
Rose of Clare crown tops Una’s birthday celebrations

IT WAS birthday celebration on the double for the newly-crowned Rose of Clare this weekend, as she was named the over all winner of the contest on the eve of her 23rd birthday.

Una Dowling who represented Kildare at the 34th annual CooraclareCree contest beat off strong competition from 16 other contestants from all over Clare, Australia and England, hours before her birthday.

The Kildare woman has strong Cooraclare-Cree heritage as her mother Eileen Chambers comes from Dromelihy.

Una, the daughter of Eileen and Christy Dowling, grew up in Castledermot, Kildare.

She is a third year student at Mater Dei Institute of Education, where she studies English and religion.

Una wasn’t the only festival success on Friday night, as local man Pat McMahon was named Overall Escort following a vote by all the roses.

The popular engineer won them over with his quick wit and charm, and no doubt with tales of his charity work with the Niall Mellon Trust.


Kilfenoras set to break musical records

THE famous Kilfenora Céilí Band will lead an audacious attempt to bring a new Guinness World Record back to Clare later this month.

The band will lead an attempt on Sunday, August 25, to set the world record for the largest Irish band ever to play a tune. Amateur and professional musicians are invited to make the trip to Kilfenora on the day and help the Clare village set a new world record. Officials from the Guinness Book of Records will be in Kilfenora for the event and 250 musicians will be needed to set the world first.

“We want to get as many musicians as we possibly can in Kilfenora for the day and if we can get 250 or more to play then we will have set a world record,” said one of the organisers, Gerard Linnane.

“The attempt will be led by the Kilfenora Céilí Band who will come on stage at 3.30pm. We will have rows of chairs set up for the musicians in the square and the hope is that enough musicians will turn up on the day to help make it a reality.

“Anyone who is aged 12 years or older can take part and all that the need to know is how to play the famous Kilfenora Jig. There will be music in the village all afternoon and we will get a rehearsal in with everyone who is taking part before the main vent.”

Anyone who wants to take part can register in Kilfenora on the day be tween 12 noon and 2.30pm. Volunteers will also be collecting money for Kilfenora Senior Citizens and The Irish Cancer Society at the event.

More information is available from or by ringing Gerard Linnane on 065 7088157.


Financial issues forces Scattery Bishop to cancel

THE Bishop of Inis Cathaigh (Scattery Island) and Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn in New York Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano has apologised to the people of Kilrush for pulling out of plans to celebrate Mass on the monastic island at the 11th hour.

The bishop was forced to change his plans to celebrate the Mass last weekend due to financial constraints, both in his own budget and the budget of the local authority in Clare.

The bishop, who holds the ancient title of Bishop of Scattery Island since his ordination in August 2006, accepted an invitation from Kilrush Town Council and the local committee Comóradh Sheanáin Naofa to celebrate the annual Mass on the year of the Gathering.

In July his secretary wrote to Kilrush Town Council asking if the bishop would be reimbursed for his travel expenses.

The council members agreed that they did not have the funds to cover the costs, and did not usually cover any costs of visiting dignitaries to the town.

The bishop then contacted the town clerk John Corry just weeks before the Mass expressing his regret that he could not visit Kilrush due to budgetary issues.

“In the reply that I received from Most Rev Caggianos office regarding his visit to Ireland it appears that the cost of the trip to Kilrush appeared to be the problem,” Mr Corry told The Clare People .

“His offices indicated that because of the limited travel funds in their budget, they determined that it was not feasible for the Bishop to travel to Ireland for the Mass. They estimated the cost of this trip at $1,800 and with the bishop previously scheduled to participate in the Youth 2000 Summer Festival in mid-August, an additional cost like this would off-set their expenses.

“They expressed their sincerest apologies for the short notice and change in plans,” said Mr Corry.

Chairperson of Comóradh Sheanáin Naofa Cllr Tom Prendeville (FF), who first proposed the invitation to the council, said the group were disappointed that the bishop could not attend the special Mass.

Had he been able to make the trip he would have been the first Bishop of Scattery in living memory to visit the sixth century settlement.

“I understand why the county could not afford the bill, especially at such times of constraint. Maybe he might be able to come in the future.”

