This article is from page 36 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 36 JPG
LITTLE feet in Miltown Malbay will take on a big charity feat on May 22 when kids from Forever Friends Pre-school do a sponsored toddle in aid of Barnardos.
The Danone Big Toddle for Bar- nardos will kick off at 9.30am when the 18 three- and four-year-old par- ticipants will take off on their half mile journey from St Joseph’s Na- tional School.
This is the fourth year that the pre-
school has taken on the Olympian task but according to owner, Kate Looney, if they decide not to run be- fore they can walk the mini-athletes can take to their buggies.
“All the kids have great fun and it is areally exciting event for them be- cause it breaks from the normal rou- tine. We invite the parents to come along and they can bring extra kids if they like. As far as I know we are the only place locally taking part.”
Proving that charity can begin at a young age, Kate said that sponsor-
ship cards were filling up fast.
“We sent a little one home this week with a sponsorship card and it came back full the next day. That’s €135 straight away. We normally raise around €/00-<€800. We try to aim for the previous year plus a little extra,” she added. ‘We do the shoe box appeal as well at Christmas. The children can do something for other children and that makes the cause real for them.” Forever Friends, open for four years at St Joseph’s, will hold its first sum- mer camp for three to six year olds for a week this July. If any créche, playgroup, montessori or family wants to take the baton from Forever Friends, information on the Big Tod- dle is available on or O1 7080442.