
Legal eagles raise €4000 for hospice

This article is from page 72 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 72 JPG

STAFF at a legal firm in Shannon have raised €4,000 for Cahercalla Hospice in Ennis, through organis- ing a coffee morning.

F B Keatings employees put their work on hold as they took time out to organise the event, at the SkyCourt shopping centre.

In the process, they raised €1,800

and management topped this up to reach a total of €4,000. The fund- raiser was organised by the officer manager at Keatings, Mary Forde, who was delighted with the generos- ity of the people of Shannon.

“From dealing with older people over the years, whose partners have died, a lot of them have got abso- lutely brilliant support from the Hos- pice,’ said Ms Forde.

“There was a great turnout. We were on such a high that so many people turned up. It is a wonderful feeling. The feedback has been fan- tastic. We had never done anything like this before,’ she added.

Given the encouragement received from those who attended, she said that other similar events may well be OD ESe TANI M DOM MOCoM RERUN UCR

“While a lot of people from Shan-

non go to Milford (Hospice), Caher- calla is in Clare and they need the support. From that point of view, we will stick with Cahercalla,’ she AYOCe (orem

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