Cllr Prendeville said that other than the disappointment of not having Bishop Caggiano in attendance, the Mass and weekend of visits to the island was a huge success.


Todder’s traumatic A&E wait

A DISTRESSED mother has told how she relied on the kindness of strangers who were themselves at the mercy of the health services, as she waited more than three hours to have her two-year-old daughter’s head injury assessed.

The long wait at the University Hospital Limerick’s Emergency Department (ED) began at 6.45pm on Tuesday.

The little girl had received a bang to the head earlier that evening after a gate swung back on her. The family travelled to the only hospital in the region permitted to take injured children under the age of five to have the head injury examined and treated.

After a long wait to see a nurse, the worried mother was less than satisfied when she was “asked how it happened, my name, my contact number and advised there were two people ahead of us and it would be approximately an hour before she would be seen”.

The little toddler was then sent back out to the waiting room with her wound open and uncovered.

“At 9.30pm, 2.45 hours later, I approached the reception desk at AandE and pleaded with the lady that she be reviewed as she was a child with a head injury. There were tears in my eyes by now,” said the upset mother.

“The lady behind the desk seemed surprised that she wasn’t reviewed and said she is a child who should be given priority,” she said, adding that she told her to go through to a room inside in the emergency department.

“I met a nurse there and I advised her that the lady in reception suggested I bring her in …. There was only one other patient in there at the time but the nurse advised I would have to leave and wait outside.”

Eventually more than three hours later she was called through to ED.

“During this time I stood with my child in my arms and tried to console her as much as I could. An elderly man on a stretcher bed actually got up and let her lie down on his bed for a few minutes so she could try and get comfortable. After a few minutes I felt bad for the man and moved her. Another woman gave me a chair.”

“When she was eventually called by the doctor at approximately 10pm she was extremely upset as she was tired, exhausted and sore. She got upset on entering the [examination] room and I tried to calm her down, she ran out and I followed her, as she was scared of what was going on. As I left the doctor shouted after me ‘you answer my questions and the nurse will go after her’. I kept walking after my daughter but I could hear a nurse saying to him the child needs her mother.

“I eventually calmed her down, with the help of a lovely woman who gave her some chocolate from her hand bag. The doctor approached us and asked if she was okay now and I advised yes – she understands what will happen, to which he replied, good I will see another patient and I will be back. I could not believe this, neither could patients or people in the area that witnessed it. My daughter is two and a half years old, had been waiting in a strange place for over three hours for a doctor and she got scared. She is only a child. I find it absolutely unacceptable that my daughter had to wait over three hours for a doctor to assess her head injury,” said her tired mother.

She paid tribute to the other patients who helped her through the ordeal stating “They were people who cared more about me than the nurses and doctors.”

Since the episode in the ED the little girl was taken to her GP at the weekend, as the cut was badly infected. She is now on antibiotics for the infection.


Dolphins rescued from shallow waters by Kilkee children

THE dolphin human relationship in Clare may have got some bad publicity in recent weeks, but two striped dolphins are back swimming off the west coast of Clare thanks to a group of children.

The young heroes floated the two mammals, who had become beached on Thursday evening at the west end of Kilkee beach, before the emergency services has arrived.

The Kilkee unit of the Irish Coast Guard were dispatched to the beach following reports of the distressed dolphins trapped in shallow waters.

The unit had been on a training exercise nearby at the time.

The call out came at around 7.30pm but the coast guard arrived just in time to see the dolphin swim away, after it was helped out of shallow rock pools.

A spokesperson for the coast guard told The Clare People , “By the time we got there a few local lads had floated the dolphins back out. Apparently it happens regularly enough.”

Members of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group also arrived at the beach shortly after the rescue.

It is believed that there were as many as four dolphins in the area on the night in question.

The striped dolphin is more likely to become beached in shallow waters that the more confident bottlenose dolphin.

Dolphins are social, living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. In places with a high abundance of food, pods can merge temporarily, forming a superpod; such groupings may exceed 1,000 dolphins.


Clare planning applications are down 25%

THE number of planning applications received by Clare County Council during the first half of this year was down 25 per cent on the previous year.

The latest edition of the National Housing Construction Index shows that Clare has the fifth highest percentage drop in planning applications this year.

