
Sustainable development explained

This article is from page 28 of the 2007-08-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 28 JPG

SCHOOLS in Scariff are to be asked to examine what has been done in their area about government policy on sustainable development.

Their findings will be part of a plan to develop their area in a way which will benefit the environment, the economy and generations to come.

Following a recent open meeting in Scariff to draw up a sustainable development plan for the village and surrounds, Bob Wilson of the Centre For Environmental Living and Train-

ing said there was a “strong feeling from those attending that there is a lack of knowledge of what sustainable development is all about and how it can benefit all aspects of life – social, environmental and economic. It was agreed that local schools should be approached with a view to assessing how aspects of Local Agenda 21 have been implemented – or not – and to come up with ideas that could lead to ereater sustainability. This can then feed into a draft plan for sustainable development for the community. This will be a gradual process allowing for

input from everyone’, he said.

The aim is to draw up a plan which would then be considered by the com- munity council and one which plan- ners and local authority departments could take on board.

At the recent meeting in Scariff, representatives from a number of community and local organisations and businesses came to hear Andrew St Ledger explain the meaning of sus- tainable development as put forward from Agenda 21. Sustainable Devel- opment, he told the gathering, means meeting the needs of this generation

without compromising the social, en- vironmental and economic needs of future generations.

Andrew gave details of Agenda 21 which was signed up to by Ireland and 175 other countries, then talked about the success experienced by towns and cities in other countries where sus- tainable development has been put into practice. Further meetings on the subject are now being planned and it’s hoped to involve representatives of every aspect of life and community in Scariff in the discussion and drawing Thomo) KOMen Ice

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