This article is from page 26 of the 2007-09-18 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 26 JPG
THE west Clare capital has seen much prosperity and development according to the Tidy Town judges.
So impressed were the judges with Kilrush they gave the Heritage town 49 marks out of 50 for its overall de- velopment.
The majority of the infrastructural improvements were in keeping with the original landscape according to the judges, but such development had come at a small price.
While Kilrush secured almost maximum marks in all categories to secure a gold medal in the hotly contested tidy towns competition, tidiness remained an issue receiving just six marks out of 30.
“There is still a major amount of construction work going on in Kil- rush and in the environs. This leads to messy site areas and developers
should be encouraged to keep these areas as tidy as possible,’ said the adductors, who were also aware of the hard work of the local people in keeping their area tidy.
“Outside of the above there is goodwill on the part of the local community to contribute to keeping areas immediate to their properties in good condition and free from Itt- ter and weed growth.”
The judges were full of praise for the hard working tidy towns com- mittee especially in its efforts to mobilise people to contribute to the aeue
They paid tribute to the built envi- ronment of the town with its many attractive shop fronts and well pre- sented public buildings.
The standard of the landscape was described as excellent.
“The visual effect of colourful hanging baskets, window boxes, nu-
merous potted planting and roadside planting was exceptional,’ the judges said, who agreed that the planting undertaken throughout the town if of benefit to the wildlife of the area.
“The interesting Cappa Pier area and the Millennium Bridge Amenity are all suitable for wildlife conserva- tion. The Heritage Council will help you to identify wildlife pockets in the area,’ the judges told the Kilrush Loyeabasnianeron
The town of Kilrush has its litter under control according to the judges – “a testament to the great work of the committee 1n advancing the mes- sage of good litter control”.
Kilrush received an amazing 19 out of 20 marks under the “waste minimisation” category, loosing a mark for the “poor condition” of the recycling centre on the Plouzane Car Ane
“Evidence of bottles, boxes, rub-
bish bags were left by the recycling centre. This situation needs to be ad- dressed,’ said the judges.
Private residental areas were sin- gled out for praise, as were the roads, streets and back areas and all en- trances to the town.
“Kilrush has made great strides in the National Tidy Towns Com- petition to date. Despite its major transformation over the last number of years it retains its rural/maritime character. We look forward to even further progress in the competition,” said the judges.