
The Liam McCarthy trophy is ‘Banner Bound’

TWO Meelick lads reckon the Liam McCarthy trophy is Banner Bound in the latest song to celebrate Clare’s appearance in the All-Ireland hurling final.

Eanna Mulvihill and Oisín Hickey have teamed up for their acoustic anthem, ‘Banner Bound’.

The song’s lyrics reference some of the Banner’s summer heroes such as David McInerney and Darach Honan. “ ’Cos you’ll never bea t the Ba nner Boys in saffron a nd blue”, sing Oisín and Eanna, “ So sing along with us from Ennis to Killaloe. When Da vy Ma c a nd the Duck a tta ck, the rest will follow suit, ‘Cos you’ll never bea t the Ba nner boys on sa ffron a nd blue”. The lads look back at Clare’s victories so far this summer. They sing, “ We’ve hea r d it a ll, hea r d it a ll before – The Ba nner won’t be hea rd a nymore. But we showed the Déise, We showed the Tr ibes, We showed the Trea t y up on Liffeyside.

“ So ga ther a round, let’s hea r you roa r – Lia m McCa r thy’s Ba nner Bound once more.” Eanna and Oisín also predict that Clare captain Patrick Donnellan will have one final journey to make come the final whistle on Sunday. “ In Croke Pa rk, we’ll hea r the roa r. Hill 16 ha sn’t seen the likes of us before. When the fina l whistle blows – up the Hoga n Pa ddy Donnella n he will go.” Meanwhile the band behind ‘The Banner’s Back Again’ are working on a statue of Clare manager Davy Fitzgerald.

MC Banner, the singer with MC Banner and Killaloolas plans to erect the statue on his lawn in time for Sunday’s All-Ireland final.

The singer said, “I think it’s going to look a lot like Davy but my wife doesn’t think so.

“She’s not mad about the idea at all at all but she understands my devotion to the Clare team. I checked with all the neighbours and they have no problem with it.

“One of them is knitting a jumper for it for the winter.”

MC will rig an MP 3 player to the statue and when a person touches Davy’s hand it will play ‘The Banner’s back Again’.

MC continued, “We will unveil it on Friday, September 6, at dawn and I am hoping to have a Clare legend to do the unveiling.

“I hope Davy will visit it after the All Ireland. I think it’s the image of him, my wife says it looks more like Marty Morrissey.

“If I had time I would make a statue of Marty too, I am a huge fan of Marty’s.”

MC Banner and the Killaloolas are heading out on their tractor pulled stage. They plan to perform ‘The Banner’s Back Again’, in every Clare town this week.


National school families seek help with transport

THERE have been calls for the Government to assist families with the cost of transporting children to the new Ennis National School.

The new school at Ashline opened its doors for the first time to pupils last week. The school was previously located at a site on the Kilrush Road closer to the town centre.

In a motion due to be discussed at yesterday’s meeting of Ennis Town Council, Cllr Michael Guilfoyle urged the council to contact the Minister for Education and the Minister for Finance to allocate a grant to assist families, that are being asked to pay to transport children to the new school.

Cllr Guilfoyle said, “A lot of families now have an extra journey to make and I think the Departments should make some contribution to the cost of travelling to the school.”

The future of the former site of Ennis National School is unknown though it has been earmarked as a potential site for a major town centre retail development in the future.

In a submission to Clare County Council, Ennis Parish, the owners of the site, say it would be an ideal location for the future development of a commercial retail centre. Prepared by engineering firm Paddy Coleman and Associates, the sub- mission states, “It is their opinion that Proposal Site PS1 is ideal and should be promoted by the council through the Ennis and Environs Development Plan to cater for the identified retail deficiency. It is stated that they own part of the said site (the land associated with the Boys National School) and that the land will be available in the short term when it is vacated for the new school currently under construction at Ashline.” Supermarket giant Aldi have also emerged as potential purchasers of the site after signalling their intent to develop a second store in Ennis. However Cllr Guilfoyle says residents on the Kilrush Road would have concerns about any potential development in the area. He explained, “It seems it has been earmarked for a shopping centre. That may be a good bit down the line, if it happens, but I would have concerns. And there are people living there in peace for a long time that would have concerns about it.”


Tulla Road roundabout may affect shop

A LOCAL shop-owner has expressed concern that proposed traffic calming works at the entrance to Corrovorrin could lead to reduced business and a loss of jobs.

Councillors in Ennis have called for improvements to the Corrovorrin junction on the R352 Tulla Road to alleviate access problems in the area.

A report on the proposed € 50,000 project was presented to members at yesterday’s monthly meeting of En nis Town Council.

