This article is from page 79 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 79 JPG
FURTHER details have been an- nounced about the Clare league’s plans for summer soccer.
In a statement the CPSSL say that summer soccer will allow children to have a safer, more enjoyable and cer- tain sporting experience. The ben- efits of switching to summer soccer have also been outlined.
These include; increased playing Opportunities for all; more enjoy- ment for players, parents, volunteers, coaches, managers and referees; chil- dren and families have more enjoy-
able soccer experiences; designated fixture days and timetables; minimal fixture disruption; increase in over- all training and playing standards; increase in volunteers as playing sea- son will be shorter.
According to the league the bad weather experienced during October, November, December 2006 and Jan- uary 2007 influenced the decision.
“It 1s true that the weather experi- enced this winter has led to the can- cellation of most fixtures during this time. This has led to immense frus- tration amongst coaches, parents, and most importantly, the children,
but the decision to play summer soc- cer was made at an AGM in 2005. This decision was ratified at the 2006 AGM. Besides the cancella- tion of fixtures, one of the principle reasons to play in the summer is so that children can train and play in weather that will make it safer and more enjoyable.
“Playing in the summer will also mean that children no longer have to play in slippery mud baths. This will lead to improvement in playing conditions and improve safety and enjoyment.”
There is also full agreement be-
tween all parties on the joint sched- uling of soccer and Gaelic games.
“The fixtures programme has been drawn up and agreed by CPSSL, Bord nOg Peil and Iomaint, so that with local co-operation between the various sports, each code will have fixtures on designated days. It has been agreed not to arrange fixtures on days that have been allocated to other sports.
“It 1s hoped that local co-opera- tion will mirror this arrangement with regard to training and challenge matches.”
The statement continues, “It will be
up to clubs at local level to make ap- propriate arrangements.
“It is understood by those who are involved in management and coach- ing that a child’s sporting ability will improve by playing different sports and mutual respect will need to be given to the needs of all in the com- munity”.
Each club in the CPSSL will hold an information evening in it’s region to further inform players and par- OLE
They will also give a detailed out- line of the season structure and lo- cally agreed arrangement if any.