THE summer sunshine at the weekend had an impact not just on the count y’s beaches and water ways, but also the local hospit al.
Yesterday mor ni ng (Monday) there were no patients in the newly opened and much publicised Medical Assessment Unit (MAU), and just “a handful of people” awaited t reatment in the Local Injur ies Unit.
Medical st aff put the low attendance down to the fine weather, as t raditionally accident and emergency cent res see a drop in patients during sunnier days.
The MAU i n Ennis was officially up and r unning yesterday and will remain open ever y Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.
Patients are to be refer red to the unit by thei r GPs if they have symptoms that may requi re hospit al admission such as chest infections and chronic diseases i ncluding asthma and diabetes.
Shannondoc and GPs can also admit medical patients di rectly to t he hospital outside the opening times of the MAU, following discussion wit h the medical and nursing staff.
GPs and hospital st aff wil l have time to familiarise themselves with the new system as patients have yet to come flocking through the door.
The 12-hour local emergency cent re was also replaced at the weekend with a local injuries unit that wi ll cater for minor injuries and illness.
The good weather seemed to have a positive affect on t he well being of t he people of Clare as less t han five people awaited t reatment at the injuries unit at 8am yesterday.