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This article is from page 2 of the 2008-11-18 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 2 JPG

CLARE’S former mayor, Cllr Patri- cia McCarthy (Ind) last night hit out at what she called a vindictive and malicious campaign that sought to discredit her as a public representa- tive. She was commenting after an independent commission ruled that she has no case to answer in rela- tion to the allocation of €50,000 by Shannon Town Council to the local OU Comer NB Ken

The investigation by the Standards in Public Office Commission was in response to a complaint by Wolfe Tones Camogie Club over the alloca- tion of funding to Shannon Leisure Centre for a skateboard park and ten-

nis court.

Cllr McCarthy is a director of the leisure centre and grant allocations from a number of local authorities have been on hold pending the out- come of the investigation.

However, the Standards in Public Office Commission has stated that there was no basis on which to initi- ate an investigation under the Ethics Act as none of the alleged contraven- tions was “a specified act”.

Last night Cllr McCarthy said she was delighted the process was com- plete and that there was no case to answer.

“T have maintained my silence for over 10 months in the face of inac- curate statements, accusations and

innuendo circulating freely about me because I knew I had done nothing wrong and to allow the process prove exactly that.

“Knowing I was innocent of all charges levelled against me did not lessen the anxiety and stress that my family and I have been placed under in recent months. For those who did not know me, it must have seemed strange that I should elect to remain silent and unresponsive to each base- less charge levelled publicly against me but I hope that they would now see that justice has been done, and my stand vindicated.

Cllr McCarthy stated that for the past 30 years she had at all times sought to represent the people of

Shannon openly and honestly.

“My involvement in the leisure centre, is part of that commitment, and one from which I do not seek or gain personal benefit, as has been confirmed by the Standards in Pub- lic Office Commission. This it would appear is an alien concept for certain politicians whose only objective ap- pears to be self advancement and have no hesitation in using character assassination as a means of self-pro- motion.”

She said it was an unfortunate con- sequence that this baseless accusa- tion had put in jeopardy the ability of every local authority to deal with applications for financial assistance under various schemes.

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