This article is from page 38 of the 2007-08-21 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 38 JPG
COMMERCIAL organic farmers will now be able to benefit from funding outside of the main REPS portfolio following the launch of a new scheme by former Green Party leader and Minister of State with responsibility for Food and Horticul- ture, Trevor Sargent, last week.
The new scheme will be co-funded by the EU and the Irish taxpayer and is part of Ireland’s Rural Develop- ment Programme 2007-2013.
Speaking at the launch, Minister Sargent, said that the objective of the
new scheme is to deliver enhanced environmental and animal welfare benefits and to encourage producers to respond to the market demand for organically produced food.
Organic farmers can participate in REPS as well this scheme, but for the first time they have a choice.
“I see this as an important change. Up to now, organic farmers had to be in REPS to get support payments. Some farmers might have consid- ered the organic option, but didn’t find that joining REPS as well would have suited their particular situa- tion,” he said.
‘These would include producers of foods for which consumer demand is greatly in excess of what the Irish organic sector can supply at present. These would be small-scale horti- cultural producers, for example, or large-scale conventional tillage pro- ducers who might be interested in converting part of their land to or- ganic cereal production to meet the big demand for organic feed.
“The majority of producers will continue to participate in both REPS and the Organic Farming Scheme and we will be encouraging them to do so in order that they avail of the
maximum level of payments.”
In line with the latest round of so- cial partnership, the payment rates will be increased by 17 per cent com- pared to the previous programme. This means that between REPS 4 and the new Organic Farming Scheme an organic farmer will now be able to qualify for up to €21,650 during the conversion period and €15,860 a year with full organic status.
An organic producer who chooses not to join REPS will still qualify for up to €11,660 during the conversion period and €5,830 a year once he or she has full organic status.