This article is from page 1 of the 2007-11-20 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 1 JPG
that in the last decade he has dealt with patients who have admitted attempting to take their own lives by driving their motor vehicle off the road or into a larger vehicle. The outspoken psychiatrist said that while he cannot say if this form of
attempted suicide is on the increase, it was considered a possibility in the last 10 to 15 years within his profes- sion.
While the majority of car crashes are tragic mishaps, Dr Bhamjee said he has dealt with patients who have, during periods of severe bereavement or anger, attempted to take their lives POM OCU KIARA
“Some think the world would be a better place without them and some think, if they are driving alone, that their family will get the insurance and be looked after,” he said.
“Sometimes people will tell you openly that this is what happened
and sometimes they will avoid dis- cussing it. Sometimes they say they regret it.”
Dr Bhamjee said that, in his expe- rience, it is mostly males in the 21 to 35 age group that have attempted this, although there have also been cases with older people.
Retired psychiatrist at Our La- dy’s Hospital in Ennis, Dr Patrick O’Beirne said that from the limited information in road traffic accident reports, he would consider this pos- sibility in some cases.
“It is certainly a theory,” he said.
There has never been a case of sui- cide on Clare roads brought before
Clare’s Coroner’s Court.
A study conducted in New Zea- land in 1998 and 1999 showed that there was a significant association between drivers who had suicidal ideation and were without current antidepressive medication, and the risk of an “injury crash”.
“The motives behind choosing this method are somewhat different to those behind other methods, includ- ing financial benefits and eliminating stigma in the aftermath of a suicide,” another report published in Australia concluded.
There has been no such study car- ried out in Ireland.