
Music classes on the bill for Nell’s fest

This article is from page 27 of the 2007-08-21 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 27 JPG

FOR the first time ever the Ellen (Nell) Galvin Traditional Music Weekend will feature music classes.

OW sem Y COE Me Co OR DM Tmm DOB LACES OD AO S| year and takes place from August 31 to September 2.

The festival will officially open on Friday night at 9pm with a mu- sic session by John Kelly, Peter O’ Loughlin, Maeve Donnelly, Frank Custy, Patrick O’Loughlin, Paul Smith and John Everist and friends from Missouri USA. A Ceili with music provided by Four Courts Céili

band will follow.

On Saturday for the first time ever tin whistle and bodhran with Karen McInerney, fiddle classes with Vin- cent Griffin, flute classes with Paddy O’Donoghue and set dancing classes with Mary Murrihy will take place, all free of charge.

Music sessions will continue as al- ways on Saturday with Ann Hayes and her group, Mick Crehan, Ira Crehan, Angela Crotty, Paul Smith, Kitty Hayes, Peter Laban Frank Whelan and Cois na hAbhna Group, Michael Falsey and Lissycasey Jnr set dancers.

On Sunday Mass in Lisdeen Church begins at 9.30am followed by a visit to Nell Galvin’s grave. Music ses- sions will continue all day until late in Clancy’s Bar.

Local Legend Ellen “Nell” Galvin was born in Ballydinneen Knocka- lough on March 1, 1887.

She learned to play the fiddle un- der the watchful eye of blind Piper Garret Barry. She could also play the concertina but concentrated on the fiddle. Nell was the first Clare woman to broadcast traditional Irish Music from Radio Eireann known at the time as 2 RN.

In 2003 the residents of Moyasta got together and a committee was set up to organise the weekend.

“The intention was to give some recognition and pay homage to one of our own,’ said Mary Haugh secre- tary of the committee.

The event takes place each year on the first weekend in September to co- incide with the anniversary of Nell’s death on September 5, 1961.

“The committee would like to thank Clare County Council, the Arts Council, CCE and our loyal sponsors for their assistance,’ said Ms Haugh.

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