This article is from page 28 of the 2007-08-14 edition of The Clare People. OCR mistakes are to be expected so download the original SWF or the rendered page 28 JPG
FEAKLE’S 20th birthday celebra- tions were a huge success last week, despite the unsettled weather.
More than 6,000 people came to the village to enjoy the music, the
craic and the activities of the 20th festival in the east Clare town.
‘The numbers are up everywhere we look,’ said festival chairman, Gary Pepper.
On the first day of workshops, Gary said, “upwards of 300 people attend-
ed. We had a festival walk for the first time this year and we planned on having about 20 people, walking a bit then stopping off at a house for a session, a glass of wine and some finger food. 140 people turned up. We had to open a few more bottles of
wine and people were sitting out on the grass listening to the Cajun band playing – it was brilliant.”
Gary said that the festival commit- tee are “delighted” with the grow- ing increase in interest in the annual event, which finishes up today.
The festival featured the cream of trad music, song and dance as well as storytelling and singers sessions.
Posters from the festival have be- come collectors items and a feature of this year’s event was an exhibition of posters from all 20 years, along with an art exhibition on the theme of musicians, by local artists.
The festival committee also launched a special limited edition CD, titled “Reeling Through The Years” to mark the important mile- stone.
Among the artists who featured this year were Martin Hayes and Denis Cahill, Seamus Begley and family, Mary MacNamara, Vincent Griffin and the Tulla Ceili Band.
Top visiting acts this year included legendary box player, Joe Burke, all female band Liadain and singer Elanor Shanley.
“Firmly established as one of the best of its kind in the world, the fes- tival attracts genuine music lovers from all corners of the globe, besides providing a platform for local musi- cians to demonstrate their musical heritage, our festival is noted for bringing together musicians from other traditional backgrounds to share in a unique musical experi- ence,’ said Gary
He added that the “continued suc- cess of the festival is sustained through the hard work of its volun- tary committee, its support from local business and the ever-helpful volunteers. Over the years the festi- val has been instrumental not only in the promotion of the distinctive east Clare music style, which has be- come internationally recognised and acclaimed but also the development of tourism in the region. Many who visit the festival make lasting friend- ships and return annually.”