
BSE testing to save beef farmers

This article is from page 38 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 38 JPG

CLARE beef farmers will save hun- dreds of euro next year following the decision to introduce the new 48-month rule for BSE testing. The new approach to BSE testing was an- nounced by the Department of Ag- riculture last month but it was last week announced that the new testing regime would be introduced from January 1, 2009.

The news was welcomed by east Clare farmers and Chairperson of the ICMSA Beef and Cattle Com- mittee, Martin McMahon, who says that it will have a major impact on

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“This definite commencement date brings to an end a period of regret- table uncertainty and false starts and we estimate that the savings to farm- ers could be of the order of €8 mil- lion per annum,” he said.

“The new 48-month rule is further concrete evidence that the BSE prob- lem is now firmly in the past and also represents full recognition by the Commission of the excellent system of cattle identification and tractabil- ity which operates in Ireland.

“The new rule removes an unnec- essary cost and irrelevant age cut- off point and provides farmers with

more flexibility regarding the mar- keting of their cattle.”

Speaking on the issue when it was initially announced, Clare TD, Tony Killeen, said that the move would deliver significant savings to farmers who currently pay to have healthy slaughtered animals over 30 months tested for BSE.

“The current testing requirements are unjustified when one considers the significant progress made in re- ducing the incidence of the disease in Ireland, from a high of 333 cases in 2003 to 25 last year and 12 to date in 2008,” he said.

“Tam confident, based on the reduc-

tion in the disease in Ireland and the extensive controls in place, that Ire- land’s application will be approved and that the new testing regime may even be in place from early 2009.

“From the outset of his appoint- ment Minister Brendan Smith has continually identified the increase in the age limit for BSE testing as a priority. One of the first things he did as minister was to write to the EU Commissioner and he has taken every opportunity since to press the Commissioner to increase the age limit, particularly when he had met Commissioner Vassiliou at meetings of the EU Agriculture Council.”

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