
Sparks to fly on Halloween night

This article is from page 72 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 72 JPG

A FIREWORKS display is poised to light up the skies in Shannon this Halloween. If plans to host the event get the go-ahead, it may well form the first prong in a plan for an annual Halloween festival in the town.

That was the overwhelming view of Shannon town councillors, who discussed the issue at its monthly meeting last week.

Labour Councillor Greg Duff brought up the issue and said he had received quotations for fireworks displays. He said that a display last- ing between five and eight minutes would cost €8,000.

He suggested that a fireworks dis- play would be held alongside a disco for children, which would be pro- vided by the Shannon Youth Service. He said that events could take place

in different parts of the town, to cel- ebrate Halloween.

He said that while there was some anti-social behaviour in Shannon during Halloween last year, it was relatively small. Three people were arrested, while there were five cases oem oreaca bho

“A small minority of anti-social yobs terrorise their neighbours,” he HCG

However, Labour’s Tony McMahon said he had concerns about fireworks. ‘‘T have grave reservations about fire- works in any capacity. They are quite a dangerous object to be operating with. Their effect on animals is very frightening,” he said.

Independent Councillor Mike Mc- Kee said the cost of clearing up bon- fires in previous years was €10,000. “In the last six weeks, fireworks have been let off all around the place.

Orolht (cM (ceexol merc eeeebeepionetsrl mm BKeye| residents associations to prevent fires and use the money for fireworks?” he asked.

Councillor Patricia McCarthy (In- dependent) said the fireworks were a good idea and it would be fantastic to run a display alongside a disco. She said the display should be in a cen- tral area in the town and not split into various events.

“We have to be mindful of the fact the town is spread out. I don’t see having one event in one place and another in another would be good for community spirit,” she said.

Referring to a display of between five and eight minutes, she said she feared it wouldn’t be big enough.

“TI don’t think we are going to stop the bonfires. It’s a tradition that has built up,’ she said. However, she said bonfires should be supervised.

Councillor Duff then said that gardai would educate schoolchildren on the dangers of crossing the road when events were taking place.

He said he would encourage fam1- lies to get involved on the night and said it would be important that secure places would be found for people to watch the fireworks.

“We could start building towards a Halloween festival,’ he said.

Shannon Town Manager Ger Dol- lard said that considerable costs were incurred in cleaning up after Halloween every year, right across the county. “We are in the lead- up to Halloween. There is evidence of stockpiling already,” he said.

The mayor of the town, Council- lor Gerry Flynn (Independent) said, ‘This is probably a first step to some- thing that is going to be good in the future.”

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