
Calls to demolish Tradaree eyesore

This article is from page 73 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 73 JPG

CALLS have been made to demol- ish the Tradaree Court flats, as they were merely an eyesore in Shannon.

The matter was raised by Fine Gael Councillor Tony Mulcahy who said the flats were in a “deplorable” state and “totally unacceptable.”

‘They are not secure. A lot of long- term residents in Tradaree have to look at an eyesore. Is there anything going to happen to the flats?” he asked.

He sought an update on the regen- eration project and on the security maintenance which is being carried out in the area.

He said the flats were damp and cold and lacked insulation.

“Whoever 1s in them should be re- located out of them as soon as possi- ble,’ he said. Fianna Fail Councillor Geraldine Lambert said she would concur with Cllr Mulcahy’s com- ments.

Shannon Town Manager Ger Dol- lard said the regeneration project

was going ahead and submissions would be invited. However he said it would be mid to late 2009 before work would get underway.

He said that residents could possi- bly be relocated and also suggested that the flats could be demolished.

Cllr Mulcahy said he would agree with the manager. “Demolish them,” he urged. “They are beyond the be- yond.”

Councillor Sean Hillery CFF) said that those in pursuit of a speedy housing transfer would have opted

to move into a flat in Tradaree, two years ago, and the allocation would then be made as they were “so un- healthy.”

“I’m amazed we still have people living there. This is a swinging door syndrome. It’s going on and on for- ever,’ he said.

The mayor of Shannon, Council- lor Gerry Flynn (Independent) said that several people in Tradaree were “dying to see the back of them. The heating and ventilation is not bal- eh eere me

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