This article is from page 26 of the 2007-05-22 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 26 JPG
THE Kilrush Family Resource Cen- tre will hold a day-long conference on all aspects of family health from 10am to 5pm on Saturday, May 26.
All interested parties can attend the free event, which will involve half- hour talks about everything from nutrition to sexually transmitted in- fections.
Development worker Viv Rooney outlined the speakers and topics lined up for the day.
“A representative from the HSE who is going to talk about healthy eating and cessation of smoking will attend. There will be a breast checker and someone from the Marie Keat- ing Foundation talking about cancer awareness. Staff from the Red Rib- bon Project will be there to address sexual health. We have two women from the Shannon Youth Service looking at relationships and STIs Koren
There will also be a public health nurse giving an update on their ac-
tivities in Clare, a spokesperson from Clare Haven will talk about the ef- fects of domestic violence as well as speakers on family planning, repro- ductive health and complimentary health.
Ms Rooney said that this is the big- gest event of its type staged by the family resource centre and it has been in the planning stages since January.
“This event is part of our three year plan because we wanted to do something around the area of health awareness and promotion. We all
talked about it and decided a confer- ence would be a good way to do it. It will be a great day – very interest- ing. There are lots of different talks and we will change topics quickly so that we can cover a snippet of every- den eetoaa
Numbers are not strictly limited but booking is needed, ideally before Spm on Tuesday, May 22 (today), so that lunch can be provided for every- one on the day. For information con- tact Kilrush Family Resource Centre on 065 9052173.