In a report to councillors, town engineer Eamon O’Dea stated that funding for the project had been se- cured from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.

Mr O’Dea explained, “The proposed layout has been confirmed with the Department of Transport Tourism and Sport road safety engineer during each stage of the design process. It was not possible to make significant amendments to the proposed layout to take account of the submissions received, however some minor adjustment to the parking opposite Tierney’s Shop on Kevin Barry Avenue were made.”

Mr O’Dea recommended that councillors approve the scheme at Corrovorrin Junction.

The proposed low cost safety scheme at Corrovorrin junction would involve a reduced carriageway width to give a “greater sense of enclosure” and the “reduce the crossing length for pedestrians”.

The council are also proposing courtesy pedestrian and combined crossing points along with an off road combined pedestrian and cycle lane

A preliminary deign report on the scheme states that traffic volume on the R352 ranges from 14,000 to 16,00 vehicles per day and 1,400 to 2,000 vehicles per day on Kevin Barry Avenue.

Alan Morrissey, Executive Engineer, stated, “Based on traffic flow levels the appropriate junction type is a priority junction.”

The report also states that analysis indicates, “There does not seem to be a speeding problem on the R352 east of Corrovorrin junction.

“An additional benefit of this design will be a reduction in crossing distances for pedestrians and cyclists thereby promoting sustainable travel modes” adds the report.

The council received three submissions on the proposed works.

Local shopkeeper John Tierney objected to the scheme at Corrovorrin junction. In his submission to the council, Mr Tierney stated that he is being penalised for complying with previous planning application. He stated insufficient background information was provided while adequate consultation procedures did not take place.

Mr Tierney referred to a brief re- port from the Chief Supt of the Clare Garda Division, John Kerin, which stated that according to Garda records, no accidents have taken place at the Corrovorrin junction in the past five years.

Mr Tierney also expressed concern that the proposed works would result in reduced business and loss of jobs.

Philip Coll, a resident of the nearby Kevin Barry Avenue, stated that he could not recall any accidents at the junction.

In his submission, Mr Coll told the council that he considered that filter lanes were required on both Kevin Barry Avenue and the Tulla Road. It was his view that a yellow box was required at the exit from Kevin Barry Avenue.


Ennis tainted with ‘littered’ label

MEMBERS of Ennis Tidy Town’s Committee were upset yesterday (Monday) by Irish Business Against Litter’s (IBAL) finding that the town was one of three in the country it deemed littered.

The anti-litter league’s Dr Tom Cavanagh said however that IBAL was not worried about Ennis being third from the bottom of the league as it had been a good town in the past and he was confident it would be good in the future.

“I am not worried about them,” he said of the three towns deemed lit- ter.

The people of Ennis, and especially those who have dedicated their lives to the tidy town’s organisation, can take some solace in recent history.

In 2005, just a week before the county town won the national Tidy Town’s competition, it also received a damming report from IBAL.

For now however, there is a lot of disappointment at the news the town had dropped 13 places since last year on the litter league.

Ennis town councillor Mary Howard (FG), who is a volunteer with the local Tidy Towns, said members were very upset as they called each other following the news.

“One woman who goes out six nights a week [to pick up litter] was particularly upset. People are putting in a huge effort like this,” she said.

“A huge effort has been put into painting railings and other work this year,” she added.

As part of the litter inspection carried out by IBAL, litter inspectors surveyed recycling facilities, hotels and sports facilities in the towns and cities concerned.

IBAL expressed ‘disappointment’ that seven in 10 recycling centres nationwide were littered, and a number were litter black spots, including those in Ennis.

“These are typically managed by local authorities so it is disappointing that so many of them are unclean, especially as their importance is rising. We recognise the potential for these facilities to attract litter, a threat which some authorities have fended off effectively by installing CCTV,” explained Dr Cavanagh. Inspectors praised the facility in Dundalk as being ‘in a league of its own’.”

Over three-quarters of hotel grounds surveyed were free of litter, but a small number, including Treacy’s West County in Ennis were judged to be seriously littered, due to litter in the areas surrounding them.


Report highlights pilot inexperience

PILOT inexperience has been identified as one of the possible causes of a plane crash which took place at Shannon Airport in 2011.

According to investigators at the Department of Transport’s Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU), excessive speed as well as pilot inexperience caused a major issue aboard an Aer Arann flight.

There were 21 passengers and four crew on board the Aer Arann Manchester to Shannon service when its nose wheel collapsed, controls jammed and it left the runway on July 17, 2011.

Nobody on board was seriously injured in the incident, which resulted in the plane scraping along the ground for 1,200 metres before coming to a stop on a grass verge.

