This article is from page 6 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 6 JPG
KILRUSH estates are to get new stone-carved placename plaques where there are developments with- out name plaques.
The news was delivered to a meet- ing of Kilrush Town Council last week by marketing and development officer, Siobhan Garvey as part of her report on activities to improve the en- virons of the town. The stones would compliment the many activities and hard work being undertaken by the Tidy Towns supporters, she said.
Among the steps which the town council would be taking to support the Tidy Towns efforts this year was continued support of the town clean- up, which takes place this year on May 26, from 10am to noon. The town council will provide gloves, bags and skips for the effort.
“This year, we’re going for gold in the tidy towns,” said Ms Garvey.
The town council, in co-operation with the Tidy Towns committee and the chamber of commerce, 1s also producing a 10-step guide to con- serving this summer.