
Childrens artistic view of placenames

This article is from page 30 of the 2007-05-15 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 30 JPG

THE artistic imagination of 11 young children in Shannon has been recognised by the local Duchas na Sionna branch.

The group organised an art com- petition for primary schools, in con- junction with Seachtain na Gaeilge. 11 of the entrants were lucky to be chosen as the winners and were pre- sented with €20 book tokens, at a function at the Sean Lemass library in Shannon last week.

The theme of the competition was ‘logainmneacha’, (placenames) and the children were given the oppor-

tunity to describe their view of this topic, in art-form.

Greg Duff, who is involved with Duchas na Sionna, said the subject was particularly suitable in Shan- LO) eF

“Shannon would be unique, with the placenames. All of the new pla- cenames are up around Shannon, as Gaeilge. There would be a link to some history going back and we are trying to get the children to go back in history,” said Mr Duff.

Another member of Duchas na Sionna, Labhras O Donnghaile said the Irish language was the main idea behind the decision to run the


“It was all to do with the language and seanfhocail. The standard was excellent,” said Mr O Donnghaile.

Four schools were represented among the winners. St Tola’s win- ners were Rystis Chihunovas and Eric Mac Mathuna. The Gaelscoil’s winners were Hannah Nic Taidhg and Michelle Nic Amhlai. Ben- jamin O Maolchaithaigh and Lisa Ni Ailpin represented St Senan’s. St Conaire’s had five winners. They were Iskra Marvoka, Prionsias O Maol Dhomhnaigh, Frederika Ve- salenakova, Janella Leedasico and Aichah Ahmed.

Duchas na Sionna was set up a year and a half ago. It is a commu- nity-based local heritage commit- tee, made up of representatives of eroups such as The Shannon Ar- chaeological and Historical Soci- ety, Birdwatch Ireland, The County Clare Biodiversity Group and Club na Sionna, among others.

Since its establishment, members of Duchas na Sionna have carried out a major survey of archaeolog!- cal and historical sites in the area of Shannon town and its environs. This project is continuing and will take some time to bring to full frui- tion.

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