DI RECTOR of Ser vices Ger Dollard is rounding up the t roops as the battle for tour ism prominence for the upcoming Brian Bor u Millennial Celebrations begins.
With Clontarf also closely linked to the historical Ir ish figure, it is his homeland of County Clare and Killaloe that plan to be central to the 2014 celebrations and al ready tourism groups from all over t he county have met to discuss a count ywide plan.
“The council has also commenced engagement with other bodies including Waterways Ireland and does see potential for the promotion of this celebration utilising the nor t h-sout h st r uct ure that exist,” said Mr Dol lard agreeing that the event has real tourism potential.
“Effor ts are also being made to have the event recognised at na- tional level in terms of var ious funding at other suppor t schemes,” he said.
The council official was responding to Cll r Pat Burke (FG) at last evening’s meeting of the council, who asked that the council set up a similar st r ucture as is being used for the Gat heri ng to build a county celebration.
He also asked t hat the programme of events be considered in the preparation of t he council budget of 2014.
The membership of the group al ready involved in drawing up the plans for Clare are Shannon Development, East Clare Heritage Centre, Killaloe Ballina 2014, Ennis Town Counci l, Scat ter y Island Group, Shannon Heritage, Clare Librar y Service, Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience, Clare Local Development Company, Nor th Tipperar y Leader Par tnership and Clare County Council.