This article is from page 24 of the 2008-11-18 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 24 JPG
A MEMBER of Kilrush Town Coun- cil has accused the ESB of snubbing the council as a meeting between the electricity supply board and the local authority failed to materialise.
Councillor Collie Sweeney (Ind) also asked if the electricity supply board was in breech of its contract with the council.
He told Thursday evening’s meet- ing of the council, “We invited repre- sentatives of the ESB to address this council and to account for its neglect of the public lightening system in OTT ab ss e
“This council pays a premium rate to the ESB for the contract to supply and maintain a decent public light- ening service in the town. I think we should call in our legal adviser and ask if the ESB might be sued for breach of contract as it has failed to fulfil its obligations. But then the ESB enjoys a monopoly and can snub and ignore anything we say in this council chamber,” he said.
“There is an urgent need to carry out a survey of the public lightening in the town.”
“T walk the town every night of the week and can tell you that many lights are out of commission. Some
housing estates have no proper light- ing and this has security considera- tions for the residents living there. Maybe the town engineer will con- duct this survey and redden the ears of the ESB as to their contractual ob- ligations,” said Cllr Sweeney.
The Independent councillor said that on November 12 there were 42 lights out in the town and asked if the council was getting a sufficient Service.
Executive Engineer Derek Troy in- formed the councillor that all public lights are checked on the first week of each month by the town general Services Supervisor.
‘Following the monthly check a re- port of all defective public lights 1s sent to the ESB. Under the council’s contract with the ESB, any defec- tive public lights are required to be repaired within two weeks of this report,” the reply said.
‘An overall assessment of the pub- lic lighting system is carried out reg- ularly in conjunction with a member of personnel from the ESB. This as- sessment sets outs areas in need of upgrade to existing public lights and areas for the provision of additional or new public lights where street lighting does not currently exist,” he NCO