This article is from page 23 of the 2008-10-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 23 JPG
GREEN Party and Fianna Fail councillors clashed yesterday over a proposed motion calling for Clare County Council to oppose the “anti- rural housing” proposals of Minster for the Environment, John Gormley.
Councilor Michael Kelly (FF) put forward the motion at yesterday’s council meeting, claiming that Min- ster Gormely was against rural re- generation.
He claimed the minster was taking
authority away from local elected representatives.
‘Minister Gormley has taken away powers and decided to rule on his own where people should live and where they should not live.
‘He has adopted this one cap fits all approach. I think this is a dangerous situation that is developing, if these proposals go to legislation. I am dis- appointed he has removed powers from local people’”’.
Councillor Richard Nagle (FE) supported his party colleague saying
that greater freedom should be given to local democracy.
These comments prompted a strong response from Councillor Brian Meaney (GP) who accused Fianna Fail councillors of electioneering and paying “lip service” to rural commu- nities on planning matters.
‘When the Greens went into Gov- ernment with Fianna Fail we were told that they take every opportunity to blame us for policies’, he said.
Cllr Meaney said many of the re- strictions imposed on rural housing
had been introduced in legislation by successive Fianna Fail governments. Minster Gormley was abiding by di- rectives handed down by the EU.
Addressing Fianna Fail council- lors, he said “Ye have gone into these meetings on rural development in paces like Kilbaha and given lip service to the rural communities there, I have seen ye do it”.
Cllr Martin Lafferty (Ind) said the current body of planning legislation had been introduced by Fianna Fail howe
Cllr Christy Curtin (Ind) said plan- ning was a decision taken by the en- tire cabinet. Cllr Tony O’Brien (FF) said councillors on “this side of the chamber” would support Cllr Kelly’s rneKela(eyee
Members eventually agreed to sup- port an amended motion, co-signed by Cllr Gerry Flynn (ind), Cllr Christy Curtin (Ind) and Cllr Martin Lafferty (Ind), calling for council- lors in the mid-west to oppose the anti-rural hosing proposals of the Irish Government.