According to one witnesses, smoke or steam could be seen billowing from the front of the 17-year-old aircraft while its left propeller crashed through and demolished a sign on the runway.

The aircraft was so badly damaged that it has been taken out of service and has not been repaired.

In its report, the AAIU states the plane approached the runway on two occasions in excess of the recommended speeds.

The then newly-promoted pilot was a “relatively inexperienced” captain according to the report, and had little experience handling the aircraft in difficult conditions.

Investigators said this inexperience was a contributory factor in the accident, along with inadequate information being provided to both her and her co-pilot about landing in crosswinds.

The likely cause of the incident was excessive speed and inadequate control of the aircraft during the blustery conditions, it was found.

The AAIU has ordered Aer Arann to review its training of pilots in landing aircraft in crosswinds as a result.


Climber survives 25ft cliff fall

A ROCK climber cheated death in the Burren on Friday afternoon after falling almost 25 feet from a sheer cliff and landing on his back. The climber, who has not been identified, is recovering in hospital after miraculously surviving the fall at a popular climbing spot between Doolin and Fanore.

The man, who is in his thirties, sustained serious injuries to his lower spine and arms in the incident – which took place around 3.15pm at Ailladee, close to the famous Mirror Wall.

The man was wearing a climbing helmet and harness and was saved by his equipment, and by the quick thinking of his friends who immediately contacted the emergency services.

The Doolin Unit of the Irish Coast Guard responded to the incident and administered first aid. The Shannonbased coast guard helicopter arrived at the scene minutes later but was unable to find a secure landing space.

Instead, a paramedic was lowered from the helicopter and spinally immobilised the man and transported him, with the help of the Doolin Coast Guard, to a clear area where he was winched into the helicopter and transported to University College Hospital in Galway.

The extent of the mans’ injuries are unknown but he had complained of severe lower back pain and other injuries.

“We responded to a call and discovered a seriously injured 32-yearold man close to the Mirror Wall between Doolin and Fanore. The climber had fallen between six and seven metres and was was severely injured,” said Mattie Shannon of the Doolin Coast Guard. “He was wearing a climbing harness and a helmet, which probably saved him, but it appears that the ropes may have come away from the wall somehow. He was suffering from severe pain to his lower back and injuries to his shoulders and arms.”

The cliffs at Ailladee and Ballyreen, located on the coast road between Doolin and Fanore, are some of Ireland’s premier climbing cliffs. They are a popular destination for climbing groups and are also used for Irish Army training as well as training for the coast guard and other rescue services.

Earlier this year a man was struck by the falling stone while climbing in the area and was airlifted to hospital for treatment.


Big ideas for a big screen for All-Ireland

AS THE countdown begins to the Clare hurlers’ date with destiny in Croke Park there are growing calls for the All-Ireland final to be shown on a big screen in Ennis.

Local authorities in Ennis are considering the suggestion to erect a big screen in the town centre, a proposal that could be done in conjunction with local businesses and Clare GAA.

Council officials met yesterday to discuss possible plans to mark Clare’s meeting with Cork in the All-Ireland final on September 8.

Abbey Street car park is the most likely venue for any pubic screening of the big match.

The area previously hosted celebrations to mark the ‘homecoming’ of sports legend Muhammad Ali to Ennis in 2009 and the recent Love Live music events.

Local community activist and member of the Disabled People of Clare support group Dermot Hayes proposed the big screen idea last week. He says the final is a great opportunity for communities across Clare to celebrate and come together.

He explains, “When Ennis hosted Muhammad Ali some years ago, a big screen was put up in the Abbey Street car park. It was just brilliant. I was there and still remember the buzz. In Limerick in 2006 when Munster played in the Heineken Cup, thousands came out on the streets of Limerick to enjoy the event. These memories are appreciated. So why not do it for the big match. Not everyone will be able to get a ticket and people who are living alone will want to share the joy of Clare playing in an All-Ireland final.”

Dermot is promoting the proposal as the ‘Big Idea’ through YouTube and Facebook.

Fine Gael councillor Johnny Flynn has called for Ennis Town Council and Clare County Council to “actively consider the installation, in partnership with others, of a large screen in Abbey Street car park, Ennis, or the All Ireland hurling final”.

Cllr Flynn says that subject to public demand, there may even be a need to site the screen in Cusack Park.

The Ennis councillor says the event would allow families unable to get tickets be part of the Banner County’s big day. Cllr Flynn added that a big public event would also be a good “tourism marketing opportunity” for the town.


Many Clare home owners under insured

CLARE families in mortgage difficulty could face a double blow should a a family member pass away unexpectedly. Spancilhill financial aid charity Dealing With Debt (DWD) says that hundreds of Clare families could face eviction from should a wage earning family member pass away – as the insurance will not cover the full cost of mortgages in arrears.