The number of houses that commenced building this year was also slightly down on last year with a drop of four per cent.

A spokesperson for links2plans, the company that issued the figures said, “Even though Clare only has a marginal drop in its commencements this year, the new figures on the significant drop in planning applications suggests that we may expect to see a significant drop in planning commencements in the near future.”

There were 179 housing planning applications lodged with Clare County Council in 2012, and this dropped by 45 to 134 this year.

The number of commencements dropped from 113 to 109.

“Compared to Clare, the outlook is positive for particular pockets around the country which are experiencing an increase in commencements and applications,” said the Managing Director of Link2Plans, Danny O’Shea.

“The Link2Plans team have seen significant changes in activity throughout the country which in part can be explained by the weather conditions in the first few months of 2013. There are however clear signs that the growth in residential construction activity is being felt in Dublin and other counties are still some way back. It will be interesting to see if the dry weather experienced throughout June and July will see the next edition of the index, register an increase in project commencements.”


Pony up for cancer care

A UNIQUE horse and pony charity ride will begin in Clare on August 31 in a bid to raise much-needed funds for the Mid West Cancer Foundation.

Established in 2007, the centre is located on the grounds of the University Hospital Limerick and its main aim is to provide holistic care for people from Clare, Limerick and Tipperary with cancer through a wide range of services.

The foundation also supports research being carried out by the Stokes Institute.

All funds raised from the Ennis to Limerick charity ride will enhance the cancer centre’s facilities and will ensure that the best treatment, services and cutting edge technology is available to people with cancer in the mid-west area.

Co-director and credit controller of the event Ennis woman Paula Williams explained, “As parents we got thinking wouldn’t it be a lovely to do something in the mid-west for the people of the mid-west that involves both children and parents.”

The charity ride and drive will not just be going from Ennis to Limerick, but a second group of horses, ponies and riders will also make their way from Adare in Limerick to meet with the Clare group at the Limerick Greyhound Course.

On the day of the event route one leaves from the Showgrounds in Ennis with participants free to do a much or little of the ride as they wish. There will be stops along the way in Quin, Sixmilebridge and the Radison in Meelick for refreshments.

A raffle will be held at the end of the ride and six winners will be picked to lead out the grey hounds running in the 8.30 Mid-western Cancer Foundation Charity Race at the greyhound race.

“All the proceeds from the charity ride and drive, raised by sponsorship cards and collection buckets on the day will go to the Mid-Western Cancer foundation which was which is based at the University of Limerick,” said Ms Williams.


Clare and Limerick find common ground

AS THE hurlers of Clare and Limerick prepare to square up against each other this weekend, new evidence has emerged which suggests that an ancient common tribal link exists between the people of two counties.

An excavation of Moneen Cave in Ballyvaughan has provided experts with a fresh insight into life in the West of Ireland in prehistoric times. The significance of the cave was not identified until 2011, when a ancient body as well as a number of ceremonial artefacts were discovered by local cavers.

The cave has been the topic of ongoing research by Dr Marion Dowd of IT Sligo, who has just completed a report including extensive radiocarbon dating and ancient DNA analysis.

She has determined that the cave was a significant religious site during the Bronze Age for a period of 1,000 years between 2,000 BC and 1,000 BC – after which point Moneen Cave inexplicable fell out of use.

The oldest artefact found on site was a red deer antler mace-head, which has opened the possibility of shared religious belief existing in Clare And Limerick some 4,000 years ago.

“We found evidence of ritual food offerings such as oysters and joints of meat. We also found about 350 sherds of pottery dating to 1,000 BC,” said Dr Dowd.

“The antler mace-head dates to around 2,000 BC. It was probably a ceremonial object and is the most important artefact from the site. We initially thought it was the only antler mace-head in Ireland but just recently we have come across five other examples of this sort of artefact – two from north county Limerick, one from Lough Inchiquin [in Corofin, County Clare] as well as one from Antrim and one from Meath.

“Most of the mace-heads or hammer-heads seem to come from natural places that were sacred in the past – caves, rivers and lakes. We know, for example, that Lough Inchiquin was a significant site in Neolithic and Bronze Age times because significant numbers of stone axes were ritually deposited in it, as well as one of these antler mace-heads.

