100,000.

The full financial impact will not be known for a few weeks however.

Honorary secretary of Kilrush Chamber of Commerce Mary Rose Counihan added that while it is not known exactly by how much the town’s businesses will benefit, it will provide an economic boost.

She agreed it was likely to be worth over € 100,000.

“It is bringing people to the town who would not usually think of visiting the area,” she said.

“The town is literally buzzing. There are loads of people around that would not normally be around.”

In the past few days lecturers and speakers, along with their family and friends, have been checking into B&Bs and hotels in the area.

History enthusiasts have also been availing of the lectures and events that are being provided free of charge in West Clare, many staying a number of days.

This weekend 46 ambassadors are also due to visit Kilrush as part of the official commemoration ceremony.

It is understood some of these diplomats have already booked into the five star Doonbeg Lodge, with more expected to stay in other hotels in the county. And despite the inclement weather which endured during the opening ceremony in Carrigaholt, enthusiasm for this national event continues as week-long events have been organised by the local council and community.


Flying drones over Ennis to combat crime?

UNMANNED flying drones could be used by gardaí to combat mobile crime gangs, an Ennis councillor has suggested.

Fine Gael councillor Johnny Flynn said the small, unmanned aircraft could form part of a Pilot Policing Technology (PPT) scheme to assist gardaí.

Cllr Flynn is calling on the Minister for Justice to start an initial phase of the scheme which he says would “assist the war on crime by putting in place immediately a scheme to fund mobile CCTV and other tech- nologies for Ennis Gardaí to combat anti-social behaviour and in housing estates”.

Details of the scheme are contained in a motion submitted by Cllr Flynn to today’s meeting of Ennis Town Council.

Cllr Flynn explained, “This funding mechanism scheme could be modelled along the lines of a similar one that is currently in place under the responsibility of the Minister of Environment.”

Cllr Flynn states that the scheme was used by the council to fund the purchase of mobile CCTV equipment to deal more effectively with fly tipping and other forms of illegal dumping.

He says that mobile CCTV systems should be positioned by the gardaí, for periods as long as is necessary, on streets and estates in Ennis affected by anti-social behaviour.

He adds, “This scheme should also consider the use of unmanned flying drones as a resource for Gardaí in its battle with mobile criminals and other anti-social elements in society.”

Drone aircraft have been used most recently by the United States army for surveillance and armed missions in parts of the Middle East and Africa. The motion is due to be discussed at today’s meeting of Ennis Town Council. Meanwhile, the quality of life in Ennis’ estates is also due to be discussed at the meeting.

Fianna Fáil councillor Brian Meaney is urging the council to consider developing a Neighbour Investment Plan for some estates in Ennis.

In a motion, Cllr Meaney said the plan could aid estates “improve their performance across a range of quality of life indicators, which in come cases are below regional and national averages”.

Deputy Mayor of Ennis, Cllr Tommy Brennan (Ind) is calling on the council to “apply to become one of the pilot towns in Retail Excellence Ireland’s National Town and City Project.”


Clare post offices under threat warns postmaster

THE futures of many of County Clare’s post offices are under threat, according to one Clare postmaster, as they could lose the contract for social welfare payments.

The Government must wake up to the threat to post offices in County Clare, the annual conference of the Irish Postmasters’ Union was told by Clare-born postmaster Tom O’Callaghan at the weekend.

Mr O’Callaghan from Kildysart, who is a postmaster in Upper William Street, Limerick, told the delegates to the conference in Fitzpatrick’s Hotel, Killiney, Co Dublin, that the future of hundreds of post offices nationally, and a number in Clare, were in the balance due to the fact that the social welfare payments contract is being internationally tendered.

“We understand that there is a very good chance that in the short term An Post will retain the contract but a second tender is to be issued in June that could result in a major transfer of the social welfare payment system to an electronic form,” he said.

“We are not against new technology or progress but the public are entitled to access their money in the way that best suits their needs. We do not yet know the full terms of the new tender but we are very concerned that it will force the successful tender to rush headlong down the e-commerce route.

