
New Steiner school spells it out

This article is from page 35 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 35 JPG

CHILDREN, teachers and parents connected with Mol an Ojige, En- nistymon’s new Steiner School, gath- ered in Lahinch on Friday in an at- tempt to spell out exactly what they need from the Department of Educa- nee

Some 7/0 people helped form a giant human chain on the sand of Lahinch beach spelling out the letters SOS, Support Our School.

The school, which is located be- side Data Display in Ennistymon, has been attempting to gain official recognition from the Department of Education for the past two years.

“All of the children and the parents, teachers and friends of the school gathered on the strand at Lahinch beach to form a human chain spell- ing out SOS, support our school,’ said Roisin Ni Ghairbhith.

“We feel that now is a critical time

for our school. We received a posi- tive recommendation and approval from the New Schools Advisory Committee. Minister Hanafin then said that under the circumstances she would allow more time to get a new patron for the school and so we did. We received the new school advisory committee’s seal of approval two weeks ago So now we are waiting for approval of our new Patron to secure recognition from the Department of Education.”

Mol an Oige succeeded in obtain- ing a new patron in the last couple of weeks. Lifeways Ireland have agreed to act as patron for the school following indications from the New School Advisory Committee that the VEC would not be suitable patrons. Lifeways Ireland is a Clare-based pre-school and education specialist. The registered charity and Limited Company contains a wealth of edu- cational experience including lectur-

ers from Mary Immaculate College in Limerick and a number of primary – and second-level teachers.

“We want politicians to raise our school as an issue in the run up to the election. We want people to support the school by raising it as an issue When politicians call to the door- steps. We need and deserve to get departmental recognition this year,” continued Roisin.

“Department recognition would be a huge help for the school. We would get state funding to help pay the staff, we would be able to apply for grants, we would not have to raise all the money for the running of the school by ourselves and most important we would not have to charge any fees, nominal and all as the existing ones are. Every school has to raise money but it would be a huge benefit to get some help from the department. We have always wanted our children to attend a recognised school within the

Department of Education. That was always our aim.

“We have done absolutely every- thing that has been asked of us. We are really hopeful that we will get recognition from the department sooner rather than later.”

Sharon Shannon will appear in a fundraising concert for Mol an Oige on June 7 at the Falls Hotel in En- nistymon. Tickets, at a cost of €25, are available form the Falls Hotel, Daly’s Bar and Unglerts Bakery in Ennistymon, the Celtic T-shirt shop in Lahinch, Custy’s music shop and Record Rack in Ennis.

All proceeds go to the school.

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