This article is from page 8 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 8 JPG
yesterday. She emphasised that any
urgent problems would be addressed.
“If there is any emergency, we will deal with it. There will be night levels of staffing in areas such as accident and emergency. Work is already un- derway, in conjunction with the man- agement in Ennis, to ensure that all essential services will be maintained,” she said. “We are still hopeful, even at this late stage, that the strike can be averted. It is designed to put further pressure on the HSE but at the same time minimise the inconvenience to patents.”
Ms Fogarty criticised the HSE for extending its planned pay cut to in- clude fourth-year nursing students.
“This has been designed to scare us off. They are looking to break the un- ion,” she added.
Meanwhile, the INO yesterday an- nounced the suspension of all over- time by their nurses from this Friday in retaliation to the HSE pay cuts.