“The Government should be very wary of the consequences, not just for an estimated 400 post offices that would close immediately if An Post were to lose the contract, but also for Irish society. It would be catastrophic,” the West Clare man warned.

Mr O’Callaghan, who represents postmasters in Clare, Limerick, Kerry and Kilmallock, told the delegates that the public were being forced more and more into using banks that don’t want to see customers, are forever increasing or introducing new charges and in whom the public have little trust. “As we saw last year people can also go weeks without having access to the cash in their bank account,” he said.

“Another issue we have with Government is their failure to utilise the outstanding network of 1,100 post offices throughout the country to provide additional services to com- munities,” said Mr O’Callaghan. “We commissioned the accountancy firm Grant Thornton to validate our figures and they established that by allowing the public to renew their motor tax in post offices it would save the taxpayer € 60 million.”

“We also believe there is a real opportunity to develop a system of electronic form generation where forms can be printed as required at post offices for a small fee; forms can be updated on request, and these services would save the Government money. Hospital charges could also be paid through our network.”


JRR Tolkien book auction to close Lisdoon festival

BIDS from all over the world have already been made for a priceless piece of JRR Tolkien memorabilia, which will go under the hammer as part of the first ever Burren Tolkien Festival this month.

A signed copy of ‘Tree of Leaf’ will be auctioned for charity in Lisdoonvarna next Thursday, May 16. The book is the first run of the first edition of the book and was personally given to Lisdoonvarna resident Jeremy Prince, when he was a student of Tolkien’s at Oxford.

The silent auction will be managed by Scéal Eile bookshop in Ennis and will form the finale of the Tolkien Festival.

A number of digital bids have already been received from international collectors and bids will be accepted through email or in person until 3pm on May 16. No detail of the bids will be made public during the auction and the largest bid will receive the priceless copy.

“People are already bidding by email and people will be able to bid in the room on the day,” said Pat Hynes of Scéal Eile.

“The book is special because we know Tolkien has handled it. He took it off his book shelf and handed it to Jeremy Prince 50 years ago. But it is also facsimile signed – so we know that it came from the very first print run, which is always the most valuable.”

The book has been fully restored by Scéal Eile in preparation for the auction.

“The book will be on display during the festival so people can come and have a look at it. We have had a lot of interest in the book already but I would imaging they will be a rush in the days before the auction,” said Eibhleann Ni Ghríofa of Scéal Eile.

“We should know soon after the deadline who will get the book; everything should be sorted out in 15 or 20 minutes. There are a few events due to take place after the auction close so it should be a great finale for the festival.”

Anyone who wishes to register to make a bid in silent auction can do so at a cost of € 50 at


Political backing for fish farm protestors

OPPOSITION to a € 60 million fishfarm proposed off the Doolin and Fanore coast solidified this week week with Fianna Fáil, Sinn Féin and Clare TD Michael McNamara all coming out against the controvertial development.

The two main opposition parties have now both adopted policy documents against the proposed fish farm – and nine other large scale fish farms which are understood to be in line for construction along the west coast – should the Clare fish farm be granted a licence by the Minister for Agriculture, Simon Coveney (FG).

Michael McNamara has also become the first Clare Oireachtas member to put his cards on the table about the proposed fish farm. Following a meeting with North Clare fishermen and other connected with the fish-industry last month, the East Clare deputy last week raised concerns about the scale of the proposed development.

He also questioned whether Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), who are proposing the construction of the fish farm, have done enough to promote the fish-related employment which already exists in North Clare.

“I would question whether the scale of proposals by BIM, in relation to the development of salmon farms, is compatible with marketing and developing our own indigenous inshore fishing sector. The on-going availability of fresh, high-quality fish is also crucial to our tourism sector and should not be jeopardised under any circumstances,” he said. “Speakers [at the North Clare meeting] said that the cages would be unsightly from Doolin and the revenue yielded by tourism to the Cliffs of Moher, Connemara and the Burren could be put in jeopardy.” Deputy McNamara also said that markets for species such as bass, cod, mackerel and velvet crab should be assisted by BIM rather than proposing to build a very large salmon farm and end up “destroying” the industries and activities on which the coastal communities depend. Tue07May13