This article is from page 83 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 83 JPG
THE Clare Junior football team trav- el down to Dungarvan this weekend with limited optimism following dis- rupted preparations due to injury and club commitments.
Clare have been struggling to get players together to get good qual- ity challenge matches recently after been hampered by a long list of casu- alties. Injury to Thomas Madigan in
last Saturday’s O’Gorman cup add him to Clare’s treatment table which also includes Brian Troy, Eoin Cur- tin (finger), Danny Lynch (hand) and Brian Curtin who sustained an in- jury playing for Clare in last friday night’s challenge match against Cork. Cusack, Garry and O’Gorman cup games also limited Clare’s ability to assemble for training and challenges. Nevertheless, Clare managed to play Limerick twice as well as Shannon
gaels and Cork in the run up to this game and had a final challenge game against Eire Og last night in order to make final adjustments for the big game on Sunday.
Waterford on the other hand, look to be quietly confident ahead of Sun- day’s Munster championship game. Senior Manager John Kiely also manages the junior side and he has been preparing the two sides togeth- er in order to get the best out of his
Waterford have a total panel of 30- 35 players and it is felt that the junior team will be made up of the second string of this squad. Asked about the challenge of Waterford, Clare junior manager Micheal McDermott reck- Oy iTere Mm Aer: MmOA WE: TKou CORO MMA OOM Olomm EDO UN fit and extremely competitive. I thnk they have won two junior all-Irelands in the last ten years and any match down in Dungarvan will be a diffi-
cult match but hopefully we’ll do it”.
McDermott judges Clare’s prepara- tions “in the could be better catego- ry’ but he is hoping that some of his injured list could be available.
He admitted, “We haven’t picked our team yet but we will sit down to pick a team on Wednesday or Thurs- day night and see who we have that are free from injury. But hopefully we ll have a team that will be good enough to beat Waterford.”