With more than 2,000 Clare families in arrears or in interest-only payment schemes, research from DWD indicated that the vast majority of these are under insured.

The insurance difficulty comes about when a mortgage goes into arrears as the life insurance cover associated with the mortgage is tied to the additional payment schedule.

Should a mortgage holder who is in arrears pass away, the insurer would only pay out the portion of the mortgage which is scheduled to be out- standing – according to the original mortgage timeline.

“If you had a € 400,000 mortgage lets say, and you run into financial difficulty and have to pay a reduced rate – maybe even interest only. After a while you would find yourself in a situation where you owe € 400,000 of a mortgage, but you only covered for € 300,000,” said Joe Corbett of Dealing With Debt.

“So you have situation of a family who is already struggling, gets hit with tragic death, and then they also face maybe € 100,000 in debt that they didn’t know they would have.

“We are seeing more and more of this. People are taking the risk that nothing will happen to them – and hopefully nothing will. People don’t take the insurance into account when they are in difficulty.

“When families are struggling to pay a mortgage then the insurance can be the last thing on their mind. It is a worrying situation and something that is becoming more and more common in Clare.”


Ennis composer scores movie soundtrack role

AN ENNIS postman turned film composer says he is delighted after scoring another big screen success.

Kerry Whitehouse has been asked to provide music for upcoming gangster movie ‘The Street’.

The film, which is slated for a 2014 release, is being produced by the Galway-based One Shot Productions. ‘The Street’ is due to be shown at the Cannes Film Festival.

The company asked Whitehouse to score the film after being impressed with his work on previous film and TV productions. The 38 year-old turned his hand to music after meeting the Oscar winning composer behind the ‘Lord of the Rings’ soundtrack, Howard Shore.

Whitehouse completed his first soundtrack in 2011 and has since worked on a string of Irish, American and English short films. Whitehouse’s scores are a blend of atmospheric horror and gothic electronica. He says he was delighted to be working on ‘The Street’.

“Yeah, its really been going great over the past 12 months. I’m enjoying it. I’ve got a few more jobs in the past few months and I’m really enjoying it. It’s going good now so hopefully it will take off,” adds Kerry.

He is currently working on music for the television series ‘Darker Days’. Kerry has also scored the Irish short film, ‘Banshee’, which is due to be shown on Irish television screens at Halloween.

Kerry is now listed on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), the world’s leading online source of movie information and statistics. In October he will attend the Film Music Awards in Ghent, Belgium, the Oscars of the film score industry.

Music has been part of the former CBS student’s life since he first started playing with local bands aged 16. Whitehouse’s grandfather Christy McAllister is a founder member of the Ennis Brass Band. His other grandfather, Lloyd Whitehouse was a professional piano player in England. The Ennis-based postman is currently working on a number of film and tv projects.


‘Landmark Lisdoon deserves credit’

LISDOONVARNA is set to become a “landmark” location in the ongoing struggle for full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) Irish people.

Days before the first “Outing” gay matchmaking festival comes to Lisdoonvarna, organiser Eddie McGuinness says that the people of North Clare deserve massive credit for the role they are playing in the social development of Ireland.

“This is a landmark event in the journey to full equality. You just have to look at what is happening in Russia right now [where homosexuality is illegal] to understand what a big event this is for the gay community in Ireland,” he told The Clare People .

“The people of Lisdoonvarna have really opened their arms to this festival. For such an ancient festival to welcome the LGBT community is a major event in a lot of people’s minds.

“I was down in Lisdoonvarna a few weeks ago and the reception I got was brilliant.

“I went around to all the local businesses were so enthusiastic about the whole thing.”

Eddie also confirmed that The Out- ing now looks like becoming an annual event in North Clare.

“We have been getting interested people from all over – just today we were getting bookings from Switzerland and America.

“There is a lot of Irish support this but we really have been surprised how far this is going internationally,” he continued.

“I feel in my gut that this will be a really big party in the years to come. This is something we plan to make into a yearly event and I think a lot of credit for this has to go to the people of Lisdoonvarna.”

The festival will also include a number of special community events such as a most glamorous shop-front competition and an official attempt to break the record for the largest number of dancing drag-queens dancing in a single line.

“London has the record at the moment with 156 people in drag dancing in a single line.

“So we want to go one better and bring this world record to Lisdoonvarna,” said Ed.

“We want everyone to take part – men and women. We want men wearing women’s cloths and women wearing men’s cloths.

“We are really hoping that the local community will get involved in this event which should be some fun around the town.”

The world record attempt is also a fundraiser for a number of charities including the Irish Cancer Society. For more information visit