
Plans afoot to install more CCTV cameras

This article is from page 29 of the 2009-09-22 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 29 JPG

CCTV in Ennis is set to be expanded after members of Ennis Town Coun- cil recommended that a new bank of cameras be installed in several areas of the town.

The cameras will be installed at Drumbiggle Road green area, Clancy Park, Cornmarket car park, Hermit- age, Pearse Avenue/ Childers Road, Shallee Drive, John Paul Avenue, Considine Road and Island car park.

A report on CCTV was presented to members at the September meet- ing of Ennis Town Council.

The aim of the report was to deter- mine whether or not the “proposed development was consistent with the proper planning and sustainable de- velopment of the area having regard to the provisions of the development plan and giving the reason and con- siderations for the evaluation”’.

The council’s report found that “most of the locations of proposed cameras are zoned other settlement land where the objective is to con- serve and enhance the quality and character of the area, to protect resi- dential amenity and to allow for de- velopment appropriate to the sustain-

able growth of the settlement”.

No submissions were received by the council on the matter.

“Tt 1s not considered that the pro- posal contravenes the zoning objec- tive for the area. There is no objec- tion in principle to the proposed development. I recommend that the development proceed,” concluded Ellen Carey, Executive Planner with Ennis Town Council. CCTV cam- eras are already in place in 13 other locations around Ennis.

Meanwhile, the next meeting of the Ennis town Joint Policing Commit- tee (JPC) will take place at Water-

park House on October 5.

Cllr Paul O’Shea (Lab) told Sep- tember’s meeting of Ennis Town Council that he had concerns about the timing of the meeting.

Cllr O’Shea called for the meeting to be held in September saying it was of “paramount importance” that it take place as soon as possible. Cllr O’Shea added that serious issues re- lating to crime had arisen in the town over the last number of months.

Town Clerk Eddie Power stated that several meetings had taken place be- tween councillors, council officials and the Gardai, as issues had arisen.

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