
Kilrush tourist season to start early

This article is from page 27 of the 2007-05-22 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 27 JPG

THE tourism season has been ex- tended by two weeks, members of Kilrush Town Council have been told.

They were listening to a presenta- tion from marketing and develop- ment officer, Siobhan Garvey or what has been done to promote the town and boost tourism.

She told the meeting that it has been officially recognised that the season has started early, “about two weeks early. The tourist information office is going to open early this year

to facilitate the visitors”.

The town council also plans to re- print 50,000 copies of an updated brochure featuring local activities, sights, accomodation, restaurants, pubs and service for visitors as well as giving them a handy map of the locality.

The brochure is being provided as a partnership project with local tour- ism providers and the Town Coun- cil.

The brochures will be ready by the end of the month, she told council members.

Among the other activities which

Siobhan has been involved in were re-developemnt of the town website, which is expected to go live by the end of the month, she told the council.

Kilrush was also represented at the London St Patrick’s Day parade and literature for the town was available on the Shannon Development stalls at the Holiday World Shows in Bel- fast, Dublin and Limerick.

A postcard is also being produced with CANTATA funding promoting nine heritage centres in Clare and offering discount for visitors to the na Kehe

Kilrush adverstisments have also been included in national tourism publications including

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