“Though only six of these objects are known in Ireland, there is a marked concentration in Clare and north Limerick.

“What we are seeing is that there may have been a significance regarding this type of artefact in the religious practices of people in this region; that within their belief system [the Bronze Age people of Clare and north Limerick], this sort of antler mace-head was a recognised ceremonial and religious object.”

Meanwhile, human remains discovered in the cave were identified as those of a teenage boy who lived in the late medieval period, dying in the sixteenth or seventeenth century.

“A find like this is totally unprecedented in a cave context” continued Marion.

“We know that this was a 14 to 16 year old with probable stunted growth. We also know from the bones that the person had a very poor diet and would have suffered from a number of infections.

“Ancient DNA analysis showed that the skeletal remains were those of a boy. What we don’t know, and what we will probably never know for certain, is what caused this child’s death.

“Could he have been a murder victim? I don’t think so, because there is no sign of trauma of the bones. The second possibility is that this was some sort of clandestine burial – someone who didn’t warrant burial in consecrated grounds. I don’t think this is the case either because the body would still have been buried in the Christian east-to-west position.

“The other possibility is that the boy came into the cave and died there. He may have been ill or injured. This is my personal opinion of what happened even though we will never know for sure.”

The excavation was funded by the National Monument Service.


Mother, father, four children rescued at weekend

CLARE’S Water Safety Officer has warned people to remain vigilant on the county’s beaches following the rescue of a family of four from a West Clare beach last weekend.

The entire family were rescued by lifeguards, including a father, mother and four children who got caught in a rip current.

Describing the incident as serious Liam Griffin said, “If the lifeguards had not got involved I shudder to think what the consequences might have been for the entire family.”

“We still have a long way to go until the end of the summer. We still have the full month of August. If we get another fine spell we just don’t want three further drowning in county Clare.

“The three we had in July are three too many as far as I am concerned,” he said.

“If we do get a return of the fine weather I hope that we won’t have further fatalities and people will swim in the guarded locations and not to be swimming in quarries, reservoirs, rivers and un-recommended areas, places where they were swimming during the last warm spell.”

Mr Griffin said that despite the downturn in temperatures the county’s beaches are still very busy.

He advised beach goers to go to guarded beaches and swim between the flags.

“If you do that you are going to be grand.

“You won’t have a problem but there are people who don’t do that. They swim away from where the swim zone is and when they get into difficulty we have to try to take immediate action,” he said.


Summons prompts Gort cafe owner to think about closing

ONE OF the Burren’s largest employers may be forced to close for good next month – leaving 16 people out of work.

The Gallery Café says they maybe forced to close for good at the end of the Summer, with owner Sarah Harty blaming a lack of support from the local authorities as the main reason for the closure.

An estimated 20 separate business have closed in Gort over the past two years – with many of the market towns traditional employers feeling the effects of the recession.

According to Sarah Harty, proprietor of the Gallery Café on Queen Street, businesses in Gort are being “buried alive” by Galway County Council.

“I have been running a business for eight years in this town, employing up to 16 people.

“In order to reinvent my business I needed to enhance the outside of my property to attract people in.

“After spending thousands each year on council rates, the council rejected my claim to improve the pavement outside which was a myriad of potholes – completely unsightly and near reck- less for any passer-by, due to lack of budget,” she said.

“So I took matters into my own hands and put up an attractive decking. This decking feature was instrumental in attracting people down this formerly little known side street of Gort, spreading business around this side of town.

“I was then asked to remove this by the council as it didn’t comply with their regulations, which I duly accepted.

“However, during the recent hot weather, my restaurant was too uncomfortable to sit inside, so I put tables and chairs outside on the pavement in order to keep my business going, making sure not to obstruct anyone.

“I then received a letter with a summons to court and a fine for doing so. I have now completely hit a wall and am considering closing – this lack of support for small businesses is killing our town, and I can’t afford the fine plus my rates.

“I feel I am getting no support from our local government.” The Clare People contacted Galway County Council in relation to this story but a spokesperson from the local authority declined to comment – saying it was policy not to comment on ongoing enforcement matters.