
Shannon town is cleaning up its act

This article is from page 28 of the 2007-09-18 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 28 JPG

THE Tidy Towns committee in Shannon is happy with its showing in the national Tidy Towns compe- tition, the results of which were an- nounced last week.

Shannon increased by just two points but the committee was happy with the improvement, on the back of last year’s phenomenal increase of 19 points.

Spokeswoman for the Tidy Towns committee, Tess Barry said this year’s total of 254 points pleased everybody.

Although she is concerned about the state of the roundabout at the town centre and the condition of erass around the town, she is overall optimistic that Shannon will contin- ue to improve its points in the com- Oe B BLO) NE

The categories in the competition are based on population size and Shannon was placed in the same cat- egory as Killarney, in the 10,000 to 15,000 population section. Killarney won that category, with 298 points.

“We are not disappointed. We are very happy we didn’t go down in marks. The grasscutting and spray-

ing were haphazard. One example is Corrib Drive, where you can hardly see the kerbing as the grass and weeds are so bad. That’s only one example,’ said Ms Barry.

“Gaining 19 marks last year was a big improvement. I had a fear we would lose some of those. I was very happy we retained the marks,” she Sr ALG

She said people on the committee are disappointed that a feature has not been put in place at the town centre roundabout, despite promises from Clare County Council over a year ago.

Overall, a lot of work needs to be done on the roundabouts.

“Our roundabouts are very bad. The weeds and grass are coming up through the trees. Something has to be done,” she said.

She is looking forward to the future and further success for Shannon in this competition.

‘We need more help. While we are very grateful to the residents who keep their areas beautiful, there is a small core group doing the work. We have entered Clare in Bloom and we are hoping to do well in that,” she Sr HOR

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